The Midfield Master

Chapter 34 Intermission

"Damn it!" Gretel, who was passing the ball, cursed secretly, and hurried forward to block the opponent's player who was holding the ball.

Because of Xia Ze's mistake, the opponent formed a breakthrough in the midfield, and the huge gap in the middle of the midfield allowed the opponent to quickly approach the front of the penalty area.

"Xia Ze's low-level mistake gave the national team a good chance to attack, and we can try a long shot!" Christine's commentary sounded in the studio.

"Oh! It's Gretel, he chased back in time, and a beautiful sliding tackle intercepted the ball!"


"Boy, be serious!" Gretel ran to Xia Ze's side and warned him.

When Xia Ze made a mistake just now, he was shocked and annoyed in his heart. He didn't expect that the matter of his grandfather would affect his game state!

"No, we will be defeated if this continues." Xia Ze said to himself in his heart.

"I have to stand up like a man and forget about Grandpa!"

Xia Ze shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of all the messy emotions in his mind. The gaze in his eyes slowly became firm, and he took the initiative to run to his teammates, beckoning to them for the ball.

Although Xia Ze is not in form, Maritimo still dominates the game. The defenders basically pass the ball to Gretel and Arthur. Xia Ze's main role becomes to pull the opponent's midfield and defense.

But he was not discouraged, but used more active running to create passing space for his teammates and allow himself to get more chances to catch the ball.

"David, give me the ball!" Xia Ze ran to the midfielder and shouted at Zhang Wei who was holding the ball.

Zhang Wei looked up and looked ahead, and saw that Xia Ze had already run out of space, while Artur and Gretel were under the marking of the opponent's midfielder. If it was before, he would pass the ball to Xia Ze without hesitation, but today Xia Ze is obviously out of form, which made him hesitate a bit.

"Trust me!" Xia Ze shouted to Zhang Wei while running.

Zhang Wei's expression was shocked, seeing Xia Ze looking at him with firm eyes, he rekindled his trust in this partner who had played since he was a child, he pushed the arch of his foot, and passed the ball to Xia Ze's feet.

This was almost the first time Xia Ze got the ball in the past 5 minutes, because Cowhide Tang was thrown a few meters away by him, so he could comfortably take the ball and turn around to observe the situation on the field.

Artur and Gretel both felt that the former Xia Ze seemed to be back, and there was a hint of smile in their hearts, and they went to meet Xia Ze from different positions.

Because of Xia Ze's inaccurate performance in the opening 30 minutes, Maritimo couldn't organize an effective attack in the midfield, so at this time Xia Ze took the ball, and the three players in the frontcourt were stared to death by the opponent's defender.

Xia Ze didn't pass the ball forward blindly, but passed the ball to the full-back's feet, and then he ran forward to meet it, and sorted out the midfield and backcourt by reaching his feet to attract the opponent's defense.

After reaching his feet a few times, Maritimo has opened up some space. After Xia Ze's passing cooperation, his confidence in holding the ball has returned, and the trust of his teammates in him has also slowly recovered.

"Okay, let's show your state by passing the ball!" Martins clenched his fists on the sidelines and said secretly in his heart. In the first 30 minutes of the first half, he could be said to have been worried all the time, worried about Xia Ze's state, and even thought of substituting him.

However, the performance of these few minutes made Martins a little more stable.

After a few minutes of back-and-forth sorting out, the operation of Maritimo's midfield became smooth again, and the cooperation among the players was quite tacit. They returned to the good state of being unbeaten in ten rounds.

In the last 10 minutes of the first half, after adjusting his state, Xia Ze allowed Maritimo to control the situation on the field again, and created several threatening attacks, but he was unable to break through the gate of the national team.

With the whistle of the referee, the first half ended and the two sides entered the locker room 0-0.


Outside the toilet of the Barreiros stadium, a middle-aged man in sportswear was talking on the phone in a low voice,

It was in English, and it didn't look around furtively, causing the surrounding fans to cast strange glances.

"Villas, I watched half of that Chinese guy's game. He does have some talent, but he doesn't look like a big player." The middle-aged man also discussed Xia Ze on the phone: "Compared to him , Christian in our team is much better."

"Is that so? The chairman said that he wants to expand the club's global influence. It's rare that China has such a good young player. This is exactly what we need." A voice in his 30s came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, I'll stay in Portugal to observe for a while, but..." The middle-aged man hesitated.

"Did you find anything?" The middle-aged man's doubts were heard on the other end of the phone, and he asked.

"I saw David Moyes here, and there is another person I'm not sure if it's him. I'll call you after I confirm."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."


In the Maritimo locker room, Martins stood in front of the tactical board. He first gave a speech about his dissatisfaction with the team's performance, and then said a few things that needed to be changed in the second half on the tactical board.

