"Hey, the coach is coming!" Zhang Wei looked at Luo Jin who was walking towards him, and said with some panic.

"What are you afraid of? You are already a big star." Wang Xiaolin, who was next to her, said contemptuously, "Look at Ozawa..."

When she turned her face to praise Xia Ze, she found that Xia Ze also had a submissive expression on his face, and there was nothing he could do about the two of them.

Luo Jin in the distance had already reached the expressions of the four of them at this time, and he squeezed a smile on his serious face, and said casually: "Xiaolin, are you here?"

"Coach!" Before Wang Xiaolin could answer, Xia Ze and Zhang Wei said respectfully in unison.

Luo Jin looked at Xia Ze and Zhang Wei who were cautious and respectful, and the smile on his face immediately elongated. He said coldly: "You are all playing the main force in the Portuguese Super League, and you are so afraid of me?"

"Uh...coach, we are respecting you old man." Xia Ze reluctantly defended.

"Yes, I respect you old man." Zhang Wei immediately reacted and repeated it.

"..." Luo Jin glanced at the two of them, and was immediately speechless to them.

And Hua Yan at the side looked at the expressions of the three of them at this time, their faces were also covered with black lines, and thought to themselves: What a strange master and apprentice.

It's just that Xia Ze and Zhang Wei haven't escaped from the shadow of Luo Jin's hell-style training methods. After Wang Xiaolin introduced Hua Yan to Luo Jin, everyone's conversation became more and more natural.

Next to the training ground of the R\u0026F youth team, Luo Jin, the head coach of the youth team, chatted with two outstanding players who came out from here, attracting the attention of the entire training ground.

Those teenage players are very familiar with the names of Xia Ze and Zhang Wei, because the head coach Luo Jin often uses the two as successful examples when he lectures them, and angers them for indisputable.

Now seeing these two "senior brothers" who are currently the main players in the Portuguese Super League, everyone can't hold back their excitement. If there is no devil coach Luo Jin here, I am afraid they would have surrounded them.

The four of Xia Ze naturally stayed at the base to have dinner with the coaches who had taught them, and talked about the past. Although less than half a year has passed, everyone feels that the changes seem to be great.

The day passed like this.


The next day, without contacting Zhang Wei, Wang Xiaolin and others, Xia Ze returned to the training base of the R\u0026F youth team alone, and watched Luo Jin and the others direct the training from the sidelines of the training ground.

Luo Jin found that Xia Ze was alone on the sidelines, so he arranged for the young players to fight in groups, and then went to the sidelines to talk to Xia Ze.

"Ozawa, do you have any troubles?" Luo Jin asked with concern.

"Coach, two weeks ago our team played against a rival in the same city at home. I couldn't figure it out when our team suppressed the opponent and lost." Xia Ze glanced at the field and said slowly.

He came to the training ground alone today, just to talk to Luo Jin about his confusion. After all, this heart disease has haunted him for a long time.

"Are you frustrated by failure or because your efforts have not been rewarded?" Luo Jin continued to ask.

"I just don't understand why we are stronger than them and play better than them, but we can't win the game." Xia Ze is still very confused: "We are obviously playing at home, but the goalposts keep blocking us shot, I don't understand."

Luo Jin looked at Xia Ze's confused expression, sighed softly, and thought to himself, this disciple of his is still too young, and there is no way to mature without experiencing setbacks and failures. But as his coach, I have to guide him no matter what, lest he be trapped by the demons and unable to move forward.

"Strength, luck, and fighting spirit, these are the three key factors that determine the outcome of the game. I believe I have told you before." Luo Jin said slowly: "You are stronger than others, and your fighting spirit is not weak. You can win the game.”

"Could it be that luck can determine the outcome of a match?" Xia Ze was even more puzzled.

"Luck can not determine the outcome of the game,

But luck can affect the game. "Luo Jin shook his head and explained: "Your opponent's fighting spirit will not be weaker than yours. The most important point is that they know how to use their strength better than you, so others can resist your offensive, but you can't break through it. their gates. "

"If it wasn't for the door frame, they wouldn't be able to prevent our attack at all!"

"Why don't you take your shots closer to the goal, instead of hitting the woodwork?"

Xia Ze was speechless for a moment, yes, why couldn't he shoot the ball from the dead corner, but hit the door frame instead? Is it just a matter of luck?

Seeing Xia Ze's pensive look, Luo Jin knew he was leading in the right direction: "Because your fighting spirit was suppressed by the opponent, so you couldn't calmly face the chance to shoot."

After a short pause, Luo Jin continued: "If your fighting spirit can be stronger than the opponent's, then when you shoot, it's not that you are afraid of missing the ball, but they are afraid that you will shoot the ball into the dead corner. But you didn't do it."

