The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 190: Some people cry, some people laugh


Just as Liu Pingting had little pride in her eyes, and the whole person was holding Xiao Qingdi tightly, she suddenly heard a roar from a distance, but saw that there were several helicopters roaring from a distance. Fly over.

"Come for you."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the helicopters, and at a glance, he could tell that those were the official imperial airplanes. Obviously, these airplanes were here for Liu Pingting.


After listening to Liu Pingting, she looked upset, "I didn't come early, what's the use of coming now."

As she said, there was a sad look on her face, "If they came early, they would directly bomb this mountain forest with a helicopter, even the mutant beasts would be useless, but now they are of no use at all. Up."

There was a special magnetic field in the underground cave, making their equipment unusable. Now, all of her companions were killed, and she was the only one left. It was because Emperor Xiao Qing rushed to save her to survive.

And these imperial helicopters have only come now, and it is too late to collect the corpses.

"I'm going back to the East China Sea. Are you going back with me or stay here?"

Xiao Qing asked.

"I, I'll go back with you, it's useless to stay here."

After hesitating for a while, Liu Pingting gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

If she hadn't seen all her companions buried in the mouths of those mutant beasts, she would definitely stay and collect their bodies.

However, those beasts were also dead and dead, and the underground cave collapsed, there was no bones at all, even if she stayed there, it was useless.

This is a sad place for Liu Pingting, it is better to stay away from here.

"it is good."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, glanced at the helicopters, took Liu Pingting into the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"All the members spread out and searched in a carpet. If you find any clues, report them immediately."

Then, the row of helicopters roared in and began a carpet search, but there was nothing but a huge black pit left at the scene.

The news here was uploaded to Liu Hongkang's ears in Dongzhou.

At this moment, after Liu Hongkang, who was anxiously waiting for the news, heard the news, his whole body was struck by lightning, and he sat down on a chair. His expression was dull, and he whispered in his mouth, "How could this be? An underground cavern, could it be that he fell into Is it inside the cave?"

"Pingting doesn't understand martial arts, if you really fall into it, then..."

When I thought that if my daughter, an ordinary person, fell into the cave, it would definitely be dead or alive, Liu Hongkang's face suddenly paled, and his whole body was trembling.

"No, no, I have to look for it again, I don't believe that my daughter will have an accident."

Then, Liu Hongkang stood up, personally called the Liu family in Xiyun County, and roared angrily, "No matter what method is used, you have to see people in life, and the corpse in death. You must not find someone before Give up, increase manpower, no matter the cost, you can't give up searching."


On the other side of the phone, the person in charge of the Liu family hurriedly sent additional staff, sending all those who could be mobilized into the jungle.

Liu Hongkang called Liu Xia again, "Your sister may fall into an underground cavern. Right away, rush to search for it at the fastest speed. Everyone in the Liu family is for you to mobilize. No matter what you use, you will be found. Where's my sister."


At this moment, Liu Xia, who was on the way, felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

His younger sister Liu Pingting is just an ordinary person who fell into the cave. If you are lucky, she may not die immediately. However, there are various unknown dangers in the cave. An ordinary person wants to be in it. It is too difficult to survive.

"Definitely, there must be nothing wrong."

Liu Xia whispered to herself.

He was anxious and wanted to rush over.

However, he was not Emperor Xiao Qing. He didn't have the ability to think horizontally and fly over the empire like Emperor Xiao Qing. He could only turn pale, recalling the appearance of his little sister in his mind, and his heart was full of panic.


At this moment, Liu Xia's phone rang. He picked up the phone and looked at it. The expression on his face suddenly turned from sad to happy, "Sister, where are you, are you okay? What danger are you encountering? Don't be afraid. , Brother is here, brother will rush to rescue you right away..."

A series of nervous words did not stop at all, showing his mood at the moment.

"I have returned to the East China Sea."

At this moment, Liu Pingting, who had been brought to Donghai’s home by Emperor Xiao Qing, heard her brother’s excitement on the phone, and couldn’t help her nose sore, “I’m fine, I’m fine. Emperor Xiao Qing saved me. , But all the people I brought have had an accident..."

"It's fine if you are fine, it's fine, it's great..."

Liu Xia burst into tears when she heard that her sister was okay and had returned to the East China Sea.

However, when he heard that the entire army brought by the younger sister was wiped out, his face turned pale. It is conceivable that if Xiao Qingdi hadn't rescued the younger sister, perhaps his younger sister had also had an accident.

"Brother, do me a favor. I need a sum of money. For those companions who accompany me, I want to give their family an explanation. At the same time, let people search for them and see if they can find some relics..."

Liu Pingting said again.

"Well, I will tell you to go down, you stay in the East China Sea, brother will go to you now."

Liu Xia, who was still on the road, agreed to everything, and then turned directly to the East China Sea.

None of this has anything to do with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Standing on the balcony of Liu Pingting's villa, Emperor Xiao Qing looked over and found that when he was facing his Xiao family villa, his face couldn't help showing a strange color, "Does this girl want to monitor me?"


Liu Pingting came to the back of Emperor Xiao Qing and found out that his little secret was discovered by Emperor Xiao Qing. She immediately felt very embarrassed and quickly explained, “All this is just a coincidence. I wanted to buy a house to live in. The owner of a house wanted to sell, so I bought it."

"Oh, is it so?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Liu Pingting with a smile.

"Yes, yes, how else do you feel?"

Liu Pingting didn't dare to look at Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, when she remembered that Emperor Xiao Qing had promised to give herself a little red fruit, but she hadn't given it to herself until now, she suddenly widened her eyes, with a dissatisfaction, and said, "If you say you want to give the little fruit, Is it for me?"

He stretched out his white and tender little hand in front of Emperor Xiao Qing and hummed, "It's time to give it to me now."

"It's a waste to give it to you now. You will find your brother to learn the acupoint meridian table first. You will understand all the basic knowledge you need to know to become a warrior before you come to me."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled and shook his head, and did not directly give Liu Pingting the blood spirit fruit.

Phaseless blood spirit fruit, rich in spiritual energy, is a treasure for martial artists to open up the meridians of the whole body. Everyone is most useful when taking the first fruit. If you take more, it will have no effect.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing, he took the blood spirit fruit only to swallow the aura contained in it, but the aura contained in the blood spirit fruit was still a drop in the bucket for him, and he took 18 consecutively. None of them have much effect, so it's better to keep them for others to use.

Now that he has decided to teach Liu Pingting to practice martial arts, it is naturally impossible to give this girl no blood spirit fruit at this time.

"Ah, you liar."

Liu Pingting looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with anger.

She felt so tired, she was just for a little fruit that looked and smelled very delicious, but until now, this guy hasn't given it to herself.

Emperor Xiao Qing was not afraid of it. He even took out the stone box containing the blood spirit fruit, shook it in front of Liu Pingting, and then put it away.


When Liu Pingting wanted to rush up to snatch, accompanied by a laugh, Emperor Xiao Qing's figure had disappeared.

"Damn, Emperor Xiao Qing, you big villain."

Liu Pingting was so angry that she gritted her teeth and wanted to rush to bite him.

Standing in place for a long time, thinking of everything that happened not long ago, a ray of smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

This smile is sweet and beautiful.

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