The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 984: Unfavorable

"President Darkness is really amazing, and he can really catch people. I admire him."

The Pope Guangming looked at the imprisoned Luo Xia with a smile on his face, and exclaimed.

At this moment, Mingbodier personally grasped Luo Xia, his expression still looked at Pope Guangming indifferently, "Stop talking nonsense, quickly destroy Dragon King Island, and then go to Emperor Xiao Qing."

"No hurry, no hurry, my people are coming right away."

Pope Guangming smiled, looking at Dragon King Island, but his eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

He has not forgotten that when the Guangming Sacred Mountain was destroyed last time, a bomb fell from the sky, which was sent from the battleship on Dragon King Island.

This time, he will give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.


Along with the buzzing sound, a full ten large warships came from afar in the rear.

"Do you still use these weapons?" The president of the Dark Council, Mingbodil, was almost mad. "You waited for a long time, so I waited for you to bombard them?"

"With those of us, one person and one palm are enough to destroy the entire island. You are still wasting Lao Tzu's time."

At this moment, Mingbodir really almost wanted to kill.

Powerhouses at their level are very disdainful of modern high-tech weapons. After all, apart from the real kind of destructive weapons, they cannot cause any harm to cultivators.

But now, Pope Guangming is like playing around, waiting to attack Dragon King Island with the gunfire of the warship, just like a child playing house, how he is not angry.

"No hurry, this time, I want to show Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, to a grand performance." The Emperor Guangming smiled lightly and ordered his men to directly lift the drone into the air and start a 360-degree video recording. , Intends to pass it directly to Emperor Xiao Qing on the spot.

"You said, Xiao Qingdi's child will go crazy when he sees that Dragon King Island under his hand is destroyed?" He smiled happily.

"Perhaps, when he goes mad, it will be the end of your Bright Church." Luo Xia beside Mingbodier suddenly said meaningfully.

"That's impossible. We have already contacted the above. Even if those strong people in the East take action, it is absolutely impossible to cause any harm to my Bright Church. As for your master, that prince, hey, he is alone, not enough. For worry."

The Pope Guangming smiled disdainfully.

Luo Xia was indifferent and stopped talking.


The Pope of Illumination raised his hand to prepare all the firepower of the warship.

A wave of murderous intent enveloped the entire Dragon King Island.

However, Dragon King Island was surprisingly calm, as if he hadn't noticed the same at all.

At this moment, an emergency meeting is unfolding inside the island, including the Ten Dragon Guards, Ai Wen and Wang Xinyuan.

"The power of both the light and the dark will act together. This time, we are in danger." Long Yi Tang Yi looked solemn.

At this moment, everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, and only Wang Xinyuan smiled indifferently, "It's just the light and the dark. Give me some more time. After I have studied all the weapons, it will be enough to kill them all."

"Mr. Wang, you also said that it will take a while, but we can't wait." Xiao Qi sighed.

"Just stop them." Wang Xinyuan still smiled indifferently.

A tablet computer appeared in his hand, and his hands were flying on it. At the same time, a cold machine opened his eyes on the bottom of the Dragon King Island in all directions, and a scarlet light was flowing in his eyes.

Boom boom boom!

Then, these machines rushed up from the bottom of the sea like cannonballs, and rushed up towards the warships in an instant.

"First let the first-tier robots in the periphery destroy those warships, and then let the ten guard knights take action, and finally we will take action."

With a smile on Wang Xinyuan's face, when he looked at everyone, he saw that everyone was still nervous.

He couldn't help laughing, "Don't be nervous, it's just the light and dark power, the prince is already prepared."


Everyone was stunned.

"I really don't know."

Wang Xinyuan cursed a few times, no longer paying attention to everyone, but pacing out of the hall by himself. With a thought, the nano-robot unfolded and jumped directly onto the tallest dragon king island to wait for him. The light and dark powerhouse of the island.

It seemed to have a feeling, the light and the dark side, at the same time, the eyes of countless strong men came over, and they happened to look at Wang Xinyuan.

"Everyone, enjoy the first round of attacks."

Wang Xinyuan smiled softly.

"Who is he?"

The Pope of Light and the chairman of the Dark Council, Mingbodir, frowned at the same time, feeling that Wang Xinyuan's performance was a bit abnormal. It seemed that there was no energy, but it was too abnormal to be able to jump so high.

"No, there is something below to attack the ship."

"The speed is very fast, the power is too strong, no, the warship can't avoid it, it will be hit."


Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, on the battleship, those people who had filled the artillery fire yelled out nervously, before they could respond, with a roar, all battleships exploded directly.

Then, a huge machine rushed out of the water and rushed directly towards the strong side of light and darkness.

"What the hell?"

Pope Bright was stunned.

With his strength, he didn't even sense that there was anything on the bottom of the sea, and that's it, let the other party destroy the warship he had prepared so hard.

His plan of tooth for tooth for eye for eye has not yet begun, so it ends?

"Batter them."

There was no need for him to speak at all. The powerhouses on the light and dark sides had already attacked the machines together. However, they had just started and the machines rushed into them. They did not fight them at all, but exploded directly. .

An explosion sounded like a firework, accompanied by the screams and flesh and blood of many people.

This scene stunned the Pope Guangming and Mingbodir who hadn't thought about it.

What is a disadvantage?

Not exactly.

The two most powerful overseas forces joined forces to deal with Dragon King Island. Originally, they thought they could destroy Dragon King Island at will, and gave Emperor Xiao Qing a live broadcast.

Who could have imagined that all warships were destroyed before they even started, and dozens of powerful men were injured each.

He raised his head and looked at the drone that was recording all of this in the sky. Pope Guangming’s mouth twitched. Suddenly, he felt that passing all this to Emperor Xiao Qing might not make Xiao Qing angry, but make Xiao Qing happy. .

"This is your team?"

Mingbodir looked at Pope Guangming gloomily, "It's also a machine, why can't your warship detect anything on the bottom of the sea?"

"How do I know? I don't understand these things."

After the Pope Guangming responded, he no longer cares about Mingbodir, but raises his head and looks at the Dragon King Island ahead, with a cold killing intent in his eyes, "If this is the case, then just do it and take the whole island. Erase it."

"Everyone, do it."

He turned to look at the powerhouses behind him. Among the people brought this time, there were three powerhouses at the Pope level, a dozen at the Pope level, and countless other cardinals and knights.

A lot of the weakest were killed, and the rest were the strong, rushing into Dragon King Island, enough to completely wipe out Dragon King Island.


With an order, all the strong from the light power side, except for the light pope, all the others went towards Dragon King Island.

The president of the Dark Council, Mingbodir, no longer talked nonsense, and directly ordered, "Kill, all the creatures on the island can be swallowed by you, without any limitations."

His words, with a meaningful smile.

For a time, all the dark creatures were killed with murderous aura, and their killing intent was not only aimed at Dragon King Island, but also at the power of the light force rushing in front of them.

These powerhouses, even the weakest ones, are martial artists who are comparable to the Ninth-Rank realm. Among them, there are countless powerhouses comparable to the foundation stage and the condensing stage.

And on Dragon King Island, hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, the strongest is only the foundation period.

The comparison of strength between the two sides is obvious at a glance.

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