The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2006: Crossing Tianyuan

"This is Tianyuan."

Soon after, Emperor Xiao Qing brought Luo Jing to the outside of Tianyuan. He looked calmly at Tianyuan that burst out of unparalleled majesty, his eyes were beating, as if he could penetrate through layers of Tianyuan and see the universe on the other side.

The distance between the two universes seemed to be very close, as if they had just passed through Tianyuan.

In fact, there is an unimaginable distance.

At the edge of the universe on the opposite shore, the countless powerful gods and demons looked over, and they seemed to be able to see Emperor Xiao Qing standing here through Tianyuan.

However, they didn't think there was anything strange, guarding at the edge of the universe, they had seen too many powerful men in this universe looking at them across Tianyuan.

"Big Brother Xiao, can we really make it?"

Luo Jing's face was nervous.

Even if she has completely integrated the inner world and reached the fourth stage of longevity, she can still sense the terrifying power of Tianyuan.

With her strength, if she entered Tianyuan, she would be equally dangerous.

"You first enter the primordial **** heaven and earth to temper your physical body practice, and then let you come out after I reach the other side of the universe to make sure that it is safe."

Emperor Xiao Qing said with a soft smile.

Even if it was him, facing the tall **** and demon in the universe on the other side, there was no certainty that Luo Jing could rush over.

"Hmm, you must be careful."

Luo Jing confessed uneasy for a long time before turning around and obediently entering into Emperor Xiao Qing's soul world.

In this way, only Xiao Qing emperor and four feet are left.

The little guy's mung bean-sized eyes kept turning, and muttered, "Boss, why don't you let me also enter the soul world."


Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at it with a smile, "If you also enter the soul of the soul, how can this king reach the other side?"

"What do you mean?"

All four feet were stunned, "Boss, wouldn't you say you let me take you across Tianyuan?"


Emperor Xiao Qing laughed, "As a descendant of the Nine Heavens Dragon King, you have a magical power that can ignore space. Now is the time for you to use your magical powers."


All four feet looked at Emperor Xiao Qing stupidly, "How do you know?"

"Did you not give me a copy of your inheritance supernatural powers last time?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at this guy like a fool.

"I'm looking for death."

Four feet felt extremely regretful, and knew that they shouldn't have given all their supernatural powers to their boss.

"Don't be nervous, I will help you."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, and released the Heavenly Goddess from the Primordial God Heaven and Earth.

"Master." The goddess of Tianluo respectfully bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Do you know how to get to the opposite side?" Xiao Qing asked.

"I don't know, only my father can traverse the two universes." Tianluo Saintess said respectfully.

"Okay, then you go to practice first, and wait until the opposite universe to call you out." Emperor Xiao Qing sent Tianluo Saintess into the Primordial God Heaven and Earth again, and then, without staying at all, directly strode towards Tian The dean walked over.

Standing on his shoulders with four feet, four small claws tightly grasping the clothes on Emperor Xiao Qing's shoulders, even the dragon scales stood up one by one, looking at Tian Yuan nervously.


When they stepped into Tianyuan, infinite power burst out in Tianyuan, and terrible tearing and destruction power came.

Infinite sword energy gathered and cut towards them.

At this moment, the rules of the heavens in this universe turned into various attacks, lightning and thunder, and even **** soldiers descending from the sky, etc., all kinds of powerful forces blasted past.


The four legs screamed in horror, and the nine-colored rays of light all over his body burst out, turning into a nine-colored energy dragon, flying around it constantly, blocking all these attacks.

At the same time, it also spit out the dragon ball from its mouth, just put it on top of its head, carefully protecting itself.

However, after the wave of attacks fell, without causing any damage to it, when Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand, all the visions and attacks disappeared.

"This this..."

After a daze for a while, the four legs reacted, "Boss, this Tianyuan was reinforced by you. In other words, you can completely control the operation of Tianyuan, so why don't you control it from the beginning?"

Its voice was sorrowful, "You must have deliberately made me foolish, right?"


Emperor Xiao Qing patted its little head, "I just want to feel the power of Tianyuan, why bother to target you on purpose?"


The little guy was dumbfounded, and then he embarrassedly said, "It turned out to be like this, haha, sorry, sorry, misunderstanding."

"Come on, just walk along this straight line."

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored the embarrassing little guy, but walked forward directly in the air.

He didn’t know how to get to the opposite bank, and he didn’t know which way to take the right way. However, with his eyesight, since he could see the gods and demons in the universe on the opposite bank, it proved that as long as he kept moving forward, there was nothing wrong.

Every step taken can span tens of thousands of miles. At this moment, Tianyuan rules around, and even actively advance the speed of Emperor Xiao Qing.

This walk is one day.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing was surprised that he was still in Tianyuan and had not completely left the scope of Tianyuan. Even the universe on the other side was still vividly visible, but he could be seen, not touched, and very far away.

He even felt like he was getting further and further away from the universe on the other side.

"There is weird boss."

Four feet murmured, "This Tianyuan still has a function, that is, the void is chaotic, and the mirror projection allows us to see the situation of the opposite universe. In fact, we have been in circles."

"You come to lead the way."

Emperor Xiao Qing directly threw the little guy to the front.

This time, the little guy did not refuse, but transformed into a nine-color dragon with a length of ten thousand feet. He turned his head and said to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Boss, come up."

"it is good."

Emperor Xiao Qing did not refuse, but appeared directly on the back of his four feet.

He raised his four feet and his hair made a sound of a trembling dragon, and the nine-colored rays of light all over his body turned into nine-colored little dragons, which just set off and rushed forward.

Wherever he went, the void continued to flow.

This time, the nine-colored rays of light in Xiao Qingdi's eyes jumped, and he directly displayed the sky eyes, and finally found the difference around him.

I saw the surrounding void, layers of space appeared in front of them like mirrors, and the rays of light continued to circulate, as if they were in a mirror that was overlapped.

As the four-legged dragon claws danced, one by one, mysterious dragons made of nine-color dragons made of amulet culture penetrated, shattering the mirrors layer by layer, and then it quickly rushed past.

After it passed, the mirror surface healed again.

"The little guy's talent and supernatural powers are really not weak."

Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help sighing.

Although he had obtained all the magical powers of the four legs, he could actually use them, but that was not innate magical powers after all, and even his display could not be compared with the four legs.

All four feet dashed hard, feeling very proud, "The boss still depends on me after all. I never thought that the dragon king would have to carry everything alone at a young age. It's really stressful."

While sighing, he rushed forward extremely fast.

It took a full three months for such a shattered void mirror dash to completely break out of the scope of these spatial mirrors.

When they appeared, they couldn't help but took a breath when they saw the situation in front of them, "This is..."

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