The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1752: Take home

"Xuanyuan Thirteen Swords!"

"If this king doesn't believe it, he can't destroy your physical body."

Xuanyuan Sword, the first divine sword of the human race, was recognized as a divine weapon in ancient times.

Even if it is sealed, as Emperor Xiao Qing's strength grows, the seal of the divine sword will be cracked by him. At this moment, the divine sword is cut out, and the moment when Xuanyuan's thirteen swords are used, the thirteen sword lights are like Coming from nothingness, the two halves of the Jiang clan chief's body were empty, directly condensed into a sword.

Amid the roar, a sword cut down, directly submerged in the two halves of the flesh.

"Do not..."

At this moment, there was a roar from the broken body of the patriarch of the Jiang clan, "My body... rumbling!"

At the moment when his voice fell, the body of the invincible strongman of the second stage of the longevity realm burst into bursts, and the infinite nine-color light burst out, crushing his body into nothingness.

"damn it."

"Asshole, junior, you're dead."

In the sky, above the sea of ​​bitterness, the primordial spirit of the Yangtze clan patriarch suddenly changed color and became alive in an instant. It was precisely because of the death of his body that his primordial spirit gained all willpower.

However, his physical death also damaged his soul, his soul aura wilted, and even the Changsheng Bridge shook.

While the patriarch of the Jiang clan was furious, he couldn't believe it.

At the beginning, he really underestimated Emperor Xiao Qing, and even made his moves very casually. The power that burst out from the finger of the first blow was only comparable to the attack of the first mirror of the Longevity Realm.

However, the latter is different.

When he really broke out, the power he displayed was definitely not weak, even if the strong man in the first mirror of the longevity realm came, he would be cut off.

However, one step failed, each step failed.

As a result, his physical body was directly destroyed by the ‘ant’ of the Primordial Divine Realm like Emperor Xiao Qing.

Thoroughly, no drop of blood was left.

Even if the immortal has the ability to reshape the flesh, but he has not even left a drop of blood, he has completely lost this flesh unless he finds someone to take it away.

"Taking home..."

The patriarch of the Jiang clan whispered, and suddenly, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing, a smile appeared in the eyes of the soul, "It seems that your physical body is a good choice."

"Maybe, if the deity loses his body, it will be a blessing in disguise."

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing's flesh and blood rising into the sky, and the soul was even greedy, "Such a young and powerful flesh, talented and powerful, shouldn't it belong to the deity? "

"With my primordial soul, after obtaining this flesh body, he will definitely be able to hit the third immortal realm in the shortest time. Then, to maximize the potential of the flesh body and gather the nine great emperor species, I am the true fate. ."

His voice trembled, "Nizi is incapable. It is impossible to rely on you to become an emperor to protect the Jiang Clan. Then, why not become an emperor by yourself, hahaha."


Suddenly, a loud roar resounded through the void.

The primordial spirit of the patriarch of the Jiang clan appeared on the top of Xiao Qing emperor's head with visions such as the Changsheng Bridge and the primordial spirit world, bursting out with unparalleled power.

An incomparable breath broke out.

The terrible light kept flowing.

"Dare to destroy the deity's body, then, use your body to compensate the deity."


With a loud roar from him, his primordial spirit rolled the primordial spirit heaven and earth, the longevity bridge, the longevity wheel, and the bitter sea all rushed into Xiao Qingdi's body.

Even Xiao Qingdi didn't expect this guy to be like this and rushed directly towards him.

After a long while, he was actually succeeded by the other party, and directly rolled everything into his body.


In the distance, Jiang Zhan was shocked when he saw this. Before he could react from the destruction of his father's body, he saw his father, the patriarch of the Jiang clan rushing into Xiao with all the spirits and visions. Qingdi's body.

How could he not know that this was his father's plan to seize Emperor Xiao Qing.

But can it succeed?


However, he saw that the heaven and earth of the soul on the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head also retracted into his body, but the heaven and earth of the physical body spread out, confining the physical body, so that no one could approach within a radius of 10,000 miles.

As a result, Jiang Zhan, who was nervously trying to rush over, suddenly had no choice but to stand thousands of miles away.

"Boy, your sea of ​​consciousness is so vast, you really are the supreme evildoer."

"It's no wonder that the body of the deity can be wiped out with the cultivation base of the Primordial Divine Realm, and the deity won't complain, but the deity also won."

At this moment, in Xiao Qingdi's body, after the primordial spirit of the Jiang clan patriarch rushed in with everything, he felt the vast and vast sea of ​​consciousness, which shocked him.

But he is not nervous, as long as he enters the sea of ​​consciousness of Emperor Xiao Qing, with his cultivation base of the second peak of the longevity realm, there are ten million ways to win the house.

"Immediately, you are the deity's."

He sighed, as if looking at something beloved, the soul was walking in the vast sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, his nine-fold primordial spirit spread out, the longevity bridge appeared under his feet, and the bitter sea began to trickle towards the sea of ​​consciousness below.

"The power of the sea of ​​bitterness, in fact, is the essence of the energy of an immortal in the second state of the sea of ​​bitterness."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was preparing to slay the opponent's primordial spirit, and suddenly he saw drops of energy dripping from the opponent's sea of ​​suffering, and suddenly stopped.

After talking with Okura Ryuto for two days, he got a lot of useful information, especially for the cultivation of the longevity realm. He knew a lot.

The power contained in this sea of ​​bitterness can be said to be the essence of the cultivation of a fairy in the second stage of the longevity realm, and the other party, so politely, drips all the energy of the sea of ​​bitterness into his own sea of ​​consciousness, if not Accept it, isn't it a bit sorry for the other party's'generous'?

At this moment, Xiao Qing's primordial spirit was holding the Xuanyuan sword and was invisible in his own sea of ​​consciousness, just watching the patriarch of the Jiang clan flying around in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

This guy didn't know that Emperor Xiao Qing was watching, while letting the bitter sea drip down, laughing, "Immediately, you are me, I am you, when you and I are completely merged, you and me It's one."

"My Jiang clan, the Yangtze River merges into the sky, and it is destined to become the true supreme in the world, no one can stop it.

In his heart, he had a different idea, secretly proud, "That kid's soul must be hidden somewhere in the sea of ​​consciousness. He must feel that after the deity integrates the energy contained in the sea of ​​consciousness into his sea of ​​consciousness, it is equivalent Yu sent energy to him, but didn't know that when the deity had all the power of the sea of ​​suffering into the sea of ​​consciousness, his sea of ​​consciousness would be completely controlled by the deity."

"I thought it would be troublesome to seize the Tianjiao, but I didn't expect it to be so simple, hahaha..."

He sighed, and only felt that it was not easy for him to get back this round. From being cut off from his physical body to being able to control everything so easily now, the change was really too great.

Fortunately, he finally emerged against the trend.

His sea of ​​bitterness is not very big, and the water of bitterness contained in it is less than ten thousand drops. When all of them dripped into the sea of ​​consciousness of Emperor Xiao Qing, his eyes lit up and he cried out in surprise," It's done."

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