The Midfield Master

Chapter 7 Welcome to Maritimo

After dozens of hours of hard work, under the leadership of Tenonio, Xia Ze and the others first stayed in a hotel outside the club, and after the jet lag was adjusted, they went to the club for trial training.

That night, after sleeping for more than ten hours, Xia Ze was forced to lie on the bed to adjust to the jet lag.

The two were lying on the hotel bed, tossing and turning, how could they fall asleep.

Xia Ze put his hands under his head and stared blankly at the white ceiling. In the dim light, the wallpaper on the ceiling was written with some words that I didn't know, probably in Portuguese.

"Xiao Ze, tell me what the training will be like tomorrow?" Zhang Wei finally couldn't bear it, turned his face to look at Xia Ze and said.

"I don't know." Xia Ze replied weakly.

"What do you think we have a chance of moving to Maritimo?"

"do not know."

"Then what do you know?" Zhang Wei looked at Xia Ze with dissatisfaction.

"I know that Ai Huang went to Manchester United and Gao Bo went to Real Madrid." Xia Ze said with some melancholy.

"Tch, so you are worried about this. I said that the level of the two of them is the same. It is impossible to have a chance to play in Manchester United and Real Madrid. Why don't you join a small team like us first, and then enter a big team." Zhang Wei looked disdainful said.

"But that's Manchester United and Real Madrid after all!" Xia Ze said angrily.

"So what? They are at most like King Dong. We started with Maritimo, then moved to Porto, and finally went to Milan, haha..." Zhang Weihan planned his career with a smile.

"You still want to go to Milan after going to the black shop in Porto? Do you want to ride a bicycle?" Xia Ze teased.

"That's right, then I should go to Serie A first, and then I won't marry unless it's Milan!" Zhang Wei said firmly when he said the last sentence.

"At the beginning, Dzeko also said that it was not Milan that he would not marry, but in the end he went to Manchester City." Xia Ze hit Zhang Wei again.

" would be nice to go to Manchester City to play the Premier League Derby with you." Zhang Wei scratched his head and smiled innocently.

"Hey, David, do you know any famous players in the history of Maritimo?" Xia Ze was turned on by Zhang Wei's silly smile, and took the initiative to change the subject.

"Um, I checked on the Internet. Ronaldo seems to have come out of the Maritimo youth training camp. I don't know if we have a chance to see him." Zhang Wei said here, looking at the ceiling longingly.

"C Ronaldo? Isn't he from the youth training camp of the national team?"

"Really? Maybe I'm mistaken."

"You must have made a mistake."

"Then do you know any stars?"

"I don't know now, but there will definitely be one in the future."


"Xia Ze!"

"Hehe, add one more, Zhang Wei."


At 8:00 the next morning, Tenonio came to pick them up from the hotel. When he saw Xia Ze and Zhang Wei's pair of panda eyes, he asked in shock, "What's wrong with you two?"

"I couldn't sleep last night and talked all night." Xia Ze and Zhang Wei yawned and said in unison.

"One night! What did you guys talk about?" Tenonio still had an expression of disbelief.

"Talking about the history of Maritimo Club." Xia Ze replied.

Tenonio froze for a moment, then smiled and greeted everyone to go to the club's training base.

The training base of the Maritimo club is not large, about the same size as the R\u0026F club, but far from Evergrande.

An old building with a history of about a hundred years stands on the edge of three or four football fields, and outside the three or four football fields is a road with not much traffic.

Tenonio led the crowd into the façade of the building.

The building is divided into four floors. The first floor is the locker room for players and coaches, as well as the conference hall, etc.; the second floor is the club restaurant, and the third and fourth floors are the team's history museum and staff. office.

"The facilities here may not be as advanced as your club, but the club's people are very motivated, and the fans are very enthusiastic." Tenonio led them into the locker room.

Xia Ze looked at this old but clean locker room. This is the historical heritage of a team with a history of nearly a hundred years.

Thinking that he might sit in this locker room to change jerseys in the future, talking and laughing with other players, Xia Ze couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

"The team trains on time at 10 o'clock, and it is still some time before the coaches come to work. Let me show you the historical exhibition room of Maritimo." Tenonio led them to the club's history on the third floor showroom.

After everyone chatted for a while in the club's history showroom, a handsome white man in a suit and leather shoes, about forty years old, walked in with a briefcase.

"Joao, it's so early." The man in the suit greeted Tenonio with a smile.

