The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 824: Let the power behind you be overwhelming, this king cuts it with a single sword

In the courtyard of the Xiao's villa, the Pope who had only had time to say his name was split in half and his body was on the spot.

When Weaver, who was suppressed by Emperor Xiao Qing's aura so his whole body was lying on the ground, saw this scene, he, who was struggling, suddenly froze.

His eyes were round and his whole body was stiff and motionless.

"do you died?"

Ai Wen and Xiaowu stepped forward, and they looked at Weaver curiously, "This old guy, just now very arrogantly said that he has taken our people to the holy mountain of the Bright Church, how can he pretend to be dead now."

As he said, Ai Wen stepped forward and kicked him, "Old fellow, don't pretend to be dead, otherwise, this girl has ten thousand ways to make you worse off."

A wisp of gray mist spread out from her fingertips.

Seeing it, it was about to be in front of Weaver.

This guy shivered all over, and then, the whole person was trembling suddenly, and he got up in a smoke, "I, I..."

Under him, there was a puddle of liquid stinking.


The two women showed disgust in their eyes, stepped back in the direction of Emperor Xiao Qing, and then looked at him with a disgusting expression, "Fortunately, you are still the bishop of the Bright Church, and your cultivation has reached the stage of foundation building. It's so courageous."

"Dragon, Lord Dragon King..."

Weaver ignored the ridicule of the two women, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a trembling figure.

At this moment, his whole heart is trembling.

Even in the Illuminati Church, there are not many powerful people at the Pope level.

However, how could he not be afraid that his forehead was split in half so easily?

I just thought arrogantly that with the power of the great Pope, it would be enough to suppress Emperor Xiao Qing. Then, by bringing Emperor Xiao Qing directly to the Holy Mountain of Light, he would be able to make a contribution and perhaps accept the inheritance of the gods. , It is possible to become a great pope.

Who can think of all this, the reversal is too fast.

Carefully glanced at Xiao Zhenghua on one side, and then quickly lowered his head, placing his hands vertically on his legs, like a child who had made a mistake, he dared not move.

"Weaver, do you remember what the king said?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Weaver with both hands on his back and sighed, "You can be regarded as an old acquaintance of this king. I didn't want to kill you, but unfortunately, you keep asking for your own death..."


Before he finished speaking, Weaver, the white-haired cardinal of the Western Light Power, weakened his legs and knelt down in front of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"I was wrong, sir, please forgive me."

Head tightly against the ground.

What the majesty of the cardinal, what the identity of the Bright Church... At this moment, they are all left behind.

He just wants to survive.

His eyes were full of fear of Emperor Xiao Qing and fear of death.

"My son is really amazing."

Xiao Zhenghua on one side saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh, "Much better than when I was younger."

"you are..."

Upon hearing Xiao Zhenghua's words, the faces of Xiao Wu and Ai Wen showed shock.

Then, they came to Xiao Zhenghua cautiously, with a cunning look on their faces, and at the same time saluted Xiao Zhenghua, "I have seen..."

In the latter words, what should be called Xiao Zhenghua, they didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Haha, you are welcome."

Xiao Zhenghua was considerate and did not wait for the two girls to hesitate before sending out a force to help them up.

He looked at the two women and smiled with satisfaction, "Good, very good, there are two beautiful, well-behaved and lovely daughter-in-laws, it is really my son's blessing."

He fumbled around for a while and found that there was no gift to give to the two women, and his face was apologetic, "I came out in a hurry this time and didn't bring anything. I will wait for the meeting gift next time."

"It is the happiest thing for us to see you."

Xiao Wu and Ai Wen both had sweet smiles on their faces.

"Haha, two girls can really talk."

Xiao Zhenghua laughed, seeing the two women, he took it for granted that he was his daughter-in-law.

As for the two girls, Ai Wen needless to say, she is just right.

Although Xiao Wu had a guilty conscience, she also accepted it calmly when thinking that she would become the prince's woman sooner or later, so naturally she didn't have to worry about anything.

The three of them were smiling here, kneeling on the ground, and Weaver, whose head was tightly pressed to the ground, was almost scared to death.

His whole body was trembling, and he didn't know how Xiao Qingdi would treat him.

"Weaver, who did you arrest?" Xiao Qingdi's voice was not cold or cold, as if to say an ordinary thing.

However, Weaver was so excited that he said quickly, "Yes, it's the one in the Dragon King's guard, and also, there are some other people in Donghai."

"Little Seven?"

The faces of Xiao Wu and Ai Wen on one side suddenly showed tension.

"Yes, it is..."

Weaver was shivering all over.

"What about people?"

Xiao Qing asked.

"Yes, it has been sent back to the holy mountain, now, I am afraid it is almost here..."

Weaver spoke dryly.

After speaking, he regretted that he almost slapped himself.

After this is over, and everything is explained, he must be dead.


Sure enough, his voice fell, and a Nine-Colored Sword Qi fell from the sky, slashing towards him suddenly.

"Do not.."

Weaver's expression changed drastically, and he yelled in horror, "Dragon King, I have told you everything, you can't kill me, I can help you save people..."


However, this time, Emperor Xiao Qing could not spare him again.

Sword energy flashed, instantly splitting Weaver's whole person in half.

What about the Bright Church?

Even if you have a powerful force behind you, this king wants to kill you, it only needs a sword.

The smell of blood spread.

Elder Xiao Zhenghua on one side frowned when he saw this scene, waved his hand at random, and a flame spewed out, instantly setting the corpse split in half on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the two bodies were burnt to death.

"Little Five, the person who contacted Xiao Qi."

After Emperor Xiao Qing gave a command, he stepped forward and came to the side of Wei Zixuan and Xu Yanping to rescue them from a coma.

"Xiao, Brother Xiao?"

Wei Zixuan and Xu Yanping woke up and saw Emperor Xiao Qing standing in front of them at a glance, making their complexions suddenly change.

"How will you be here?"

"Am I dreaming?"

Even Xu Yanping whispered, feeling that she should be dreaming.

"You didn't dream, the prince is back."

Ai Wen on one side smiled and pulled the two women up, "It's okay, the bad guy has been beaten away by the prince. By the way, how come you were caught by those two guys?"

"We don't know either. Grandpa and Grandpa Li received an invitation from an old friend to go on a mountain tour two days ago. Only the two of us were left at home. Suddenly, we both lost our senses. ."

Wei Zixuan's face was blank.

"It turns out that Wei Lao, Xu Lao, and Li Lao are all out."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded slightly, "Since they are not here, usually, you two will live in Xiao's villa."


The two women were stunned for a moment, and then they were surprised, "Is it really possible?"

Not everyone can live in the Xiao family villa. Even they have wondered if they can enter the Xiao family villa.

Unexpectedly, this day came so fast.

They stood in place and giggled, while Emperor Xiao Qing came to Xiao Zhenghua and said with a soft smile, "Dad, I will take you to meet someone."

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