The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1669: The longevity must also be soft

"Old demon, dare to threaten this king's little brother, do you want to die?"

Emperor Xiao Qing stood up abruptly, and pointed at the invincible powerhouse Wanmo old fellow in the longevity realm. At this moment, not only the old fellow was stunned, but even the four feet standing on Xiao Qing's shoulder were also stunned.

"Boss, this guy is a longevity realm. We are not an opponent now. I will find a way to kill him in the future." Then, the four feet full of touch, carefully grasped Xiao Qingdi's ears and muttered.

"Boy, you, are you sure you are talking to the deity?" The old man of Wan Mo had a look of uncertainty on his face.

He wanted to make sure if he had heard it wrong.

After all, although Emperor Xiao Qing's strength is very strong, even the Changsheng Bridge is not condensed, and in the eyes of such a strong one, he is not a strong one at all.

Nine Pinnacle challenges the immortal?

It's so ridiculous.

"Old guy, do you think that the immortal is really invincible?" Xiao Qingdi looked calm, facing an invincible of the immortal realm, he did not have the slightest fear.

It's just that it's just a battle. Who wins, sleeps and loses, and who lives and die is still unknown.

The old guy's expression suddenly became cold, "Good boy, crazy enough, do you think that if you can seal this passage, you can surpass the deity?"

"The deity doesn't want to care about you." He snorted, but in the end he ignored Emperor Xiao Qing's provocation.


However, just as he was about to leave, a sword aura cut in front of him, blocking his way.

But when I saw that Emperor Xiao Qing shifted in shape, he said calmly, "Old guy, the brother who threatens this king, if you don't give me an explanation, can you leave?"

"Boy, really want to fight me?" The old guy squinted at Emperor Xiao Qing.

In his eyes, there was a cold light flashing. He, who was originally the supreme demon, had already converged a lot after crossing the longevity bridge to see the longevity realm. However, if someone came to provoke him, he was not afraid.

"You talk too much nonsense." Emperor Xiao Qing looked plain, "is this the so-called longevity?"

The disdain in the words is self-evident.

As a result, the old Wanmo furious, "Junior is looking for death."

His figure exploded with an unparalleled magical energy, a mighty meaning of longevity spread out, the surrounding sea water boiled, and the entire sea level was instantly forced to rise hundreds of feet high.

The monstrous devilish qi and evil aura erupted, and even the expression of Prince Xueyan next to Emperor Xiao Qing changed drastically. After a muffled grunt, he looked at Old Ten Thousand Demons with horror.

Before, he pretended to use the power of the thirteen emperors remaining in the sanctuary of the blood clan to walk down the old ghost. He didn't think this old guy in the longevity stage was so powerful. At this moment, when he really saw the old guy erupt, Only then did he understand the horror of this old guy.

Longevity, invincible, really possesses invincible power.


However, at this time, a sword roar suddenly rose from the sky.

An immense sword intent cut through all this, splitting all the devilish and murderous auras.

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't make any moves, but at this moment, the whole person turned into a supreme divine sword, capable of breaking through the world and breaking through all suppression.

That's it, looking at the old ten thousand demons with a calm expression, the sheathed Holy Emperor sword in his hand burst out with unparalleled sharpness.

A vast and boundless sword intent is flowing, and the meaning of the sword emperor is vast.


Old Wan Mo squinted his eyes and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing for a long time, just when his four legs were very nervous and grasping Emperor Xiao Qing's shoulder, thinking that the two were bound to fight.

Suddenly, all the murderous and demonic auras in Wanmo dissipated, and he smiled, "Isn't that just calling you big brother? I Wanmo, I would like to lose the bet, brother..."


Emperor Xiao Qing and his four feet were stunned, and Prince Xueyan at the back also looked at the old guy blankly.

Before that, he was still overwhelming, but at this moment, he even admitted directly.

Is this guy, or the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, the invincible powerhouse of the longevity realm?

"Old guy, are you stupid?" All four feet looked at the old ten thousand demons in surprise, "You are an invincible existence in the longevity realm, so you really want to recognize the big brother?"

Even Emperor Xiao Qing looked at each other with surprise, "Old guy, are you really playing?"


The old man Wanmo gave a dry cough, and all his breath had already disappeared. With his hands on his back, he said indifferently, "The old man did what he said, even if it was just a small bet that he said casually. Since he has already lost, then admit."


As he said, he looked at his four feet and hummed, "Since you have called Big Brother, you can no longer blame me."


After four feet were silent for a long time, then they spoke brilliantly, "Good boy."

"What kid?" The old guy was angry. "Why do you call me kid?"

"There is always a first-come-last-come in everything, don't you still want the latecomers to come first?" His four feet slanted his eyes and glanced at the old man Wanmo. "

"Impossible, an old man with a dignified and long-life state, it is impossible to be your little brother."

The old man Wan Mo coldly snorted, glanced at him standing aside, with a calm smile on his face, but ignored Emperor Xiao Qing, a little uncomfortable in his heart, and muttered, "I'm leaving now."

Before the voice fell, the person had disappeared.

"It's weird that this old guy didn't dare to do anything." Four feet muttered.

It didn't really regard Wanmo as a little brother. After all, although it was arrogant, it knew that it hadn't grown up yet, and its strength was far from being comparable to that of a longevity realm like Wanmo.

"Because he dare not bet."

Emperor Xiao Qing said indifferently, "If he loses the bet this time, he is dead. He has lived for endless years and wants to continue to live, but he doesn't want to die, so he dare not do it."

Yes, Wanmo is indeed afraid.

Because he sensed the invincible sword intent contained in Emperor Xiao Qing's sword, that was the supreme sword that surpassed him.

So that Wan Mo knew, even if he could beat Emperor Xiao Qing and behead Xiao Qing Emperor, what would happen?

In the end, it may provoke a more terrifying existence behind Emperor Xiao Qing.

He didn't believe that Emperor Xiao Qing started from scratch. Without any master's backing, he could achieve such a terrifying cultivation level in just over ten years.

"It's a big loss."

After the old guy left, he continued to inspect the seal of the devil's cave. While checking it, he shouted depressedly, "I recognized a big brother for no reason. It's really evil."


At this moment, a communication jade symbol on the old Wanmo man lit up.

"Master, you asked us to check the news of Xinyuan, the heart demon king, there has been movement." A clear woman's voice came.

"Say." Wan Mo became serious in an instant, as if he had become a superior king.

"We haven't found the Xinyuan of the Heart Demon at present, but we accidentally discovered that there is a very terrifying force in the heavens outside the territory is chasing and killing the Xinyuan of the Heart Demon." The woman replied.

"Which power is it?" The old Wanmo was surprised. According to reason, Xinyuan, the heart demon king, hadn't been long since leaving the secular world. It was impossible to offend people. How could he be chased and killed at once.

"Three Kings Palace."

"Hiss..." The voice from the messenger talisman came over, making the old man of Wan Mo couldn't help taking a breath, "It turned out to be that terrifying power..."

"Who is it that can move the Three Kings Palace? Could it be..."

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