The Midfield Master

Chapter 11 Special physical training! ?

After more than 20 hours of journey, Xia Ze and Zhang Wei came to Maritimo Club again. The difference from the last time is that this time they will transfer to this Portuguese Super League team with a history of nearly a century.

On the second day after arriving in Madeira, they went to the club for the signing ceremony.

Xia Ze and Zhang Wei came to the club early, and under the guidance of Tenonio, they had a physical examination at a hospital near the club.

After the medical examination report was passed, the two went to the chairman's office on the fourth floor of the club building with Li Shurong and Tenonio to sign the contract.

"Chairman Felipe, two Chinese geniuses are here." Martins pushed open the door of the chairman's office and said with a smile to a 60-year-old man sitting at his desk.

"Ah, Martins, I've been waiting here for a long time." Felipe stood up and faced Xia Ze and the others.

This is an old man about 65 years old. The suit is not fashionable, and it is washed a little white, which shows that he is an industrialist with good financial management. He has a high nose, a ruddy complexion, and thick but already white hair. Obviously, being the chairman of Maritimo is not so easy.

"Mr. Felipe, their medical examination passed, here is the report." Tenonio took out two reports from the side and gave Felipe.

Felipe took the report, opened it and read it separately, then closed it and handed it to the secretary beside him. Then he began to look at Xia Ze and Zhang Wei in front of him.

Both of them are wearing suits and leather shoes today, and both are over 180 tall. Especially Xia Ze, although his face is a little immature, but he is handsome and upright, under the trimming of a suit, he is as dazzling as a star.

"Okay, both boys look good." Felipe said with a smile, withdrawing his scrutiny.

"Mr. Felipe, are you ready to sign the contract?" Seeing that Felipe was only looking at Xia Ze and the others, Tenonio quickly reminded.

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot, come, come here." Felipe seemed to suddenly realize it after being reminded by Tenonio, and led the two of them to a small conference table.

"Here is the contract, please take a look at it first, we can sign it if there is no problem." Felipe asked Xia Ze and Zhang Wei to sit down at the table, and placed two contracts in front of them.

"Uncle Li, can you tell us something?" Xia Ze opened the contract and found that it was all in English. He couldn't understand anything except numbers, so he raised his head and said to Li Shurong.

Li Shurong came with the two, just to help them take a look when signing the contract, and to take care of their lives for a period of time at the beginning, so that they can settle down here before returning to China.

"Well, let me take a look." Li Shurong walked over, took Xia Ze and Zhang Wei's contracts, and looked at them carefully.

Xia Ze's and Zhang Wei's contracts have the same basic terms, they are both professional player contracts, but the salary is different.

"Xia Ze, Zhang Wei, let me tell you two." After Li Shurong read the contract, he told them the details of the contract.

Both Xia Ze and Zhang Wei have a 3-year contract. Xia Ze’s salary is 1,000 euros per week after tax, and there is a goal bonus of 1,000 euros for each goal scored. The liquidated damages are 8 million euros; Zhang Wei’s salary is after tax. 800 euros per week, a goal bonus of 1,000 euros, and a liquidated damages of 5 million euros.

In addition, in the first 3 months, the team will provide them with housing and transportation subsidies.

The salary system of Portuguese players is different from that in China. Maritimo's salary structure is basically weekly salary + special rewards, while the Chinese Super League team is annual salary + winning bonus.

"How, do you think these conditions are acceptable?" After Li Shurong finished speaking, he looked at the two with questioning eyes.

"Xiao Ze, what do you think?" Zhang Wei didn't have any idea, he turned his head and asked Xia Ze.

"My salary is higher than yours, of course I can, haha." Xia Ze said with a laugh.

In fact, as long as he has a chance to play football and does not need money from his family, he feels very good.

Now he can still get a weekly salary of 1,000 euros. Although it may be a basic salary in the team, he feels very satisfied.

"Xiao Ze thinks it's okay, and I'm fine too." Zhang Wei said foolishly before he could hear the meaning behind Xia Ze's words.

"That's good, I'll talk to Chairman Felipe." Seeing that the two agreed to the conditions, Li Shurong walked over to communicate with Felipe.

After a while, Felipe came over with a smile on his face and shook hands with Xia Ze and Zhang Wei respectively.

"Guys, welcome to join us at Maritimo." Felipe had a smile on his rosy face, obviously he was very happy to sign two Chinese players at such a low price, especially the possibility of opening up the Chinese market.

When the two signed, Felipe's secretary took a picture of each of them. The next day the local newspaper published the news that Xia Ze and Zhang Wei had joined Maritimo, these afterthoughts.

