The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 729: Plot to kill the emperor

"Little sister, after leaving the imperial palace, keep walking to the left. I will wait for you there."

Just as Ning Yuling was roaring in anger, suddenly, she heard a very subtle voice reach her ears.

Her expression changed slightly, and she glanced at the palace and other guards behind her, and when she found that no one had noticed, she directly followed the other's guidance, left the imperial palace all the way, and walked to the left after the gate, and walked two or three miles. After that, a figure was seen jumping from the tree.

"Second brother."

This person is not someone else, but Ning Jin.

Ning Jin did not go to the Xiao imperial clan again, but returned to the magic city. Moreover, looking at his appearance, he was hiding, wearing a hood on his head, and his whole body aura condensed. Obviously, he did not want people to know him. The presence.

"follow me."

Ning Jin pulled Ning Yuling forward quickly.

When they reached a crowded place, the two got into a commercial car, then turned left and right. After a few laps, they got off the car and changed cars. Then, the car drove around the city several times and changed several cars. After the car, it stopped on a mountain outside the city.


When Ning Jin arrived with Ning Yuling, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

There are a total of more than a dozen people, all of them are the emperor of the Ning clan, each of them is her elder brother, and they are still very unpopular among the clan, just like the emperor of Ning Jin.

"Brothers, you guys..."

Ning Yuling was stunned.

"Little girl is here."

The emperors were originally sitting on the ground, discussing something, smiles appeared on their faces when Ning Yuling arrived.

"Come, sit down."

Ning Jin took her to sit down.

Ning Yuling was still in a daze.

"Little girl, I called you over today, mainly to help you out."

Ning Jin sat on the ground and looked at Ning Yuling, "Ning Yu is already frantic and is no longer suitable for being the emperor of the empire. This is what our brothers and sisters can see. He is killing all our brothers and sisters little by little. lethal."

"Nowadays, it's too much to use the little sister's mother and concubine as a threat. We brothers and sisters, at this time, must unite."

He looked at Ning Yuling and said solemnly, "Otherwise, even if you really listen to what he said this time and do things for him, in the future, he will be more adept. It is possible to ask you to do anything."

"I know, but what should I do?" Ning Yuling showed a bitter look on her face.

If possible, she would naturally want to get rid of Ning Yu’s control. However, Ning Yu didn’t know what irritation she was receiving, and she broke the jar. She was only given three days. After three days, if she could not control Xiao Qingdi If you take it back, the end of her mother-in-law will be terrible.

"How much time does he give you?" On one side, a young man asked.

This person was named Ningbo, and he was also one of the emperors.

"In three days, if I don't take the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi to him under the control of the dragon king within three days, he will attack my mother." Ning Yuling whispered.

"In other words, we still have three days. Within these three days, we must get rid of Ning Yu, and then find the clan elders' association and announce Ning Yu's crimes."

Another emperor said, "The first step is to eradicate Ning Yu. However, as far as I know, Ning Yu has entered the ancestral land and inherited the power of the Great Emperor. Now he has the power to surpass the foundation building period, so I think To eradicate Ning Yu, a few of us can't do it. We have to ask others for help. This is a problem."

"Who can I call for help?" Everyone looked at each other.

The strongest of their strength is that Ning Yuling has reached the foundation-building stage. Others, many of them are only at the eighth rank, and the weakest, even if they have not even reached the seventh rank, how can they deal with Ning Yu?

"So, I want my little sister to help."

Ning Jin smiled and looked at Ning Yuling, "If the younger sister can ask Senior Sword King to take action to block the clan elder, I am sure that I can kill Ning Yu and initiate the seizure of power in the first place."

"Second brother, Ning Yu has inherited the power of the earth, and the strength is very terrifying, how can you kill him?"

Ning Yuling's face was incomprehensible.

Even other people looked at Ning Jin in surprise.

For a long time, Ning Jin looked confident and told them that he had a way to fight against Ning Yu and to destroy Ning Yu.

However, who to rely on, but refused to tell them.

"Don't worry, Ning Yu will die when the time comes."

Ning Jin had a smile on his face, "When the time comes, as long as you brothers help me, we will no longer have to be threatened by Ning Yu."

"But, you have been reluctant to say who you are looking for, how can you let us rest assured?"

"Yes, brother, since we have become a consortium, at least you have to tell us who you found?"

"Second brother, you also know that we have no ambitions, as long as we can be carefree or carefree, you don't have to guard us."


Everyone looked at Ning Jin curiously.

"No, no, I can't say it yet. Maybe Ning Yu is prepared to say it, but you can rest assured that as long as the younger sister can ask Senior Sword King to take action to block the veteran guild, I am sure that Ning Yu can be destroyed."

While Ning Jin was talking, she raised her head to look at all the emperor and Ning Yuling present, and smiled slightly, "As for the eradication of Ning Yu, the future emperor..."

Ning Jin’s words were interrupted before he could finish speaking, “It’s still unknown whether we can succeed in saying what we do so early, and even if we can destroy Ning Yu, the clan elders will be furious. It is inevitable to be punished. As for the future emperor, it is no longer ours to decide."


Ning Jin nodded, no longer discussing these things, but looked at Ning Yuling, "Sister, what do you think?"

Ning Yuling frowned, "I don't know if I can please my master."

The sword king is the elder of the immortal gate, and the immortal gate is the strongest force in the empire. Letting the sword king to resist the Ning-style imperial clan association is equivalent to letting him betray the empire. Will he agree?

Even if Ning Yuling is a disciple of the Sword King, she dare not say that the other party will agree.

"Contact Senior Sword King and elaborate on the stakes. I believe he will help you." Ning Jin said.

"I can only give it a try, but I think if I can, it's best not to kill Ning Yu. He, in any case, is our blood elder brother, and it's fine to destroy him."

Ning Yuling gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I'll talk about it later."

Ning Jin nodded, and looked at each other with the other emperors, and they all showed a sneer.

Ning Yu is not benevolent. After he takes office, he will inevitably destroy all these brothers and sisters, and if they have a way to put Ning Yu to death, how can they be merciful?

Only Ning Yuling simply wanted to save Ning Yu's life.

"Then I will contact my master now, if his old man agrees, shall we do it right away?" Ning Yuling asked.

"Let's contact Senior Sword King first, if he doesn't make a move, we can only find someone else to block the powerhouse of the Clan Old Association." Ning Jin said solemnly.

Ning Yuling gritted her teeth, she could naturally see that these elder brothers were going to put Ning Yu to death. If it were before that, she would never agree to it. However, Ning Yu had just threatened her mother with her. She was full of anger at Ning Yu.

Can only contact the Sword King through the secret method.

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