The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 172: Cherish each other and admire each other


When Emperor Xiao Qing refused Wei Zixuan without hesitation, she stayed in a daze, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, bit her cherry lips, and whispered, "You, can't you help a bunch of people?"

"I am not a doctor."

Emperor Xiao Qing was indifferent.

It is true that his medical skills are extraordinary, but at the same time of treatment, the loss of himself is too great, especially if he wants to use the dragon golden needle, it is to help others heal at the expense of his own strength.

If not necessary, he will never help others easily.

This example cannot be opened. If it is opened, countless people come to the door and seek him for treatment with various reasons. Wouldn't he help others to heal diseases all day?

"you you..."

Wei Zixuan stared at Emperor Xiao Qing angrily, "Your strength is so powerful, and your medical skills are also very good. Even Qingqing's amnesia can be cured. I just ask you to treat my grandpa for a while, not your life, you How can this be."

"Moreover, they helped you save your grandfather somehow. Can you help Li Tiancheng treat and improve his cultivation, can't you help me?"

"I beg you..."

At this moment, Wei Zixuan, who was originally very cheerful or even like a man-in-law, showed an extremely weak expression.

"I am not a doctor."

Emperor Xiao Qing was still calm, and turned and left the small lake.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you are too much..."

Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing turned and left, Wei Zixuan was so angry that she stomped her feet, and even tears couldn't help but she whispered to herself, "Why, Li Tiancheng and I will help you save your grandfather at the same time. , You can help Li Tiancheng treat and improve his cultivation. Why, I just asked you to help my grandfather, but you refused. Why..."

The tears of grievance fell drop by drop.

This caused a young man who was looking for Wei Zixuan to see this scene and was furious, "Zixuan, how could this be? Did that **** bully you? I'll help you teach him."

Without waiting for Wei Zixuan's answer, the man rushed out and shouted angrily at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Asshole, stop me, dare to bully Zixuan, today I want to teach you a lesson."

The whole person jumped up, kicking towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a very beautiful volley.

Although the young man is just an ordinary person, he has obviously undergone special training. This leg has great strength. If an ordinary person encounters it, he will definitely be kicked out. It is normal to break a few bones.

From the rear, after Wei Zixuan reacted, she was taken aback and hurriedly shouted, "Senior Yue Qing, be careful."

"Don't worry, I'm just teaching him a lesson, the shot won't be too heavy."

The man named Yue Qing did not notice that Wei Zixuan shouted to make him be careful. He thought that Wei Zixuan asked him not to hurt Emperor Xiao Qing, and he smiled triumphantly.

He is the president of the school's martial arts club, and he can break a brick with one kick. How can he tolerate this kid who dares to bully the woman he likes?

"Break your bones and let you lie in bed for the first half of the year."

While thinking proudly in his heart, this foot has reached the front of Emperor Xiao Qing, and he seems to see the latter with a look of fear on his face.

However, from this look, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Well, how come this guy's eyes look like a fool?"

When this thought flashed in Senior Yue Qing's mind, he felt that a breeze was blowing, and then he realized that his whole person was like a fluttering catkins, actually swaying with the wind, rubbing Emperor Xiao Qing in the past. , And then rushed forward with great momentum...

"Before, it looks like a lake...ah..."


The guy screamed, and then, hearing the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, he fell directly into the artificial lake of the school.


Faintly, this guy's scream of grief and indignation came from the lake.

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored it, but looked at Wei Zixuan who was catching up, and said with a smile, "Spare him, your life-saving grace to my grandpa is offset."


He left with a smile, no longer paying attention to Wei Zixuan's blank face, but left with a smile.

Behind him, Wei Zixuan's eyes widened, her face looked at Xiao Qingdi's back with a look of incomprehension, "That guy did you, you show mercy to his men, what is my business..."

However, Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him, and continued to walk forward with a smile.

This time Wei Zixuan did not follow, but came to the edge of the small lake, watching the man thrown in the water and rushed up wet, looking for revenge from Emperor Xiao Qing...

"Zixuan, are you okay, did he bully you? That was just a mistake, don't worry, after I find him later, I must teach him a good lesson..."

The man named Le Qing looked at Emperor Xiao Qing not nearby, and his whole person was angry.

Wei Zixuan, "..."

She felt tired talking to such a fool. This guy was almost wiped out without knowing it, and rushed out for no reason, and lost the only reason she could ask Emperor Xiao Qing to save others. ,unacceptable.

Ignoring this guy, she turned and left, thinking in her heart, what method should be used to invite Emperor Xiao Qing to help her grandfather for treatment, is it to force herself to use beauty tricks?

"Asshole, no matter what you are, if you dare to grab a woman, I will not let you feel better."

Behind Wei Zixuan, Le Qing was still unclear, gritted his teeth and screamed, thinking about how he should teach Emperor Xiao Qing.


