The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1937: Sword intent blessing, longevity like ants


When the words of the sword master fell, the starry sky split, and the unparalleled sword intent rushed out from it.

Nine-color light burst out, and the mighty sword emperor's might descended on the entire starry sky.


Everyone's face changed.

Especially those strong men who are suppressing the Sword Saint are shocked, "Another Supreme Sword Emperor strong, who is it that has such a terrifying power?"

"Could it be..."

"No, it can't be him..."

While their minds were shaking, there was an incredible look in their eyes.

"Emperor Xiao Qing..."

The three words Xiao Qingdi popped up in everyone's hearts. At this moment, their hearts were shaking, and they only felt that it was impossible.

"The sword intent blesses your body, eternal life like an ant, the power of the sword emperor is not to be violated."

Just as everyone's mind was shaking, a calm voice came out in the void, with supreme pressure.

The meaning of the sword emperor was blessed on the body of the sword master, and then, terrifying energy poured into the body of the sword master, causing the nine-color light of the sword master's body to burst out, and a terrifying breath burst out instantly.

"Break it for me."

The Juggernaut roared, and the power that surpassed him a hundred times exploded, making the power of his whole body earth-shattering.


In an instant, the vast and incomparable breath exploded, directly overturning the sealing power of the dozens of powerful third-level longevity players.

Nine-colored rays of light burst out of the whole body of the Sword Saint, and the whole person rose into the air. His domineering sword power burst out, and he roared, "You are right. The power of the sword emperor."

"But, in the future, the deity will no longer be merciful, and I will wash away everything with the blood of others."


Then, the Juggernaut burst out with unmatched killing intent, sweeping the void and piercing everything.

The terrible force caused the entire starry sky to burst.

A sword swept across the past, and in an instant, dozens of strong men flew up and down, and their eyes showed horror. In any case, they did not expect that the Juggernaut would suddenly become so powerful.

"No, he is going to kill him."

Then, some people realized that the Sword Saint was planning to kill, their hearts were shaking, and they quickly shouted, "Sword Saint, you are merciful, we are not malicious."

"Yeah, they just want to calm you down first, they don't want to kill you."


However, as soon as these people's roars fell, they heard a sword groan, and a sword light suddenly cut across the body of a strong man of the third realm of longevity, cutting the whole person in half.

Then, the terrifying power exploded, and the mighty breath circulated, making him feel like a sword god.

"Bull the honest person?"

The figure of the Juggernaut rose into the sky with a hideous face. The divine sword in his hand exploded with unparalleled pressure, and he suddenly killed the dozens of immortals, "Think I won't resist?"

A sword swept across, and another immortal was cut in half.

"Today, I am going to kill."

At this moment, the Juggernaut really broke out.

The terrifying power swept across the entire starry sky, and among those dozens of powerful men, no one was his enemy.

Even if these dozens of powerhouses want to condense the sealing method to seal the sword saint again.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen of them were cut in half by him.

However, the Juggernaut was too soft-hearted after all, he just chopped those people in half, and didn't really kill them to death.

However, it also shocked the minds of these thousands of immortals, especially the emperor Li Hong, whose eyes flickered, looking at the split void, and whispered, "Someone transmits energy and swords through the air. Intention to the sword master, who is it?"

"It's another sword emperor, are we wrong?"

"Within the entire human race, there is not only the Sword Saint and the Supreme Sword Emperor, but are there other stronger Sword Emperors?"

The emperor Li Hong couldn't help stepping out of his figure, and came directly into this cracked void. The cold light flashed in his eyes, and he roared, "Go ahead."

In an instant, in the middle of his eyebrows, another eye opened, and an incomparable golden flame circulated in it, making his eyes see through nothingness. He saw that on the other side of the passage, there was a vast and boundless emperor like a god. The shadow disk is sitting.

As if sensing his gaze, the emperor only glanced at him indifferently. In an instant, the emperor Li Hongru was hit hard, and a sword wound appeared on the eye at the center of his brow.

He hurriedly closed his eyes, but a blood stain appeared on the center of his brow.

He jumped away quickly like a frightened deer, looking at the void with a horrified face, "What a terrible kendo, what a strong sword intent, who is it?"


"Everyone, let's go together."

At this time, those dozens of strong men were more than half wounded by the Sword Saint, and someone yelled, and many strong men who were still on the sidelines couldn't help but shoot.

In an instant, there were hundreds of strong men swarming forward, with terrifying power, all kinds of magic weapons rushed towards the Juggernaut.

In this way, even if the Sword Saint was supported by Emperor Xiao Qing's power, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't stop it.

During the roar, the Juggernaut was blasted out, blood vomiting in his mouth.

He tried his best to explode with the strongest power to kill him again. However, more than a hundred strong men blasted him together, and some even understood that it was the cracked void that transmitted energy to the sword master, making Juggernaut will be so brave.

They directly cut off this energy transmission channel.

For an instant, without the support of the invincible sword intent and strength, the Juggernaut could no longer hold on. With helplessness in his eyes, his whole body was cracked and blood flowed under the bombardment of hundreds of strong men.


At the critical moment of life and death, even the Juggernaut couldn't take care of his face anymore, but shouted for help, "Who will save me."

"It's useless, Juggernaut, today, I am waiting for the immortal here, no one can save you."

"You want to monopolize the secret of Origin Star's origin, it is simply wishful thinking."

"People, if you are too greedy, you will die."


The hundreds of powerful people either wanted to kill people while they were in chaos, or they wanted to teach the sword master a lesson, anyway, they didn't have any kindness.

They all roared one by one, taking the opportunity to kill the Sword Saint.

"Sword Saint is over."

The other immortals frowned, with hesitation in their eyes, "Do you want to help?"

Someone wanted to do it, but immediately someone looked at him like a fool, "If you are confident that you can fight against more than a hundred strong men at the same time, you can help. But, do you have this ability? "


Those who want to rescue, those with insufficient strength, and sufficient strength and prestige, hold their arms to watch the excitement.

The Juggernaut was obsessed with kendo all his life and was withdrawn. He hardly had any friends. If he did, Qiao Yi was one of them.

However, even though this old guy is here, his strength is not good, so he dare not stand up at all, even dare not say a word, he can only watch the sword saint blood.

"My friend, it's not that I don't help you, but that I don't have the skills."

In the blink of an eye, the Juggernaut was crushed on the spot by hundreds of strong men. The terrifying power caused him to burst and blood flowed.

No one can save it, and it's at stake.

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