The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1658: Cut the square with one sword


In the crack split by Emperor Xiao Qing's sword, a gust of weather burst out.

At this moment, the mighty energy was flowing, and the dark golden blood mist that surpassed the nine-class prince powerhouse spewed up, confronting the Jiucai Jianqi that blocked the island.

At the same time, a voice that seemed to span a long time and space was delivered.

"Dare to disturb the god's rest, you are too presumptuous."

"Come here, kill them all."

The voice was full of disdain, and he didn't do it himself. It seemed that Emperor Xiao Qing was too weak to be worth his hands.


After the ninth-class prince powerhouse heard this command, he immediately became energetic, and a gust of weather burst out of his body and rolled towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Dragon King Xiao Qing, I heard that your strength is extraordinary. Today, this prince will compete with you."

Originally, if this blood **** didn't speak, he still didn't think he had the strength to compete with Emperor Xiao Qing, but when the blood **** spoke, he was not afraid.

Because, the blood **** is his backing.

Even if he is not Xiao Qingdi's opponent, he is not afraid.

"Blood God?" Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, flicked his fingers, and threw his four feet out of his sleeves. The latter turned into a light and rushed towards the direction of the so-called Blood God. What is it."

And he raised his head to look at the ninth-class prince who rushed towards him, shook his head and said, "The ninth-class prince is really strong."

Not long ago, when he smashed into the sanctuary of the sanctuary of the sanctuary of the sanctuary of the sanctuary of the sanctuary, he casually came out of a strong sanctuary of sanctuary hidden in the coffin and had not yet escaped from the seal, possessing terrifying power, enough to make himself exhausted.

But now, this so-called ninth-class prince powerhouse, in his own eyes, is really weak.

When Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, his right hand opened, and among his five fingers, five nine-color swords shot out, and in an instant, it appeared directly on the body of the ninth-class prince who rushed over.

"Do you dare to underestimate this prince?"

This powerful ninth-class prince was furious and roared, "This prince is also the strongest prince of the blood clan anyway, even if you are a powerful prince of the human race, you cannot defeat this prince so easily. "

His wings vibrated behind his back, and his fist was filled with dark golden light, and suddenly blasted towards the five sword qi trapped around him.


However, when his fist blasted out and collided with these sword auras, in an instant, blood was splashed, causing its original figure to rush out to stop hurriedly.

I saw that his fists and arms had been completely shattered. If he hadn't stopped in time, he might have been shattered at this moment.


"How could it be so terrible?"

This ninth-class prince powerhouse, but the most powerful existence below the blood emperor in the blood clan, however, even the five sword-qi blockade arranged by Xiao Qing emperor at will cannot rush through.

At this moment he was completely stunned.

The blood clan powerhouses around who were watching the battle were also stunned.

"Dragon King, Emperor Xiao Qing..."

The blood clan powerhouses who knew the name of Emperor Xiao Qing kept chanting the name of Emperor Xiao Qing one by one, only feeling cold and pale.

"Big Brother Xiao is amazing."

Li Xin'er and the others looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with great surprise, only thinking that Emperor Xiao Qing was invincible in the world, and no one could compare with Emperor Xiao Qing.

"He he... he is really strong, we really brought a devil back."

The two beauties of the blood race who were caught were trembling all over, if it weren't for Atari and Kong Shuai to hold them, I'm afraid they would have been limp on the ground.


Atari and Kong Shuai looked at each other, the latter said, "Did we make a mistake?"

"It seems that there is no need for us to hold them, alas, it turns out that they took the initiative to hold us?"

Atari also looked depressed, trembling all over, holding tightly to this beauty of the blood race, "Should you not rely on us?"


The two originally thought that something happened to these two kinship beauties, although it was only halfway through, it was almost the same.

Thinking of catching them, it could prevent them from rushing up and being cut by Emperor Xiao Qing. As a result, these two beauties of the blood race were frightened by Emperor Xiao Qing's hand, and directly pestered them.


Emperor Xiao Qing suddenly rose into the air.

His figure, stepping in the air, walking towards the sky step by step, and just like that, he came to this ninth-class prince who was trapped by the five swords and dared not move. He looked at him with a smile. Looking at it, "From the Holy Land of the Blood Race?"

"No, it's not..."

At this moment, this guy's arm had recovered, but his face was pale and he didn't dare to move, for fear that if he accidentally moved, he would be cut into pieces by these five sword auras.


Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, thinking that these blood clan powerhouses should have come out of the blood clan holy land, but he didn't expect that they were not!

"We, we are from the blood world."

Before Emperor Xiao Qing continued to ask questions, this guy was very afraid of death and explained everything.

His figure was trembling, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of horror in his eyes, "Your Excellency Dragon King, we have not killed many people. Please, please be merciful..."

At the same time, his gaze was glanced at the place where the blood **** was in the distance, wondering why the terrifying and monstrous Blood God Lord didn't make a move this time.

Are you afraid of Emperor Xiao Qing?

no, I can not.

When he was thinking about it, Emperor Xiao Qing's expression changed, "The blood race is from the Great World? Where are you from?"

"This one..."

The ninth-class prince powerhouse hesitated and didn't know how to answer.


Emperor Xiao Qing took a deep look at him, and at the same time, his figure shook, and the unmatched sword aura spread out, like a fan, sweeping across.

In an instant, in the void, the blood clan powerhouses who originally stood watching the excitement were chopped into blood mist by infinite sword energy.

Bang bang bang!

Except for the trapped ninth-class prince powerhouse and the two beauties of the blood race carried by Atari and Kong Shuai, all the other blood races, even the eighth-class princes, cannot be spared, and they are just like Xiao Qingdi. The sword energy swept past, all beheaded on the spot.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing's killing intent rushed into the sky.

Non-self races must have different hearts, even if the blood race in the holy land of the blood race dares to offend the human race, they cannot stay, not to mention that these are from the so-called blood race world.

When to kill!

Emperor Xiao Qing's killing intent was cold and his black hair was flying, like a true peerless killer.

"no no..."

The ninth-class prince was trapped, and watched all the blood races be cut to death. He roared, showing pain, but he didn't dare to rush out.

The two beauty of the blood race who was held by Atari and Kong Shuai were already trembling with fear, and buried their heads deeply in their arms.

"Blood God, won't you come out yet?" After slaying all the blood clan powerhouses, Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was still extremely calm, looking at the blood mist rising in the distance.

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