"That little girl..."

Emperor Xiao Qing walked along the path by himself, thinking of Wei Zixuan's angry look, he shook his head and smiled.

For him, Le Qing's matter was just a small thing that couldn't be smaller, and it couldn't make any ripples in his heart.

During this period of time, because he often walked around the school while waiting for his little girl, he was considered a "celebrity" in the school, but he did not show up the previous few times when he came to Tunghai University and was surrounded by a group of girls. Ask for contact information.

However, when Emperor Xiao Qing walked to a pavilion, he found Su Wen, who was looking sad, coming out with a sigh. He couldn't help but be surprised, "At this moment, what did Su Wen come out of here?"

"Huh, nephew."

Su Wen also saw Emperor Xiao Qing, barely showing a smile on his face, and hurried forward.

During this period of time, he had already learned about the fact that Emperor Xiao Qing's sister Xiao Qingyan was attending school at Donghai University, and he had heard of the fact that Emperor Xiao Qing often appeared at school.

"Uncle, it seems something is on my mind?"

Emperor Xiao Qing greeted him with a puzzled face, "Is there anything I can help?"

"It's just some trivial things at school." Su Wen shook his head, "I would like to thank you. Not long ago, I got a call from home and said that the Chu royal family took a gift to Su's house and apologized. All this Thanks to you."

At this moment, Rao Shi Su Wen also sighed.

I originally thought that Emperor Xiao Qing could come forward to let the Chu royal family take back the order. What I didn't expect was that the one sent by the Chu royal family to Dongzhou City actually went directly to Su's house and not only delivered it. The generous gift, even more slapped an apology in front of Old Man Su.

Su Wen was shocked when he thought of the trembling voice when the old man called him.

What a powerful energy this future son-in-law should have.

"It's nothing, the old lady is fine." Emperor Xiao Qing nodded in greeting.

Chu Feng's incident was really just a small matter to him, and he really didn't take it to heart.

What he really cared about was not the Chu royal family, but related to his surname, the real big family behind it, the Xiao royal family.

Since ancient times, it has been called the undefeated royal family, and being able to become a royal family is a truly invincible existence, even Emperor Xiao Qing did not dare to underestimate it.

"How about a cup of tea in my office?"

Su Wen asked with a smile.

"Dare to die!"

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed.

He has always paid the greatest respect to Su Wen, not only because Su Wen is Su Ruoyan's biological father, but also because he also asked Xiao Qi to collect some things about Su Wen during this period.

After learning about it, I realized that Su Wen was really a respectable figure.

Although Su Wen is not a powerful warrior, and he does not have any great power in his hands, he is just a teacher, but he is conscientious, upright, and uncompromising.

If so, if Su Wen had the chance to meet Confucian people, it would be all right. I am afraid it is possible to become a master in one step, or even a stronger Confucian warrior.

For such a man of righteousness, Emperor Xiao Qing would always treat him with the greatest respect.

The two came to Su Wen's office together. The office is not luxurious, and it can even be said to be quite simple. Even if it is tea, it cannot match his identity as Su's son.

Su Wen smiled embarrassedly, "I'm just a teacher. I don't have any oil and water. I only have tea like this. This is what my daughter bought to honor me."

"You are one of the few people I admire."

Emperor Xiao Qing took the teacup and said solemnly.

"It's really my honor." Su Wen couldn't help laughing out loud.

During this period of time, following his understanding of Emperor Xiao Qing, especially the grandfather of his family, he also solemnly pointed out that if everyone in the Su family meets Emperor Xiao Qing, they must treat each other with courtesy, so that he understands that Emperor Xiao Qing absolutely not simple.

This kind of ability, proud of the world, and even having a young man who doesn't put the royal family in the eyes, is definitely not what Su's son can compare.

Although Emperor Xiao Qing only said that Su Wen was just one of the people he admired, this sentence made Su Wen very excited.

This is Xiao Qingdi's greatest recognition of him.

The two of them were drinking tea, chatting and speaking freely, and Su Wen became more and more surprised at Emperor Xiao Qing.

He discovered that although Emperor Xiao Qing was young, he knew a lot about astronomy, geography, or humanities and mountains and rivers, many of which he did not know, but Emperor Xiao Qing knew very well.

He couldn't help being in awe of Emperor Xiao Qing, showing his admiration.

The Emperor Xiao Qing also had the feeling of meeting his confidant. Su Wen's research on astronomy and geography was not weak. This was the first time he met after leaving the three teachers to discuss this aspect with himself. Characters.

Because the knowledge of astronomy and geography is even more related to his own practice. Even Su Wen is very unique in some insights and can answer some of his own questions.

The Emperor Xiao Qing almost forgot the time.

Until, a teacher walked in quickly and said to Su Wen, "Principal, they are making trouble again."


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