The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1863: Mighty palace

"This road to the starry sky, there was no star thief before, but later I didn’t know where a group came from and entrenched here. Moreover, it is getting stronger and stronger. In the starry sky of the universe, any person, god, or demon When you pass, you will be stopped."

"If you don't turn in the tribute, you will be arrested forcibly. Those with relatives and friends will notify them to redeem them. Those without relatives and friends can only become slaves to the Star Thief."

"It's strange to say that this starry sky thief is getting stronger and stronger, and it has gathered countless powerful men, gods, demons, etc., and no one has destroyed them."


The mighty team walked in the stars.

A total of one hundred and eight starry sky mysterious tortoises carried tens of thousands of people and objects, and they just walked past in the air.

Xingkong Xuangui was originally a very special race in the starry sky. It had no strong strength or wisdom. It was huge and could travel on the starry sky, so it was sent to the starry sky to drive.

However, it is extremely difficult to surrender the mysterious tortoise under the starry sky. Generally, the mysterious tortoise is used only by large caravans to transport goods.

The Okura family dispatched to the blood clan world once every ten years, and the goods they brought were countless. This team can be said to be the largest team that the Okura family can mobilize.

"This starry sky mysterious tortoise is kind of interesting."

Next to Emperor Xiao Qing, Luo Xia curiously looked at the behemoth under his feet and sighed.

"The starry sky black tortoise has thick skin and strong vitality, but it has no big effect, that is, it is used to drive on the road. Fortunately, it is docile."

Sitting across from them, Da Canglong, while toasting with the old devil, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, "Little friend should be *see Xingkong Xuangui, no, since you got the sword Saint’s appreciation should not only* enter the starry sky, and should not be very unfamiliar with the starry sky mysterious turtle, but I am abrupt."

"Old guy, just say it if you have something to say. There is no need to bend the corner. You deserve it when you are killed by Big Brother Xiao with a sword." Okura on one side glanced at this guy exquisitely.


Okura Long turned black with anger, and this unfilial girl turned her elbow outward.

If it weren't for Emperor Xiao Qing, how could he personally follow the team to the blood clan world?

Thinking of the rumors he heard during this period, although he also felt that Emperor Xiao Qing might not be related to the Juggernaut, he couldn't help but want to ask.

Along the way, Emperor Xiao Qing ignored Da Canglong, but closed his eyes and sank into the emperor hall.

"Where is the guard of the Imperial Palace?"

Inside the emperor hall, the strong man with the dragon head reappeared, respectfully saluting to Emperor Xiao Qing, "What command does the master have?"

"Can you leave the Imperial Palace and take action?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Theoretically, it is possible. However, it needs to consume a lot of energy of the emperor hall. I am just a guard to guard the emperor hall refined by the emperor back then. Every move is related to the emperor hall. Today's emperor hall lacks energy, and the master repairs Because it is too weak to provide enough energy to the Emperor Palace, I can only make one shot at most."

The brawny man with the dragon head respectfully said.

"How is the strength?" Xiao Qing asked.

"The native inhabitants of this universe, no one can stop me from a blow." The strong man said respectfully.

There is no arrogant tone or complacency, but it makes Xiao Qingdi's eyes shrink, "No one can stop your blow?"

"Limited to the native residents, if it is an outsider, there are some existences that I can't contend with." The strong man in the dragon head replied.

"There are outsiders?" Xiao Qingdi was very surprised.

Even if it's just a figure formed by condensing consciousness, he frowned, "This universe seems to have many existences that I don't understand."

"Yes, master, your strength is still too weak." The emperor palace guarding the dragon head human body said.


During this period of time, his strength grew too fast, so that Emperor Xiao Qing did not put the starry sky power in his eyes.

At this moment, the words of the strong man who obtained this dragon head made him realize that it was not that this starry sky had already shown everything in front of him, but that his strength was too weak for some real strong men to reach.

"What do you think of the strength of Holy Emperor Xuanyuan and Great Emperor Wild?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Master, I haven't seen them before, so it's hard to judge." The dragon head guard said.

"It's okay."

Emperor Xiao Qing had forgotten that before meeting him, the Emperor Palace had been in deep sleep, even if the guards of the Emperor Palace were also in deep sleep, naturally he had never encountered Xuanyuan Saint Emperor and others.

"When this king needs you, he will call you to take action."

With the guardian of this emperor's palace, Emperor Xiao Qing was relieved a lot, otherwise, he had a hunch that he would not go too smoothly when he went to the Great World of the Blood Race.

Consciousness returns to the body, while talking about the starry sky, while practicing.

At the same time, when Emperor Xiao Qing and his party were on the way in the starry sky, thousands of immortals were stationed here directly outside the source star. If the cave riots, they are ready to enter it.

Of course, as long as it is not very dangerous, they will never move easily.

In fact, Origin Star can no longer withstand too many powerhouses. If they all break into it, even if they can destroy all the passages, Origin Star will be fragmented.

"Everyone, we can't wait like this. It's better to take action separately. Each person will take out a spiritual vein or treasure to refining and integrate into the source star to increase the level of the source star. If it can restore the source star to its ancient glory, I will wait. There is no need to worry even if you all enter it."

Someone suggested.


As soon as this statement came out, everyone closed their mouths.

They came to suppress the Demon Cavern of Origin Star, and they had already taken action with righteousness. If they had to produce various treasures such as spirit veins, there were not many willing.

The person who opened the suggestion also realized that his words were a bit inappropriate, and quickly closed his mouth and stopped speaking.

"Why use everyone's spiritual veins?"

At this time, accompanied by a calm voice sounded.

I saw two young men and women, a man and a woman, coming from a distance with a thousand rays of light.

"Big brother, big sister."

Some immortals from the Tiandao Academy saw these two people, and their faces suddenly appeared shocked, "Unexpectedly, even the big brother and the big sister have personally left the customs."

"Are they specifically to solve the problem of Origin Star?"

The big brothers and big sisters of Tiandao Academy are the strongest students in the whole Tiandao Academy, and at the same time, they are also personal disciples of the legendary dean of Tiandao Academy.

He entered the longevity realm for a hundred years, and then advanced to the first stage every 100 years. When he was less than 500 years old, he had reached the third realm of longevity.

Moreover, the two are still Taoists.

The two of them even hope to become the emperor of the fourth realm of the supreme immortality realm together. At that time, they will become the legend of the entire Tiandao Academy and the legend of the strong human race.

"Unexpectedly, they also came."

"Is it for the death of the Evergreen Venerable of the Tiandao Academy and the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall, or is it to solve the devil cave?"

"Hey, I'm afraid I have both."

"So, the flashy guy who got the power of the old Sword Saint is going to be unlucky."


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