The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1828: Dare to move my uncle, do you want to die?


When Xiao Zhengjing encountered a crisis, in the depths of Tianyuan, Emperor Xiao Qing sat cross-legged, without any obstacles, letting Tianyuan's terrifying power continue to tear his body.

At this moment, his whole body was dripping with blood.

The whole body is gushing with nine-color divine light.

The only soul heaven and earth above the head has grown to a wide range of millions of miles, and terrible power is circulating.

His physical world is also completely integrated and unified, although it is not as wide as the world of the soul, but it is hundreds of thousands of miles.

However, under the impact of the nine-color divine light in the body, coupled with the tearing of the power of Tianyuan, the physical body of Emperor Xiao Qing was continuously destroyed and reborn, and the growth of physical power surpassed any time before.

"Very good. If I can practice this way for three months, my physical body will grow to the point where I can cross the sky with my physical body, or even stronger."

"My soul has become an immortal soul. From then on, the sky is hard to destroy and the earth is hard to bury."

"It depends on you to what extent this king can reach, Emperor Palace!"

Originally, Emperor Xiao Qing still felt a little worried about the powerful nine-color divine light spewing out of the imperial palace, for fear of being forced to death.

Now I hope the Emperor Palace can hold on for a little longer.

It is a pity that the more he wants the Emperor Palace to last longer, the more impossible it is.

After wave after wave of Nine-Colored Divine Light rushed out, it seemed to sense that it had not had any major test effect on Emperor Xiao Qing, but could only help Emperor Xiao Qing in his cultivation, and the Emperor Palace stopped.

It completely took root in his body at the dantian.

However, after this time of tempering, the dantian in his body has also become like a vast starry sky.

It's vast, with little stars.

The Sacred Emperor Sword, the Emperor Seal, and the Emperor Armor were all quietly suspended in this Dantian heaven and earth, but at this moment, there was an additional small temple suspended in it.

The Sacred Emperor Sword, Emperor Seal, Emperor Armor, and Emperor Hall, these four supreme treasures, were all completely subdued by Emperor Xiao Qing at this moment.

"Master, you have been recognized by the Emperor Palace. From now on, all the secret realms of the Emperor Palace will be opened for you. The Emperor Palace's ten-square dragon guards will also follow your orders."

Accompanied by the strong man with the dragon head in his ears with a respectful voice, Emperor Xiao Qing not only was not excited, but showed helplessness, "Is it over? The energy of the Emperor Palace gives me another wave. "

When I was ready to use my authority as the master of the emperor hall to gather all the energy in the emperor hall to supplement my practice, the voice of the strong man with the head of the dragon came over, "No master, this emperor hall After walking in this universe for a while, I barely swallowed enough energy. If you absorb too much, the Emperor Palace will probably run out of energy again."

"It's been more than a year, and there isn't even such a little energy. Why is the Emperor Palace so weak?" Emperor Xiao Qing was surprised.

However, he did not continue to practice with the nine-color divine light.

"No matter, this king himself is in this Tianyuan, with the power of Tianyuan to temper his body, and the power of Tianyuan itself is the ultimate power of the universe. My Emperor Lin Jiutianjue can also devour cultivation, but it is better than Practice fast in any place."

Emperor Xiao Qing was not trying to force him, but he closed his eyes and planned to cultivate for a period of time in this Tianyuan.

However, he hadn't cultivated for long, and suddenly opened his eyes with feeling.

"Uncle is in danger."

At this moment, it was when Xiao Zhengjing took out the sword qi that Emperor Xiao Qing had left in Xiao Zhengjing's body and buried it in the channel.

At that time, Emperor Xiao Qing was worried about Xiao Zhengjing's safety and specially left his mark on that sword aura. As long as that sword aura was passively used, he could sense it even if he was far away.

At the same time, the sword energy that the channel was arranged by him was also activated.

"problem occurs!"

Emperor Xiao Qing stood up suddenly, his eyes were extremely cold, and his murderous intent was overwhelming. "This king wants to see, who dares to move my uncle!"

"Emperor Palace Dragon Guard, is there a way to descend to Origin Star instantly?" If he drove on his own, I am afraid that Xiao Zhengjing had something wrong with Origin Star. At this moment, he could only rely on the power of Emperor Palace.

No matter how bad it is, let the brawny man with the dragon head take action.

"Master, as the owner of the Emperor Palace, you can completely control the Emperor Palace to tear the void and arrive in an instant." The voice of the dragon guard passed.

"it is good."

Divine light appeared in Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes, and in an instant, nine-colored rays of light broke out, accompanied by a huge roar, and his whole person had disappeared in place.



An extremely bright sword aura suddenly burst out.

Wherever he goes, this channel in the depths of this endless void directly turns into nothingness.

Seeing that the exit of the passage is right in front of him, as long as he is given ten more breaths, he will definitely be able to escape smoothly, and there will be more chances of escape at that time.

However, Xiao Zhengjing understood it when the opponent cut this sword, and he was dead.

Only abandon this physical body and escape with the indestructible will of the half bucket of water.

However, his indestructible will, after all, was just the one and a half bucket of indestructible will that he had snatched from the inner demon.

"That's all, there is no hope anyway, I can only fight for it."

With a sigh, an immense force burst out from his body, ready to explode.

In the rear, the Evergreen Venerable who had slashed out this sword saw Xiao Zhengjing preparing to blew himself up, his face showed a sneer, "The demon blew himself up and caused the deity to suffer. Do you think the deity will make you blew up?"

"Give me a beam."

With a sigh, this sword aura suddenly split, turning into an endless sword rune and submerged into Xiao Zhengjing's body.

In an instant, Xiao Zhengjing's blood-filled face changed drastically, "I was sealed, so I can't blew myself up. This time the trouble is even greater, and the last hope is gone."

His last little hope was that after he exploded, he would urge himself with the power of the immortal soul to explode this last bit of power. However, what he didn't expect was that he would not even have the power to explode.

Even the immortal will of Xinyuan, the heart demon king, can be wiped out by the opponent, let alone him.

"Heaven will kill me."

Xiao Zhengjing sighed, his whole body couldn't move, he could only watch Venerable Evergreen come to him.

At this moment, Venerable Changsheng was holding a divine sword with a look of disdain, "Ant, you are running for your life, what about entering the battlefield outside the territory, do you think you can escape by entering the battlefield outside the territory?"

"Not to mention that you can't enter the outer battlefield under the eyes of the deity. Even if you arrive at that broken outer battlefield, it will only delay your death time."


Xiao Zhengjing spit out blood and sneered, "The existence of the third stage of the dignified longevity realm has dealt with me like a person who has just passed thunder tribulation for no reason. What a strong person are you."

"Give me a hundred years, and I can destroy you all." Xiao Zhengjing's murderous intent was overwhelming, his eyes fixed on Venerable Evergreen.

This time it was too frustrated.

If he could escape his life, he vowed that he must destroy the other side.

And it is to use the most cruel means to torture all the relatives and friends of this guy to death!

"Do you think you can still live?"

Venerable Evergreen's eyes were murderous, and the divine sword in his hand was raised and slowly lowered, "The Venerable will make a move, even if it is the King of Heaven, Lao Tzu will not save you."

When the divine sword fell, Xiao Zhengjing closed his eyes, feeling distraught in his heart, knowing that his whole life would be over after all.


"Dare to move my uncle, do you want to die?"

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded, accompanied by a sound full of killing intent, and the entire void was completely destroyed by a terrifying nine-color divine light.

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