The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1942: The fool is stupid

"This king immediately sent you to see the secret of origin."


When Emperor Xiao Qing's words fell, everyone's expressions changed.


However, when they realized something was wrong, they heard a loud roar.

Immediately afterwards, the Origin Star Void split, and a majestic, terrifying monster stepped out of the void.

"this is..."

At this moment, Xiang Tianhao's face changed drastically, and his figure quickly retreated towards the distance.

And those immortals in the starry sky all showed shocking expressions, "Where did such a terrifying beast come from?"

"Within Origin Star, is there such a giant beast hidden?"

"how is this possible?"

When everyone's mind was shaking, Sidonian suddenly roared, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the more than one hundred powerful third-level longevity experts who stood up.

The next moment, the sun and the moon turn, and the stars move.

These hundreds of strong men in the third realm of longevity were shocked to discover that with their powerful power, they could not be used. A terrifying sealing power came and sealed them all, making them all move towards Fly away from Siwei's mouth.



More than one hundred strong men of the third stage of longevity were like ordinary people at this moment, panicking and yelling, crying bitterly and being swallowed by Sidonian.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred people disappeared.

Only Sidonian's huge body was standing in the starry sky, and Emperor Xiao Qing, who was already standing on Sidonian's head, was looking at everyone with a smile, "Everyone, they have seen the secret of origin. , Does anyone else want it?"


All the people who fled to the distance kept breathing in cold air.

In my heart, I was horrified.

Too scary, too scary.

Emperor Xiao Qing unexpectedly had such a monster with a huge body and strength.

One mouthful, directly swallowing more than one hundred super powers of the third stage of longevity, this level of strength definitely reached the fourth stage of longevity.

How can anyone compare to the entire starry sky?

"Only the little holy emperor and the dean can deal with him, hurry up and find the little holy emperor and the dean."

Even Xiang Tianhao, the leader of the Longevity Alliance, turned pale and trembled all over.

Remembering that he was just looking at Emperor Xiao Qing condescendingly, he felt terrified.

If he had spoken openly just now that he wanted the secret of origin, he would definitely be dead.

"Everyone, who else wants the secret of origin, you can come to this king's sacred beast to ask for it, it will sit on Origin Star Dragon King Island."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled slightly, feeling like a spring breeze, but in fact, it made everyone tremble with chills all over the body.

"The longevity dare to enter the source star, kill without mercy!"

Suddenly, the smile faded, and the cold words spread across the starry sky with incomparable murderous aura.

Afterwards, Emperor Xiao Qing directly controlled the four-did not seem to disappear into the void.

Until Emperor Xiao Qing disappeared completely, everyone was still dumbfounded.

After the Juggernaut was stunned, he suddenly sensed countless murderous gazes looking at him, and he was stunned, "I, why am I being thrown down again?"

Then, with a loud cry, the whole person rushed towards the source star frantically.

It just hit the seal of Origin Star.

He made up his mind that if he couldn't enter the Origin Star, he couldn't leave easily anyway, so he might as well be killed on the spot.


Unexpectedly, the Juggernaut actually submerged directly into the Origin Star easily, and the seal of the nine-color light did not stop him.

"Could it be that Emperor Xiao Qing left and forgot to seal the Origin Star again?"

At this moment, everyone's faces showed excitement.

"I come."

A young man yelled, and rushed towards the source star too impatiently.


A crisp sound rang, and the young man's neck was directly broken.

He was holding his neck while sucking in a cold breath, his eyes were filled with astonishment. Why could the Sword Master slam in, but he couldn't?

"Everyone, Origin Star has been thoroughly refined by him."

Xiang Tianhao, the leader of the Longevity Alliance, also had a very ugly expression. He said solemnly, "Unless the little holy emperor and the chief arrive, no one can break this seal."

"By the way, someone has already invited Little Saint Emperor and the Dean, why haven't they come?"

Someone showed incomprehension.

They invited people at the same time, but only a useless Xiang Tianhao came, but the other two real fourth-level powerhouses did not come.

"we are coming."

At this time, a pair of young men and women flew from a distance with swords.

It was the Big Brother and Big Sister of Tiandao Academy. After being thrown out of the Origin Star by Emperor Xiao Qing at that time, these two rushed back to Tiandao Academy, planning to find their master, the dean of Tiandao Academy, crying.

As a result, when they went back, they were shocked to find that their master was dying and healed in the secret ground.

This shock is no small thing.

These two hurriedly tossed up and down, all kinds of help, finally let their master take a sigh of relief, and then they understood what happened.

No one thought that Emperor Xiao Qing could actually do the big things that happened in the blood clan recently.

Under the shock of these two hearts, they even told the dean of what Xiao Qing said to them about spiritual veins. The dean was frightened and immediately asked the two to move out the old masters of the Tiandao Academy and bring them Come over with Lingmai.

I happened to run into someone who was asking for help, and after some explanation, I was a little late.

"Two, where is the dean?" Xiang Tianhao frowned and looked at them.

I feel a little dissatisfied in my heart. Can this matter be resolved by sending two disciples over?

Even the pinnacle of the third stage of his veteran longevity, the powerhouse of the fourth stage, can't handle it, let alone these two young people.

"Master is in retreat."

The senior brother was personable, and said with a faint smile, "Everyone, Master said before retreating, the reason why Emperor Xiao Qing refining the Origin Star was approved by Master and Master, and it was Master and Master’s request. What he did."


Everyone was stunned, "How is this possible?"

Refining the Origin Star, is it the request of the Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of the Tiandao Academy?

In this way, they surrounded the entire Origin Star so arrogantly, shouting and screaming at Emperor Xiao Qing, what would they like to Emperor Xiao Qing?

After all, to a certain extent, the dean of the Tiandao Academy and the little holy emperor have the right to represent the longevity of the human race.

"Yes, my elder brother said this personally."

At this time, Ji Xinyao came.

Her expression was flat and she looked at the people, "You just listen to the rumors and want to get the so-called secret of origin from Emperor Xiao Qing, but you don’t know how much Emperor Xiao Qing paid for Origin Star and Human Race. You are so stupid. , It's normal to die."

"As for the secret of origin, do you think that Emperor Xiao Qing's strength will be stronger than my father Xuanyuan Shenghuang and Barbaric Emperor?"

Li Yuanji looked at the emperor Li Hong, and said indifferently, "Before you sealed, you should have seen your father make a move, think that Emperor Xiao Qing is stronger than him?"

"This, of course not." The emperor cursed secretly in his heart, and on the surface he shook his head quickly.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing was really stronger than the Wild Emperor, he couldn't admit it.

"Then, even Saint Emperor Xuanyuan and the Great Emperor Barbarians have not found the so-called secret of origin, do you think there is really any secret of origin?"

"In the past few years, how many people have searched for the secret of origin, and how many immortals have been hiding in the source star, secretly searching for it? If they did, they would have found it long ago."

"A bunch of idiots, they only know that they are being encouraged."

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