The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 957: The bones of those who set foot on the East China Sea that day are cold

"Master, where are we going?"

"Go to Su's house first, and then to Fang's house."

In the early morning, the sky is clear, the morning sun is rising, the sky is full of sunshine, and half of the sky is dyed red.

Xiao Wu stopped Xiao Qing's arm and walked in front. In the back, Xiao Qi, Kong Shuai, and Atari were carrying big bags and small bags, like porters, looking at the show of affection in front. Two people.

"Xiu En loved to die early."

Kong Shuai muttered bitterly.

"Hehe, you can do it too, handsome Kong, now you are rich and handsome, and powerful. As long as you speak, Xiaoye will help you find hundreds of wives. Oh, yes, Li Tiancheng is not Do you have a sister? It's also here in the East China Sea. Or, let's get to know each other?"

Atari said with a smile.

"Come on, don't think about it."

Kong Shuai looked depressed, "That little girl, with Xu Yanping, as soon as I saw me, tell me not to pay attention to her, saying that she is destined to be the woman of Xiao Boss, do you dare to touch it?"

Although Li Xin'er did not often appear in front of Emperor Xiao Qing during this period, she did not appear in front of Kong Shuai and the others.

Moreover, every time she appeared, she regarded herself as a woman of Emperor Xiao Qing, and all the people who wanted to make an idea of ​​Kong Shuai Atari did not dare to move.

"You guys messing around all day is not enough..."

Xiaoqi was speechless.

"You Bingtuo only knows how to hold Hongxue, which is like a block of ice like you, all day long. How do you know how to appreciate the warmth of beautiful women on earth?"

Kong Shuai and Atari smiled disdainfully.

"You don't understand, I am dedicated." Xiao Qiyi said righteously, "Men, you must have a sense of responsibility, not half-hearted, of course, the prince is different... the prince is a god, and we can't compare with each other."

"Cut... we are fraternity. We can't bear to be lonely and bullied by the beautiful women in the world, so we must use our enthusiasm to take good care of them, hahaha."

Kong Shuai and Atari laughed at the same time.

"Those two guys are really shameless."

Xiao Wu tightly hugged Emperor Xiao Qing's arm, her little face showed happiness, although she had not been able to "eat" the prince.

However, as Su Ruoyan and other three daughters left, and Ai Wen also went to retreat to practice, she was the only one beside the prince. She only felt that the prince at this moment belonged to her.

Emperor Xiao Qing also laughed, raised his head, and looked at the sky full of glow. At this moment, the purple qi rose eastward, interacting with the emperor seal in his body, a ray of vitality from the inside out, just about to move.

The supreme divine body develops the treasures of the human body, from the inside to the outside, so that it is constantly alive, the power of the flesh is immortal, and the eternal supreme divine body is achieved.

During this time, as he practiced this practice, he felt more and more extraordinary in his body.

"Tomorrow, we will depart for the Great Zhou Royal Family. One will congratulate the King of Zhou on his ascension, and the two will use the Heavenly Fire Furnace of the Great Zhou Royal Family to refine their bodies." Xiao Qing said.


Although Xiaoqi in the rear joked with Atari and Kong Shuai, he silently remembered them.

Stepping on a refreshing road, came to the faculty and staff dormitory of Tunghai University.

Su Wen is still the president of Tunghai University. He usually lives in a simple two-bedroom apartment. He also wakes up early every morning to exercise.

Su Wen, who was doing morning exercises downstairs, greeted the morning sun, and saw Emperor Xiao Qing walking by. This scholar who had been teaching for all his life and not for fame and fortune showed a bright smile on his face, "Why do you have time to see my old man today?"

"If Ruoyan is practicing in retreat, she won't be able to return until three years later, so I will tell you specifically." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled and explained the reason clearly.

Su Wen was silent, and then smiled brightly, "It's only three years, we are still young and can afford to wait, that little girl, don't say a word before retreating."

He was not a cultivator, but he knew that Su Ruoyan had already stepped into martial arts practice following Emperor Xiao Qing.

Moreover, after Ai Wen was passed on during this period, Su Ruoyan also asked her to refine some life-prolonging pills for her parents. As a result, Su Wen's body became healthier.

Although she was reluctant to give up, she also knew that her daughter had already embarked on a different path and had a different life.

"Go, go upstairs."

"Dare not follow your fate."

In the small two-bedroom house, there are a lot of people, and it is a little crowded, but it is better than warm.

After some small talk, Su Wen and his wife were going to work, so they didn't keep more guests, but went out together.

Later, Emperor Xiao Qing came to Fang Wanqing's home. Although he was unfamiliar with Fang Wanqing's parents, after Fang Wanqing was forced to be engaged at the time, Fang's family was in awe of Emperor Xiao Qing and welcomed him warmly when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's arrival.

Visit the second elder, leave a gift, and tell the Fang family to contact him at any time if they need it, then turn around and leave.

At this time, it was not early, but it was noon.

At this moment, it is June. In the East China Sea in June, like a stove burning the earth, Xiao Wu suddenly became interested, "Master, let's go out to eat."

During this time, because Wang Fugui, the chief treasurer of Qingfeng Inn, became the queen chef of the Xiao family villa, the people of the Xiao family were no longer used to eating out.

"it is good."

Xiao Wu suddenly came in interest, Xiao Qingdi naturally would not refuse.

"What should you do? This girl is going on a date with the prince."

Xiao Wu waved his hands to Xiao Qi three people, with a playful smile on his face, and under the scorching sun, he gradually moved away from Emperor Xiao Qing.

"How do I feel that Little Fifth Sister and Elder Xiao might be conspiring?"

Kong Shuai whispered quietly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Atari took a picture, "Don't talk nonsense, Xiao Wu is my little master, and she is correct in everything she does."

Thinking of being threatened with poison by Xiao Wu, and later in the East China Sea, Atari couldn't help but sigh that life is so wonderful.

If he didn't provoke the three daughters, maybe he has been taken away by the Nei Zong Buddha and became a bald head who is no longer his own.

Life is a long journey, both good and bad. Who knows the result until the end?

"Yeah, you are quite loyal." Kong Shuai laughed, and put his arms around Atari and Xiaoqi, "Go, our third brother will go to have fun today, and tomorrow we will find King Zhou Xiaosha, haha, when I think of Da The sister of the Zhou royal family was waiting for me, and I was a little excited."

The three of them left with a smile.


At the same time, a figure on the beach of the East China Sea gradually turned from virtual to real.

"The mysterious East, I haven't been here for over a hundred years."

The deity is Harud, the great pope of the Church of Light, holding the Scepter of Light and condensing his breath. He used a small method to hide his figure so that ordinary people around him could not see him.

He squinted slightly and walked toward the inland. His steps were so light that even when he stepped on the sandy sand, there were no footprints.

What he didn't know was how similar this scene was to when the cardinal first came to the East China Sea not long ago.

However, Weaver's bones are cold.

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