The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1770: Devour the stars


A huge fist struck Xiao Qingdi like a mountain, blasting him into the sea.

At this moment, a big explosion occurred on the sea floor.

Even the countless small islands around it turned into powder at this instant.

And the vortex that swallowed supernatural powers continued to swallow toward the dozen or so guys who had just escaped.

"Quick, you leave first."

Bai Yin and Hong Wo roared and threw a dozen elders in the Primordial Divine Realm directly, and they did their best to urge the rules of heaven and earth to fight this magical power together.


Under the leadership of Xianyun Lao Dao, the powerhouses of these human holy land broke out at the fastest speed, madly fleeing towards the distance.

They knew that in the face of this level of battle, if they and others stayed, they would only drag others down. It would be better to rare this hard-won chance to escape.


However, just as they were escaping, the divine monarch and strongman of the Tianyi Protoss in the distance revealed a large bow in his hand, and he pulled the bow and shot arrows in an instant.

An arrow with a length of hundreds of thousands of feet penetrated the void and bombarded everyone in an instant.

Even if they weren't hit by this arrow head-on, these strong men all exploded at this moment.

Even the old Xianyun in the Nine Heavens Realm can't avoid it, and the physical body and the primordial spirit are directly turned into powder.

"Do not..."

All efforts have vanished.

Bai Yin and Hongwo, the two former holy masters of the human race, have deep feelings for the human race. They want to protect everyone, but at this moment, they can do nothing. Arrow shot.

Their eyes were red, with infinite killing intent all over their bodies, and suddenly they rushed towards the swallowing vortex.

"Kill me."

"Damn it, if you dare to kill my strong human race, you will definitely die."

However, no matter how the two roared, it was useless.

Although their strength has reached the longevity stage, it is too weak compared to this strength reaching the second peak of the longevity stage, and even after displaying magical powers, it is comparable to the invincible existence of the third stage of the human race.

The strong of the longevity realm, even if only a little bit, can never be the opponent's opponent.

Especially, at this moment, no matter how they bombarded them, it was of no avail, and they were even sucked into the vortex and flew up into the vortex.

"Even if we are dead, we, as the once holy masters of the Human Race, will never be swallowed by the Tianyi God Race."

"Drive me."

At this moment, the two human immortals roared and exploded with the strongest power. Above their heads, their Nine-fold Primordial God Heaven and Earth continued to compress, and when they reached a certain limit, they would explode.

At the same time, the Changsheng Bridge vibrated, and the long life wheel also burst out with incomparable light.

Whether it is their flesh or soul, they are all preparing, ready to make a desperate blow to smash this devouring supernatural power.

"The ignorant and ridiculous ant."

At this moment, the strong man of the Tianyi God Race laughed loudly, "Even if you tell yourself how well? This **** will devour you, no one can escape the fate of being devoured."


Then, it drew the bowstring again, and a golden arrow, as thin as a normal human hair, shot out from its hand.


The strange thing is that this arrow didn't directly kill them, but volleyed into a long and thin rope, just like that, entangled toward these two longevity realm powerhouses.

The two immortals who were preparing to explode in their powers were brewing, but they did not expect to encounter such a situation, and they were bound to death in an instant.

Moreover, to their horror, there were runes circulating on this rope, directly suppressing their brewing and preparing to explode.

"Do not..."

This time, I can't do it if I want to die together.

Can only watch, this rope dangles the two of them, just like this sending them to the vortex that swallows magical powers.

"Ant, Terran, really too weak."

This **** of the Tianyi God Clan showed his pride.

"The power of this **** is enough to swallow all the races in this world."

Its eyes were proud, and with a wave of its hand, countless swallowing vortices burst out at this moment.

The range of each vortex is as large as one hundred thousand feet. Although it cannot be compared with the first vortex in terms of power, it is enough to deal with the weak ‘ants’ of the human race.

"Swallow it, this **** has finally gotten the chance to come to the source star first, if you don't swallow it well, then you will be too sorry for yourself."

It turned out to be, intending to swallow all the human races.

In the void in the distance, the Ninth Foreign Emperor saw this scene with a satisfied expression on his face, "Tianyi God Clan, finally did something meaningful."

"The rise of the human race of the Origin Star can be said to be the contribution of that legendary temple. If the human race is destroyed, the emperor will not believe it and the temple will not come out."

The Ninth Alien Sovereign smiled leisurely, and his figure suddenly exploded at this moment, turning into streamers and heading in all directions.


At this moment, everyone in the world raised their heads, and they were shocked to find that it was dark!

One after another whirlpools over one hundred thousand feet in size circulated, just appearing in various places, with an aura of destruction, bursting out an unmatched suction, just like that, sucking countless people up little by little.

"no no..."

"What is this stuff?"

"Why is this happening? Is it the end? Is this going to destroy the world and destroy the entire world?"

"My god, come and save me..."

Countless people screamed, fleeing in horror. However, for these people, this powerful **** of the Tianyi Protoss was no weaker than their gods, or even stronger.

At this moment, the remaining members of the Church of Light and the Dark Council were equally frightened, and they kept begging for the help of their gods.

But, let alone their gods cannot come at this time, what if they do come?

The gods of that level are just sending food when they come.

In the sky above Yanhua, a whirlpool of the size of one hundred thousand meters also appeared.

At this moment, the expressions of Ning Yuling and others changed drastically, and they hurriedly summoned all the strong and raised their defensive shields to block the devouring power of this vortex.

But it didn't work.

The Yanhua Empire's defensive shield can block the attacks of the strong in the Primordial Divine Realm, but it cannot block the whirlpool displayed by this 100,000-square-meter swallowing magical power.

In an instant, the defensive shield shattered.

The faces of the strong were desperate.

"It's over, who can come and save us?"

"Could it be that our Yanhua will be destroyed today?"

"Why are there such horrible things appearing?"

Countless strong men screamed in horror.

What's more, some ordinary people have begun to be sucked up.

Seeing, more and more people all rose in the air, screaming and flying towards the vortex, even Ning Yuling showed despair.

Even she couldn't control her figure, even if her strength reached the eighth layer of the Primordial Divine Realm, she did not persist longer than others, and she was slowly sucked up uncontrollably.

"Maybe, this is fate."

She muttered to herself, the figure of Emperor Xiao Qing appeared in her mind. Deep down in her heart, there was actually a ray of expectation, "I wonder if you are there?"

"If you are here, maybe, all of this will be reversed, but where are you..."


When the voice fell, a sword roar that shook the whole world suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, millions of sword lights bloomed, and the infinite sword lotus rose out of thin air!

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