When Xia Ze heard this, he recalled the game two weeks ago. When his side shot, they were extremely eager for the ball to hit the goal, but they were also extremely afraid that the ball would go flying. This may be because the determination to win in my heart is not enough, and the fighting spirit is overwhelmed by the opponent.

"Then what should I do?" Xia Ze agreed with coach Luo Jin's statement from the bottom of his heart, solved the doubts in his heart, and began to seek solutions.

"Never take victory for granted, no matter how strong you are, no matter how weak your opponent is, no matter how many games you have won before." Luo Jin said meaningfully.

"Never take victory for granted..." These words kept echoing in Xia Ze's mind, and his expression fell into confusion.

"When you have won consecutive victories, the psychological advantage you have is not because you are confident, but because your opponents are afraid. Once you take your next victory for granted, then you are close to failure. It won't be far." Luo Jin continued to guide Xia Ze.

Xia Ze's body shook when he heard this, and his whole body showed an expression of sudden realization, and the frown that had been tightly furrowed on his face finally relaxed at this moment.

He finally understood why he lost the game, it was because he never thought that his opponent would beat him, he never thought that he would lose.

However, on the football field, no team, no one person can be undefeated forever, everyone has to try the taste of failure, this is football.

If you want to continue to enjoy the taste of victory, you must forget the taste of victory in the next game, so that you will have the momentum and fighting spirit to win the game!

The troubles that had been troubling Xia Ze for several weeks were finally swept away under the enlightenment of his mentor. Xia Ze's face, which had been gloomy for a long time, now showed a confident smile.

"Thank you, coach." Xia Ze thanked Luo Jin from the bottom of his heart.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm your coach. If you become famous in the future, my face will also shine." Luo Jin showed a rare smile.

Xia Ze also smiled shyly.

"You are still young, and you haven't experienced many things. In fact, life is like this. Don't take what you get for granted, and learn to cherish what you have." Luo Jin continued to talk about his big truth, but then he thought it seemed to be far away. Then he waved his hand and interrupted himself: "You will understand this later, if you have any troubles, I welcome you here at any time."

"Well, I see, coach."

Looking at this middle-aged man with a serious expression but a kind heart in front of him, Xia Ze felt extremely comfortable in his heart.


This is the second week of Xia Ze's vacation. In order to maintain their physical fitness and sense of the ball, after returning to the training base, Xia Ze and Zhang Wei will go to the training base of the R\u0026F Youth Team every day to train with their former teammates. After Xia Ze untied his knot, he trained very hard.

Although the appearance of the two made the R\u0026F youth team players who had been teammates with them for several years feel a little embarrassed, it inspired their training attitude even more.

The news that Xia Ze and Zhang Wei were training at the R\u0026F Youth Team training base also spread in Guangzhou. Every day, many fans tried their best to enter the R\u0026F Youth Team's training base to see their demeanor.

And Wang Xiaolin and Hua Yan would occasionally go to the training base to watch everyone's training, and their goal was of course Xia Ze and Zhang Wei.

The appearance of these two beauties made this group of young people envious. They only longed for the day when they could be spotted by foreign scouts, study abroad, and make a name for themselves in Europe.


At the end of December, only the last few days of 2013 are left. Xia Jinhua is recovering well after the operation. He was discharged from the hospital a few days ago and returned to his home in Yuexiu District. After Xia Jinhua was hospitalized, Xia's mother also quit her job as a sanitation worker, and is currently doing some small manual work at home.

However, the family's expenses are supported by Xia Ze's salary, and life is better than before. Seeing that his mother is not working so hard, Xia Ze feels a little more comfortable than before.

On this day, Xia Jinhua was still cutting newspapers in the living room. During the days when he was sick, Xia's mother collected the newspapers and put them in his room.

After being discharged from the hospital, although Xia Jinhua's hands and feet were not very agile, taking some time every day to cut newspapers was beneficial to his recovery. So Mother Xia and Xia Ze didn't obstruct him either.

Boom boom boom...

There was a knock on the door.

"Here we come!" Mother Xia put down the bead thread in her hand and walked over to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a fat middle-aged man in a suit stood outside, holding a bag of fruit in his hand.

"Uncle Feng, it's you, come in and have a seat." Xia's mother warmly welcomed him in when she saw the person coming.

"Xiao Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time." Xia Jinhua, who was sitting in a wheelchair, raised his glasses and said with a smile.

"I've been busy recently, I don't have time to visit Mr. Xia Bo, I'm sorry." The middle-aged man said with some embarrassment, his expression seemed a little embarrassed.

This is Feng Bo, a teammate of Xia Ze's father Xia Weihong when he was young. After Xia Weihong committed suicide, he helped Xia Ze's family pay off the gambling debts owed to the gambling company, and took good care of Xia Ze. Xia's mother followed her son and called him Uncle Feng. Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 88

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