The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1909: Sword Master

"my power..."

In the starry sky, countless kendo experts all collapsed on the ground, their eyes were horrified, "Sword Emperor, how can he be so powerful?"

"Pillaging my power at will, in front of this Supreme Sword Emperor, I actually have no resistance at all."

"Do not..."

Whether it is a strong swordsman of the gods and demons, or other races, or even a human race, as long as you are a strong swordsman, the stronger the swordsmanship, the more clearly you can realize how terrible the people who plunder their power are.

Even if the sword master had reached the realm of the sword emperor, he was teaching his disciples to practice, but suddenly he felt a sword intent that surpassed him too much to penetrate his body, and then the voice of Emperor Xiao Qing came over, making him Completely confused.

"Sword Emperor, I am also the Sword Emperor..."

"Why, his Sword Emperor Realm can surpass me so much, so he can plunder my power at will?"

At this moment, the old swordsman could no longer calm down. He looked at the many disciples in the sword hall and found that everyone was almost the same. When all of them had lost their strength, his eyes were confused.

"Is my kendo wrong?"

"I thought that I had reached the realm of the sword emperor and had reached the pinnacle of kendo. I thought that I could not be weaker than any kendo strong in the world, even Emperor Xiao Qing, it was only because he was too abnormal."

"It turns out that this is the real Sword Emperor..."

He was sitting cross-legged, with two lines of clear tears streaming down his eyes.

At this moment, in the starry sky, countless strong men who had already practiced kendo to a very strong level had all doubted their kendo.

Wrong practice?

Or did someone get a secret hand?

Sword Emperor...

In Origin Star, countless young talents are gathering together. They talked about their wine and happily described their respective achievements in the world behind the passage of the magic cave.

Suddenly, a muffled hum sounded, and the strong young men fell one after another.

"what happened..."

Only a few people who have never practiced kendo were stunned, thinking that these guys were being blackmailed, "You guys are going to come to shame me, it wasn't me who did it, you guys are special..."

This guy himself is also a super arrogant, and even bears an emperor breed, but facing so many arrogant people falling in front of him, he is completely panicked.

"It's none of your business, someone borrowed our strength, Sword Emperor, such a strong Sword Emperor, it turns out this is Sword Emperor..."

A young man spoke with a pale face.

If Emperor Xiao Qing were here, he would find that this young man was somewhat similar to the Yangtze Cham who was subdued by him and the current Jiang Clan.

Jiang Zhan, the starry sky, the supreme arrogant of the human race, bears the existence of the emperor.

At this moment, he barely sat cross-legged, with a look of horror in his eyes, "The opponent is the sword emperor, the supreme sword emperor, my God...could it be a sword master."

"It must be the elder Juggernaut. As the originator of my kendo, kendo has already reached a level that I can't even imagine."

Immediately, someone gritted his teeth and said, "Sword Emperor, we can plunder our power at will, Sword Saint, if he doesn't explain this matter clearly, I will definitely let the ancient ancestor of the clan fight with him."

"Juggernaut, you bastard, even if you borrow our power, at least give me some."

"Grass, after I recover, you wait for me."

This group of young powerhouses has many strengths that reach the third level of longevity, and even if they face the Sword Saint in person, they don't panic.

At this moment, they gritted their teeth one by one, all made up their minds, and after the strength of the whole body recovered, they went to the Juggernaut to explain clearly.

Not only them, but in the entire starry sky, countless human race powerhouses, immediately identified this matter as related to the Sword Saint.

Sword Saint, recognized by the human race as the number one kendo powerhouse, has reached the realm of the supreme sword emperor, who is he if he is not?

At this moment, a sword sage who was trying to recover his cultivation in the sword hall suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose, and looked depressed, "Really, after almost all his strength has been borrowed, his physical fitness is no longer good."

"I really envy Xiao Qingdi, his supreme sword emperor is not only powerful in his swordsmanship, but also terrifying in his flesh. Even if all of his strength is borrowed, he can still run wild with the power of his flesh."

"Not to mention, he is the culprit this time."

The Juggernaut kept muttering.

He didn't know it at all, he took another big pot on his back, and when everyone's strength was restored, I am afraid that many kendo masters would come to him to'discuss'.

"Star Wars?"

"Emperor Xiao Qing, if you fight the emperor of the blood clan, if you can kill them all, this is a good thing that will benefit the entire starry sky. If you borrow it, then borrow it."

Then, Juggernaut rubbed his nose and smiled on his face.

With such a strong man like him, he can naturally sense the battle in the starry sky, and even before that, he has been paying attention to it all the time, intending to enter the starry sky to help.

Now, even if you can't go there, it's worth lent all the power to Emperor Xiao Qing.


At this moment, in the depths of the starry sky, Emperor Xiao Qing's power reached its peak, and the terrifying breath flowed, causing his entire body to burn with a terrifying nine-color flame.

A nine-color dragon with a foot of ten million feet long, just entrenched on his body surface, bursting out of unparalleled dragon power.

His primordial spirit world has even been supported by this terrifying force to a range of tens of millions of miles, and the physical world is also millions of miles wide.

At this moment, he felt stronger than ever.

The heaven and earth of the soul is tens of thousands of meters, even without the increase effect of the emperor armor, his power is also more than a hundred times stronger, with the current strength, plus the increase of the **** armor, making him instantly break into a realm of unspeakable gods.

"The physical body is a bit unbearable."

There are so many swordsman practitioners in the entire starry sky, even if Emperor Xiao Qing's body has reached a very terrifying level, when he really gathered all the power of these powerful men, he found that his body was still not enough.

"However, that's enough."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing stopped the act of leveraging, but suddenly turned his eyes to the two blood emperors who realized that something was wrong and were preparing to blast him down with a big move.

"Two, next, it's your turn."


The saint emperor sword turned into hundreds of thousands of feet, and a sword swept across the air, and in an instant, indescribable power exploded.

Void destruction, time, space, and laws are completely annihilated under this sword.

"So strong."

The expressions of these two blood emperors changed drastically, and their bodies fled towards the distance in an instant.

With their strength, you can tell at a glance, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the current Emperor Xiao Qing, even if their strength is strong, it is useless.

Unless their eldest brother, the first blood emperor who has existed since the beginning of the world.

"Can you run?"

The cold light flashed in Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes, and this sword suddenly penetrated the infinite void, as if jumping out of thin air, directly swept across the two blood emperors.

"Do not..."

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