The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1944: In the future, the starry sky has no devildom

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field is a bit subtle.

The emperor Li Hong was stunned. He didn’t expect to say that the dean of the Tiandao Academy and Emperor Xiao Qing had discussed how they were discussing. Now it has become that the Academy of Heaven must pay rent to Emperor Xiao Qing in order to enter the Origin Star. .

Your sister, how does it feel that even the dean of the Heavenly Dao Academy and the disciple of Saint Emperor Xuanyuan are afraid of Emperor Xiao Qing?

And Ji Xinyao nodded with a smile, with a kind face, "Understanding, since that's the case, let's wait here, and wait for that guy to let us in."

"It's extremely, extremely."

The big brother and big sister of Tiandao Academy smiled at the same time.

With the foil of Ji Xinyao, they felt that it was normal for Tiandao Academy to pay rent to Emperor Xiao Qing in order to enter the main source star.

After all, the dean and the little holy emperor are the strongest in the world, and the three of them represent the dean and little holy emperor to a certain extent.

In other words, Emperor Xiao Qing had done both at the same time.

So, what else is there to say.

Li Hong's scalp was numb, and he wondered whether he could really break his wrist with Emperor Xiao Qing even if he broke through to the fourth stage of longevity.

"Genesis, must enter it."

He made up his mind that he must follow the three of them, and enter the Origin Star to find the Temple of Origin anyway.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing got the secret of origin, he would never believe it.

If the Secret of Origin is really so easy to get, his father, the Wild Emperor, would have found it long ago, how could it be Emperor Xiao Qing's turn.

Ever since, a group of four people just stood in the starry sky beyond the source star, quietly waiting for Emperor Xiao Qing to'open the door' to let them in.

But I don't know that at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing, and Xiao Zhengjing, are taking the four different images to the Heavenly Demon God Realm, preparing to deal with the Heavenly Demon with all his heart, how can he have the mind to control the origin star?

"Before, it is the Heavenly Demon God Realm."

In the endless void, Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Zhengjing stood on top of Sibuxiang.

At this moment, the four are not like a huge body, spreading vastly over a million miles in size, and its thoughts are passed to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Master, there must be other demon gods in the world of heavenly devil besides the heavenly demon."

"Even, I have some vague memories. It was not the demon that sealed me back then, but other demon gods."

It was sealed on Origin Star back then, and many things could not be remembered, but there were some faint memories.

But the things of the Heavenly Demon God Realm made it unforgettable.


Emperor Xiao Qing chuckled softly, "It's okay, this time, no matter how many gods and demons there are in the Heavenly Demon God Realm, we will all have it in one pot."

The next moment, his aura suddenly exploded, and the terrifying nine-color light spread out in all directions.

"First set up a seal to seal the entire Heavenly Demon God Realm, and then go in and destroy the Heavenly Demon God Realm directly. As for the Heavenly Demon, if it is here, it will naturally be destroyed. If not, we will find it again. ."


Then, the infinite nine-color energy turned into a nine-color divine sword and stood in the void in all directions of the entire heavenly devil and **** realm.


Sidixiang also started, the majestic power, not even weaker than Emperor Xiao Qing, just surging into it, began to block the entire Heavenly Demon God Realm.

As for Xiao Zhengjing, he was only the third stage of longevity, even if his combat power was extraordinary, there was no need to take action.

"Who is it, dare to come to my devil and gods world to be presumptuous."

"Damn it, wanting to seal the entire Heavenly Demon God Realm, this is trying to destroy us, which bastard?"

"Ant, you are looking for death."

The movement between Emperor Xiao Qing and Sibuxiang was not small, and it immediately alarmed the strong in the Heavenly Demon God Realm.

In the blink of an eye, three monstrous and terrifying demon phantoms emerged from the Heavenly Demon God Realm, and the devilish energy exploded, trying to block the seal of the two.

"Four different, you block them first."

Emperor Xiao Qing chuckled softly, his unparalleled sword intent rose into the sky, and the entire void space was shaken.

At this moment, he completely exploded with a terrifying sword intent, and the mighty aura circulated, and the spread of sword aura was almost at its extreme, covering half of the heavenly demon **** realm in an instant.

At the same time, he was still in the mood to take out the black heavy hammer he obtained from Tianyuan, and the magic shadow he had refined and handed it to Xiao Zhengjing, "refining it."

"this is..."

Xiao Zhengjing was surprised, but he could tell at a glance how terrifying this black hammer was.

He didn't hesitate, and directly refined the black hammer and the terrifying devil soul. In an instant, the powerful and unmatched inheritance was integrated into his body, plus this black hammer, it was directly turned into a large piece. The black water covered his whole body.

The rigorous wrapping around him in an instant caused Xiao Zhengjing to explode with an aura comparable to the fourth realm even though he was still only the cultivation base of the third realm of longevity.

"It actually has an increasing effect."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that this black heavy hammer would have this effect after thoroughly refining it.

"It's a strong inheritance, the inheritance of the demon gods of the gods above the nine heavens."

Xiao Zhengjing screamed, with excitement in his eyes, "With this inheritance, where do I need to exhaust all my hardships to fight the devil and destroy its true spirit to get the inheritance?"


A powerful demon energy erupted, the black armor on his body was flashing, and when he reached his hand, another heavy hammer appeared.

It is no different from the previous heavy hammer. Of course, after refining, the difference is that not only the heavy hammer, but also the armor, it becomes a complete set of suits.


Before Emperor Xiao Qing could speak, Xiao Zhengjing directly held a heavy hammer and slew towards the Heavenly Demon God Realm.

At this moment, it was the time when Sibuxiang broke out with all his strength to fight the three terrifying demons.

Although the strength of Sidonian is strong, the three demon gods on the other side are equally terrifying. Under the joint hands, even Sidonian can only passively defend.

But now, with the help of Xiao Zhengjing, it's different. The two-to-three fights are so good that they are even comparable.

"It seems that the king still underestimated the heavy hammer."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, his eyes filled with smiles.

As the so-called treasure matches the hero, that black heavy hammer is the Demon God's Supreme Treasure, and it is the best match with Xiao Zhengjing. After he gets it, it can be said to be more powerful.

Facts have proved that after Xiao Zhengjing got this heavy hammer, it was powerful and terrifying, even the three demon gods of the heavenly demon gods could only draw a tie with him.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing had more time to properly set up the seal and seal the entire Heavenly Demon God Realm.

"Devil, should you show up?"

Seeing that the entire Heavenly Demon God Realm was about to be sealed, Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the void with a smile in his eyes.

"If it hasn't appeared yet, from now on, there will be no heaven, devil and **** realm in the universe, stars and heavens!"

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