After signing the contract, the two devoted themselves to training in the afternoon, while Tenonio went to find a house for Xia Ze and the others. Now he seems to be the manager of Xia Ze and Zhang Wei, but the manager doesn't seem to be paid.

During the training in the afternoon, Xia Ze saw coach Martins again, as well as "Bone Crack Special" and "Very Proud" who had trained together for a week a few days ago.

"Welcome back." Seeing that Xia Ze and Zhang Wei had officially joined the team, Quite proudly welcomed them.

"Oh, our talented star is here!" The "Bone Crack Special" on the side laughed and talked to others, of course Xia Ze and Zhang Wei couldn't understand what he said.

"Okay, come here and gather." Martins beckoned everyone to move closer to him: "Our season preparation period is almost over, and the league preparations have begun. Today I will conduct a physical fitness test to see everyone's physical reserves. Especially the two new players."

Speaking of this, he deliberately glanced at Xia Ze and Zhang Wei.

Although Xia Ze and Zhang Wei couldn't understand what he said, they both responded with firm eyes when they saw Martins looking at them.

Martins also smiled with satisfaction when he saw the resolute eyes cast on him by the two men.

Under Li Shurong's translation, Xia Ze and the others knew that they would have a physical fitness test today. Upon hearing the physical fitness test, Zhang Wei couldn't help but sigh. Physical fitness is his weakest link. When he was in the R\u0026F youth team, the central defender basically didn't consume much physical energy, so Zhang Wei's physical fitness has always been poor.

Xia Ze, on the other hand, looked confident. Although his physical fitness is not the best in the youth team, he is also one of the top few. At the front, at least it can reach the middle reaches.

If they had passed the physical fitness test, Xia Ze might not be so optimistic.

The physical fitness test is divided into four groups. The first group is the goalkeeper group, and the three first-team goalkeepers will conduct a 5,000-meter long-distance running test; the other three groups are the defender, midfielder and forward groups. Conduct a 10,000-meter long-distance running test.

In the guard group, as expected, Zhang Wei fell to the bottom, and was behind the penultimate place by a considerable amount of time, which made Martins look very ugly.

In the midfield group, Xia Ze and "Tingao" tied for the last place. Slightly better than Zhang Wei, they are not far behind the first team, but they are also the role of the tail. It is worth mentioning that "Bone Crack Special" has the best physical fitness in the midfield group and even in the whole team, which is why Xia Ze and Zhang Wei look at him with admiration.

After Xia Ze and Zhang Wei were the last in the group, Martins called Xia Ze, Zhang Wei, and "Tingao" aside, with a very ugly expression on his face.

After speaking in surprisingly fast Portuguese, Martins blushed and turned away. Judging from his expression just now, he was obviously quite angry.

But among the three, Xia Ze and Zhang Wei were at a loss, except that they were "pretty proud" Portuguese and could understand Portuguese.

After Martins left, Li Shurong came over and told the two of them the general idea of ​​what Martins said just now.

"What!? Special physical training? Extra training every day!?" Zhang Wei said in shock, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Uncle Li, did he just say that if his physical condition doesn't improve, he won't have a chance to play in the first team?" Xia Ze didn't have much opinion on special physical training and extra training, he was just worried that it would affect his chances of playing.

"Yes, he said that if your physical condition has not improved, it will be difficult to give you a chance to play, so you have to undergo special physical training." Li Shurong said with a slight frown. He did not want the two of them to develop in the Portuguese Super League. Not good, so I advised the two of them: "Zhang Wei, Xia Ze, this is a rare opportunity. Your consciousness and skills are no worse than those Portuguese players. You can't be dismissed because of physical problems. You have to work hard." !"

"Uncle Li, don't worry, we will work hard to carry out special physical training and improve our physical condition so that we can get a chance to play." Xia Ze said firmly with a determined look on his face.

"En!" Zhang Wei nodded with the same resoluteness beside him.

In the next month, Xia Ze, Zhang Wei and "Tingaoao" all had special physical training after the training. During the one-month special training, although Zhang Wei complained incessantly, his and Xia Ze's physical fitness had improved significantly, and Martins was quite satisfied with their progress.

It's just that during this period of time, neither Xia Ze nor Zhang Wei got a chance to play for the first team, and only played a few games in the reserve team and the youth team.

However, Maritimo had one draw and one loss in the first two rounds of the Portuguese Super League, and has yet to win. Local newspapers and media have predicted that Maritimo will enter the relegation battle mode early this season, and they are not optimistic about Maritimo's relegation prospects.

Coming into September, Li Shurong left Portugal half a month ago and returned to Guangzhou. Before he left, he found a Portuguese teacher for Xia Ze and the others. He was a local Chinese college student who could speak Mandarin and would come to teach the two of them this week. Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 88

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