The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 979: Strong Dragon and Earth Snake

As the saying goes, the strong dragon does not crush the ground snake. If both sides are strong dragons, then they are stronger than anyone else.

On the territory of the Great Zhou imperial clan, both parties were also just guests, but the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing was stronger than Ji Yuan and Ji Ming, and these two people deserved bad luck.

At this moment, Ji Yuan screamed screamingly while clutching his **** arm. Ji Ming fell to the ground, holding his neck with both hands, and did not dare to stand up, for fear that his broken neck would just fall off.

Everyone looked at this scene with horror.

"He, poured wine and condensed his sword, and directly cut off his arm from a powerful elder of the Xuanyuan imperial family..."

"It's not Prince Jing, but Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king Xiao Qing used his hands."

"In the legend, he has only cultivated for eight years. Why is it so terrible for eight years?"


Even if he had heard of Xiao Qing's various things before, even in the Xiao Emperor's clan, he had also seen Xiao Qing beheading the powerhouse.

However, it is generally recognized that the reason why the win and release was easily beheaded by Emperor Xiao Qing was precisely because of the Emperor Xiao Clan’s imperial power suppressed by the emperor of the Xiao Clan before he was beheaded by the younger emperor Xiao Qing. killed.

However, this time it was within the Imperial Clan of the Great Zhou, would the Imperial Clan of the Great Zhou still help Emperor Xiao Qing suppress the powerful Xuanyuan clan with imperial power?

"Boss Xiao, do you want me to drive them away?"

When everyone was thinking about it, they saw King Zhou, the new emperor of the Zhou clan, approaching Emperor Xiao Qing, bowing and asking like the younger brother of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"The visitor is a guest, why bother?" Xiao Qingdi shook his head.

"In that case, come here, take two distinguished guests of Xuanyuan clan to heal." Zhou Wang shouted.

"I'm really sorry that this happened, but the emperor has arranged for people to guard the surroundings. If anyone dares to make trouble like this, no matter what the background of the other party, he will definitely die. Then, continue to open the table.

Then, Zhou Wang said a few more polite remarks, and the people of Da Zhou hurriedly cleaned up the scene and continued to open the seats.


Originally, he thought that it was absolutely impossible for Emperor Zhou to offend the Xuanyuan imperial clan in order to help Emperor Xiao Qing.

"It has long been rumored that Emperor Xiao Qing, the Dragon King, has a lot of relationship with Zhou Wang, the new emperor of Da Zhou. I didn't expect it to be true. This guy is really out of luck."

"It's a coincidence."

"I guess, he must have told Emperor Zhou a long time ago that he dared to make such a bold move."


Some people, on the surface, are smiling and kind, but deep in their hearts, they are full of thoughts.

At the beginning, they felt that Emperor Xiao Qing was indeed so powerful that he could cut off the arm of a Ji Yuan who was at the peak of the Golden Core Stage on the territory of Great Zhou.

That method of pouring wine as a sword is really handsome.

However, when they discovered that the relationship between King Zhou and Emperor Xiao Qing was really expensive, and was clearly biased towards Emperor Xiao Qing, they took it for granted that Emperor Xiao Qing was able to cut off Ji Yuan's arm. The credit of the new emperor of the Zhou royal family.

"Using chicken feathers as an arrow, with the help of Emperor Zhou, even ordinary babies can be able to kill any strong, this is normal."

"This is really..."

Everyone had different thoughts, and although they didn't show it on the surface, they didn't have that fear of Emperor Xiao Qing in their hearts.

"These people probably think that your sword is the work of King Zhou." Xiao Zhengjing and Xiao Qingdi touched a cup, and there was a smile on his face.

"It should be so."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled slightly.

What do other people's ideas do to me.

In life, if you have to worry about the ideas of others, then you will be too tired to live.

It is better to live your own life, simple and easy, this is the real freehand life.

"You have so few people at this table, so why don't I join you in a table."

At this moment, Ji Xinyao was holding a wine glass and approached with a smile. Before Xiao Qingdi could respond, he went on next to Xiao Wu and looked at Xiao Wu with a smile, "This sister is so beautiful. , It’s no wonder that Big Brother Xiao likes you so much."

"I dare not dare, how can I compare with you, the emperor of the Xuanyuan clan." The woman's instinct told Xiao Wu that Ji Xinyao's approach to the prince must have been unruly, but the other party's polite manner made her uneasy. , Can only be thorny.

"Oh, my sister laughed, and the emperor is just an ordinary person. Sometimes, I admire your life more, carefree, can stay with the one you love forever, even, love freely, want a few men Friends can change a few..."

"I have a prince who loves me, it is already my great fortune, this life is enough."


When two women who treat each other as rivals openly and secretly quarrel, all this becomes very lively.

As the saying goes, there are three women in a play, even if there are only two, but when they fight, they are equally wonderful.

Then there were no more disputes, everyone sang and danced.

However, what surprised Emperor Xiao Qing was that the Imperial Clan of Great Zhou invited an old acquaintance of his to sing and perform. It was the disciple of Xiao Qingyan and Xiaoyao, Bai Yan.

"It's Senior Sister Bai Yi."

Xiao Qingyan looked at Bai Yi who was singing on stage in surprise, "Unexpectedly, Senior Sister was invited by Da Zhou to participate in the performance."

Although the place where they are sitting is conspicuous, Bai Yan at this moment is obviously aware of the existence of the Great Zhou imperial clan. He dared not look around, but just sang wholeheartedly. In this way, he did not see the audience. Several people.

However, her figure was very feminine, and coupled with a very good singing voice, she was dancing and singing at this moment, and it turned out to be Meiyang's outstanding, making everyone in the audience pay attention to her.

"Hehe, Boss Xiao, let's go play first."

At this time, Kong Shuai and Atari each had a beautiful woman in their arms, and while laughing jokingly, they left with winks at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Two scumbags."

Xiao Wu sneered.

"This is the essence of exposure, men in the world, who doesn't want countless beautiful women." Ji Xinyao chuckled softly, with Yingying eyes falling on Emperor Xiao Qing with a lingering affection.

Even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't bear the look in her eyes.

In fact, this woman is not only noble and elegant, but when she really wants to tease someone, she is so charming.

It's also a kind of enjoyment to enjoy Bai Yan's singing and dancing while drinking.

Of course, if there were no drunken troubles, and if you wanted to force Bai Yan to drink with your extraordinary status, then it would be a good thing.

After a singing and dancing session, Bai Yi was invited to the table, resting and eating.

For her, this time to perform at the Dazhou Royal Family is really a rare opportunity. If she can cooperate with Dazhou Dacheng, it will definitely improve her.

So, this time she did her best to sit down on the stage while eating and drinking while talking to the assistant.

"Beauty, you are good at singing and dancing. From now on, stop singing and dancing, just follow me, status, money, or all kinds of treasures, I will give you what you want."

At this moment, a drunken person approached and stretched out his hand to grab Bai Yan directly.

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