Xia Ze, who had been groggy 30 minutes before the first half, was pouring ice water on his head, trying to clear his head.

When he walked back to the locker room from the pitch at the end of halftime, he realized that he was too much affected by his grandfather's surgery.

"Xia Ze, what's the matter with you today?" Martins walked to Xia Ze's side and whispered to him.

The teammates next to Xia Ze also walked out intentionally or unintentionally at this time, leaving room for Martins and Xia Ze to speak.

"Coach, it's nothing. I was troubled by some things at the beginning, and now I have adjusted." Xia Ze shook his head slightly, expressing to the coach that he was fine.

"Zhang Wei told me that I also regret what happened to your grandfather, but your grandfather is only undergoing an operation now, and the success rate of this operation is very high, so you should not be affected by it." Martins looked at Xia Ze, said firmly.

Xia Ze's expression changed when he heard Martins say this, and he looked at him in surprise.

"I know that your grandpa must also hope that you will be successful in football, so you shouldn't be distracted by worrying about grandpa during the game. You should use your performance to dedicate yourself to him who is fighting against illness!"

Martins followed Xia Ze's current trouble gap and continued to instill some game experience in him: "Frank Lampard, a few days after his mother died, he defended his mother's spirit in the sky with a goal in a game. , to be able to turn the emotions off the court into motivation on the court, that is what must be done to become a top star!"

After Martins finished speaking, he patted Xia Ze on the shoulder, his tone softened a little, and said, "I hope you can understand, the team still needs you in the second half."

"If you want to become a star like Lampard, you need to transform your off-court emotions into on-court motivation..." Xia Ze stared blankly at the floor, these words echoing in his mind.

After a long while, his eyes began to gather, and gradually became firm, his back that was originally bent slowly straightened up, and the expression on his face changed from muddled to determined.

"Mr. Martins, I see!"


"Luis, in the first half of the game, Maritimo obviously didn't show their strength. When do you think Martins will make adjustments in the second half?" Christine chatted with Figo in the studio. Of course, they The chat content of will also be broadcast throughout Portugal through the live signal.

"Actually, we have all seen that in the first 30 minutes of the first half, the magic boy Xia Ze, who was the core of Maritimo's midfield, played very poorly. This is also the reason why the home team failed to break the deadlock. But after 30 minutes, Xia Ze's The form seems to have improved and there are several threats on the court, so we can look forward to seeing how Xia Ze, who is back to form in the second half, will bring changes to Maritimo's offense."

"Thank you Luis for your analysis, well, the players have come out of the locker room, let's take a look at the second half of the game together."

"Grandpa, I will prove to you that I can be recognized by the world on the football field!" Xia Ze swore secretly in his heart as he stood near the middle circle and waited for the kick-off.


With the whistle of the referee, the second half of the game began.

Xia Ze's state was obviously much better than that of the first half after the midfielder's psychological adjustment. From the beginning of the second half, he actively demanded from his teammates, and through cooperation in the midfield, he penetrated into the opponent's dangerous zone.

Although the opponent's midfielder has been entangled with Xia Ze, the support and protection of Xia Ze on both sides of Artur and Gretel allowed Xia Ze to get rid of the opponent's entanglement to the greatest extent and give full play to his strength in organizing attacks.

Xia Ze took the ball near the middle circle, and the opponent's midfielder Claude Mill immediately posted it. He didn't take the ball, but knocked the ball directly to Arthur, who was plugging in on the left, and there was already an open space in front of Arthur.

The ball was distributed to the left winger Sami, and Sami made a cross!

Deeley in the middle was grabbing a point, but unfortunately the opponent's defender took the lead to push the ball out.

The ball on the periphery still fell at the feet of Gretel, and Gretel then crossed the ball to Artur, who suddenly made a sharp through ball!

Xia Ze's figure appeared on the left side of the penalty area and quickly caught up with Arthur's through ball!

In the wave of attack just now, Xia Ze had already thrown Claude Mill away through a strange run, and Artur's heart-to-heart through ball allowed him to get a one-on-one confrontation on the left side of the penalty area. Opportunities for defenders.

Xia Ze gently touched the ball with his instep, his eyes flicked over the opponent's defender's knees, waist and other places.

He knocked his right foot and tilted his body to the left, preparing to press down on the ground.

The opponent's defender has been keeping a close eye on the ball under Xia Ze's feet. At this time, he found that Xia Ze wanted to break through to the bottom line, so he quickly started to keep up with Xia Ze's pace.

Unexpectedly, just as Xia Ze's ball left his right foot, his left foot knocked again and went in the opposite direction. His body just swayed just now, and then moved to the right.

The opponent's defender lost his center of gravity at this time, and Xia Ze passed him with a deep-fried ball.

Xia Ze got rid of the defender and had a chance to shoot on the penalty area line! Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 88

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