The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1809: Starry sky boiling

"It seems that behind every powerful force of Origin Star, there is a stronger force in the outer starry sky."

Emperor Xiao Qing, who returned to Longwang Island, sat on the stone bed, practising the follow-up Di Lin Nine Heavens Judgment Technique, while thinking about what to do next.

"It's just that I don't know what level the uncle can reach after leaving the customs. If it is too weak, it will be useless."

Originally, he planned to wait for Xiao Zhengjing to leave the barrier and then go to the outer battlefield of the gods and demons to temper his flesh with the boundless **** spirit.

But now, if the channels of the gods and demons on all sides have not been resolved, it is very likely that countless gods and demons will enter the source star in an instant. At that time, can Xiao Zhengjing be able to stop it?

Even if there are four great alien kings and two great **** kings, they may not be able to stop them.

"If you want to get it right once and for all, you have to completely break those passages."

Emperor Xiao Qing thought in his heart, his eyes leaping with nine-colored rays of light, sweeping the entire Origin Star.

The strength has reached his current level, even if it is only four thousand li Yuanshen heaven and earth, it has definitely reached the power that can be achieved by the third stage of the longevity realm.

Origin star is already dilapidated, lacking in aura, and the rules of heaven and earth are extremely weak. At a glance, everything can be seen clearly.

"These passages have existed since ancient times. If you want to break it, it is extremely difficult. However, this king has a holy emperor sword, and it is not difficult to break it, but it is more troublesome."

"But, is the blood of the gods on the island enough to make everyone's body ascend to the Nine Heavens Realm?"

Originally, he could directly destroy all the passages of the magic cave, but he sensed that everyone on the island had begun to retreat and temper their physical bodies. Headed by Li Yuanji, Fang Yuxue, and Xiaowu, they were bathing in the blood of the gods. After leaving the customs, it is estimated that he can almost break through to the ninth heaven of the physical body.

"Finally, wait a moment, and wait for the people close to you to temper their bodies to the Nine Heavens Realm."

There are too few powerhouses at the level of gods, even if most gods of the Tianyi and Tianxiang gods have been surrendered, it is far from enough.

"Are other **** race powerhouses? If you don't wait until you come, don't force this king to cut all of you to get your blood."

The whole body was killing intent, and the whole person closed his eyes and started practicing.


At the same time, outside the starry sky, inside a mysterious star stone, a woman who had been in retreat for unknown years slowly opened her eyes.

In an instant, her left eye turned into a golden dragon, and her right eye turned into a golden phoenix.

A surge of weather broke out.

"The avatar is back."

The whispering voice sounded, hoarse, and a little dry, like the dry feeling of having not spoken for countless years and finally speaking.

When the voice fell, a golden light spread out from this star stone, directly into the starry sky a million miles away, and appeared at the foot of Ji Xinyao, who was embracing Jinfeng on the road.

In an instant, the golden light swept back and directly brought Ji Xinyao into the star stone.

"came back."

Ji Xinyao sighed, "I have been away for decades and finally returned. Unfortunately, the result is not very satisfactory."

The mysterious person didn't say much, but looked at Ji Xinyao quietly.

The faces of the two of them were generally the same.

It is the body of Ji Xinyao.


After that, Ji Xinyao's figure began to turn into a golden light, all of which merged into her body.

From beginning to end, her ontology did not speak, because the consciousness of the ontology and the incarnation was never divided into two parts, and even her ontology only left a few consciousnesses, most of which were in the incarnation.

If this avatar were beheaded by Emperor Xiao Qing, the loss to her body would be unparalleled.

The woman who looked like a dead tree opened her eyes. She was also Ji Xinyao. The name of the body and the incarnation were the same, but the identities of the two were different.

At this moment, after everything has been blended and merged into one, Ji Xinyao in a complete state stands up smilingly, stretches his waist, and reveals a more perfect figure than Ji Xinyao.

"A hundred years of seclusion, it's time to go out and walk."

She walked out of the star stone volley with her bare feet.

Standing on the star rock in the sky, looking far away, it is the dark and lonely starry sky floating with some cosmic debris and some scattered unmanned planets.


She opened her right hand, and an emperor species gleaming with colorful light was suspended in front of her. It was the emperor species that Emperor Xiao Qing gave her.

At this moment, Ji Xinyao, who had returned to his body, showed hesitation on his face, "The aura in it should be a true emperor, but what kind of back-hand did that guy leave behind?"

I wanted to merge and refine the emperor species immediately, but when she remembered what Xiao Qing said before leaving, she had left behind on her, she hesitated a bit.

Even if her body possesses the strength of the third realm of longevity, it is impossible to find out what kind of means Xiao Qingdi left on her.

With a wave of his left hand, another emperor species appeared in the palm of his hand.

She carefully observed the two emperor species. Under this observation, she found that the one given to her by Emperor Xiao Qing was more real. It seemed that the emperor species she possessed was fake, and Emperor Xiao Qing gave it to Her one is really the same.

"After all, is it true?"

Ji Xinyao was so tangled and couldn't help shouting angrily, "Emperor Xiao Qing, you bastard."

Seeing that an emperor seed was in front of him, but he didn't dare to refining easily, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

Even she, the supreme arrogant arrogant of the Xuanyuan Clan, who was rare in thousands of years, was equally entangled.

At this moment, in the distance, a golden ray of light whizzed out, turning out to be a golden fire phoenix with a wide range of millions of feet.

"Master, a letter from the family, let you go back."

The golden fire phoenix shook her body and turned into a lovely woman with an exquisite figure, standing delicately in front of Ji Xinyao.

"What happened?" Ji Xinyao asked in surprise.

"It seems that there is news from Origin Star that the major Demon Caverns are about to be broken. The Longevity Alliance is gathering the powerhouses of the third realm of the Longevity Realm from all sides, intending to go to Origin Star to completely resolve the passages of the major gods and demons."

The girl whispered.


The girl that Huofeng transformed didn't know that Ji Xinyao's incarnation had returned, and she knew everything about Origin Star very well.

At this moment, Ji Xinyao smiled softly, and the girl once again transformed into a golden fire phoenix. Ji Xinyao walked up barefoot. The golden fire phoenix wings vibrated and disappeared into the starry sky.

At exactly this moment, the entire starry sky was completely boiling.

The Protoss of all parties wanted to re-enter the Origin Star through the channel.

The eight hundred realms of the human race, the masters of various powerful forces, all gathered in the Starry Sky Immortal Alliance to discuss how to resolve the issue of the Origin Star.

After all, although Human Race has opened up eight hundred realms outside the territory, its roots still come from Origin Star.

In any case, it is never possible to give up Origin Star.

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