The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 192: Your shamelessness shocked me!

In the next few days, Emperor Xiao Qing and the younger sister still stayed at their hometown to accompany the two elders. He used the time to eat to quietly incorporate the blood spirit fruit that he had destroyed most of the medicinal effects into the two elders' meals for them to take.

As a result, a few days later, the two old men's already strong body became younger and younger, and even his gray hair began to turn black.

The two elders who didn't know it thought they were getting younger and younger after seeing their two grandchildren. They didn't know that all this was because their grandson secretly gave them an elixir.

During this period of time, nothing happened. In addition to his occasional practice every day, Emperor Xiao Qing also instructed the younger sister to practice, which made the younger sister's cultivation level advance by leaps and bounds, and there was a tendency to make breakthroughs in a short time.

Emperor Xiao Qing was not in the East China Sea, but the whole East China Sea was turbulent and rough.

The root of all this lies in Liu Pingting.

After the news that Liu Pingting had escaped from death spread, everyone didn't care much.

However, when the expedition entered the huge black cave and found that there were obviously legendary magical secrets on the stone walls, but they were taken away, as well as the vines with no blood spirit fruit, the news spread. Countless people are moved.

Especially those martial arts families and sects, they even regarded the non-phase blood spirit fruit as the supreme sacred product.

As far as one party is concerned, he may be a master and strong, but among the descendants of the next generation, there are some inadequate roots and cannot practice martial arts.

This allowed them to continue the treasures of Blood Spirit Fruit.

Not only that, getting a blood spirit fruit means that the family can cultivate a new warrior, and it is the hope of the family's rise.

I don't know when, the folks began to spread, Liu Pingting got the inheritance in the cave and took away all the phaseless blood spirit fruits.

Moreover, according to the legend, she didn't take the phaseless blood spirit fruit, but hid them all, waiting for the blood spirit fruit to be swallowed before she started martial arts, making herself a martial artist.

At this moment, the arena is boiling.

Within a few days, there were many strangers in Donghai, and almost all of them were warriors.

This situation not only caused a sensation in the entire East China Sea, but even among the Yanhua three, apart from Li Tiancheng and Cai Ying who were originally in the East China Sea, the other three were also shocked.

The Liu family was the most angry.

"Asshole, my daughter escaped from the dead, but someone dared to mix things up and watch, causing turmoil. This is trying to die."

In the Liu family, the current Patriarch Liu Hongkang trembled with anger.

In front of him, there are some important figures in the Liu family.

At this moment, all of them showed dignity and realized the seriousness of this matter.

"Patriarch, this matter may have come from our Liu family. This is our opponent's move."

A middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "We must take care of this matter right away, otherwise, in case, the young lady has become the focus of the whole matter, it is very likely that some guys who rush over the wall will be targeted."

After his voice fell, the others nodded in agreement.

"Yes, the blood spirit fruit can open up the meridians, so that those who can't cultivate martial arts can become a warrior.

There are too many people in this world who desperately want to become warriors, but their own conditions are insufficient.

Regardless of whether Ping Ting has the blood spirit fruit or not, they will do everything to deal with Ping Ting. "

"Ping Ting has become the focus of everyone's attention. Her situation is both dangerous and safe."

"Yes, because everyone is staring at her, it will become a little safer, unless someone starts to break the deadlock first, but the person who does it first will become the first bird first, and will become our Liu family, even Yanhua's three hit targets."


After some analysis, both Liu Hongkang and the others in the Liu family nodded.

"However, this state will not last long. We should dispatch the strongest manpower to protect Ping Ting." said the middle-aged man who spoke first.

"No, I don't agree. If our Liu family sends manpower into the East China Sea, it may be a target of public criticism immediately." However, his voice fell and was immediately interrupted by a man.

This man is no one else, but Liu Hongshi, Liu Pingting's second uncle.

Liu Hongshi stood up and looked at Patriarch Liu Hongkang, "Patriarch, whether it is for Ping Ting or the Liu family, we can only wait and see temporarily."


When Liu Hongkang heard the words, as a slight change, he took a deep look at Liu Hongshi, and then nodded and said, "Look at the situation first before doing it."


Liu Hongshi suddenly smiled with satisfaction. As for the others, their expressions were different, some were satisfied, some were very dissatisfied.

The meeting of the Liu family cannot affect Donghai.

At this moment, in the East China Sea, it can be said that there is a gathering of strong people. Countless warriors have entered the East China Sea. Even many villas around Liu Pingting’s villa have been bought by various means and sent to live in them, just for the better Supervisor Liu Pingting.

On this day, Emperor Xiao Qing, who received the news, finally returned to the Xiao family villa in the East China Sea with his little sister.

However, when they just came back, a group of people came and knocked on the door before Xiao Qi came.


There was a doorbell, but instead of pressing it, the door banged with a strong hammer. At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing and younger sister Qing Yan frowned at the same time.

"Brother, I'll open the door."

Little sister Qingyan planned to open the door, but was stopped by Emperor Xiao Qing, "I'll do it, don't surprise you with those rash guys outside."

He didn't need to look, he knew from his own sense that the group of big men standing outside the door.

Although the younger sister is a warrior, in his heart, the younger sister has always been weak, and it is impossible for the younger sister to face a group of people alone.

He opened the door of the villa yard and looked out the door calmly, only to see a group of more than a dozen people wearing simple samurai costumes, standing there with brutal expressions.

Standing at the forefront was a young man with his head raised high and looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with slanted eyes, "Boy, what are you doing inside, didn't you hear me opening the door? Is he deaf or stupid?"

"You have found the wrong door."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at a dozen people.

They are all martial artists, and the strongest have reached the pinnacle of the Fourth Stage.

His face was calm, but anyone who knew Emperor Xiao Qing would know that when his face became calmer, it was when he was most dangerous.

"There is no wrong door."

The young man in the lead had not spoken yet, and an older middle-aged man approached him and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a calm face, "This is your home?"


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded.

"Very well, I announce that we have requisitioned this villa. We will give you half an hour and move out immediately."

The middle-aged man shouted in a deep voice.

"Oh, you expropriated?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the middle-aged man with a smile but a smile, "Are you an executive of the empire or something? Why do you say that you expropriated my house, I will give it to you, do you have an order?"

"Boy, you don't care who we are, just know that we are the existence you can't afford to provoke."

The middle-aged man waved his hands at will, with a high-handed tone, very domineering, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with disdain, "Temporary requisition of your house, after we leave, we will give you enough compensation."

His tone is high, it seems that he wants to requisition it as soon as he wants to requisition, and he can see Emperor Xiao Qing's house, it is the same blessing to Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed furiously, "What a temporary expropriation. Since it is not an empire executive or a big boss of the military, it is even more peaceful now. You can also expropriate other people's houses at will. It's just the opposite. "

"You mean, you want to disobey our ideas?"

The middle-aged man's face sank.

The dozen or so people behind him also all had gloomy faces, and they walked towards Emperor Xiao Qing, with sneers on their faces one by one, "You shamelessly, I wait for you to talk to you in a good voice, you dare to do so Arrogance, this is not putting us in the eyes."

"It's just looking for death."

"The last person who dared not put us in the eyes, the grave head grass is already ten meters high."

A group of people with angry expressions on their faces made Xiao Qingdi almost think that he did something to sorry them.


He couldn't help laughing out loud, "Okay, interesting, you guys are really interesting."

"I bought this villa at a huge price, and now it has a market value of one billion. If you want, you can come up with the money to discuss with me, even if I don’t sell it, you will be politely received. ."

"However, you people knocked hard when they came to the door. They didn't have any identity or any requisition orders. They dare to say that they wanted to requisition my house. Do you think that the empire belongs to your family?"

"Being shameless enough to be like yours is really shocking to me."

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