"Ah, Mr. Martins, good morning." Tenonio greeted him with a smile: "I brought you two geniuses in China."

As he spoke, he turned and waved to Li Shurong and the others: "Mr. Li, come, let me introduce you. This is the head coach of our club, Mota Vieira Martins."

"Mr. Martins, this is Li Shurong, an official of the Guangzhou R\u0026F Club in China; the lady next to her is Wang Xiaolin, and the two behind me are the geniuses I brought back for you, Xia Ze and Zhang Wei." Tenonio said When it was Xia Ze's time, the tone of his voice was a little higher.

"Welcome to Maritimo." Martins smiled and shook hands with them one by one.

Half an hour later, Tenonio led Xia Ze and Zhang Wei into the locker room, found two seats for them on the side, handed them two sets of training clothes, and left.

Xia Ze glanced at the locker room, and found that some people were secretly looking at them, and they were speaking something he didn't understand, probably in Portuguese.

He sat down carefully in his seat and began to change his jersey and socks. Sitting next to him was a tall white man, about the same age as himself. He stretched out his hand and said in broken English:

"Hi, my name is Ting Gao, welcome to Maritimo."

"Thank you, my name is Xia Ze." Xia Ze politely replied in English that was as bad as the other party's.

"Hi, my name is Zhang Wei." Zhang Wei also came to shake hands.

"Haha, it looks like our good boy has a new friend!" A burly man with a beard and scum beside him laughed loudly.

"Boy, this time you have to be careful about the 'Bone Cracker' gift." A short black man laughed.

Let me go, what birdsong are they talking about?

Xia Ze and Zhang Wei couldn't understand what they were saying at all, they could only look at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Ten minutes later, Xia Ze and Zhang Wei followed the other players to the training field. This time, the head coach Martins changed into a training uniform. He led Xia Ze and Zhang Wei to speak in front of the players, and then asked Xia Ze and the others trained together with other players.

Xia Ze couldn't understand, so he didn't know what it meant.

At the beginning of the training, Xia Ze felt that it was no different from when he was training in Guangzhou R\u0026F. He ran to warm up and then did some training with the ball. Because it is still in the pre-season preparation stage, the coach has not arranged tactical training.

After a training session, Xia Ze felt that there was not much difference except that the amount of training was greater than that in China.

After Xia Ze and Zhang Wei took a shower in the locker room, they said goodbye to "Tingao", and returned to the hotel with Wang Xiaolin and the others. There was still a training session in the afternoon.

In the training session in the afternoon, after they warmed up, they entered the group match. Xia Ze and Zhang Wei were assigned to the substitute group and put on training vests.

The internal match begins, and the assistant coach is the referee. After the whistle is blown, the game begins.

Xia Ze was placed in his best midfielder position, mainly responsible for the team's offensive organization, while Zhang Wei played the central defender position.

After the opening, in order to adapt to the rhythm of the game, Xia Ze didn't take the ball too much, but just did some passing work.

A few minutes later, the defensive midfielder of the same team as him "proudly" passed the ball to him, and encouraged him with both hands, saying: "Come on, pass him."

Before Xia Ze came to Portugal, he had memorized some English words related to football terms and knew what they meant. Seeing the encouraging eyes of "pretty proud", Xia Ze took the ball and turned around, ready to dribble forward.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, a green figure rushed towards him, with a fierce flying shovel on his side.

I'm going, what's going on!

Xia Ze only felt a stagger, and he dribbled the ball and was shoveled to the ground.

The referee blew his whistle and called a foul.

The foul man came over and said fiercely to Xia Ze: "Welcome to Maritimo!"

Seeing Xia Ze being shoveled to the ground, Zhang Wei immediately ran over and asked concerned: "Xia Ze, are you alright?"

Xia Ze pulled his socks, shook his head and said, "It's fine."

He immediately raised his head and looked sharply at the person who just knocked him to the ground.

That man was the bearded burly man who was laughing loudly in the locker room this morning, laughing and talking to his teammates.

"Bone cracker, well done!"

"Of course, I think that kid might be so cowardly! Haha..."

"Didn't you say that the Portuguese teams are very skilled? Why are they like this!" Wang Xiaolin, who was watching the training, said angrily.

"Every team will have a villain." Li Shurong looked at the "bone cracker" and explained.

"Then what about Xia Ze? Will he get hurt? Playing football like this is too rascal!" Wang Xiaolin was still very angry.

"Let's see how he handles it, maybe he will give his opponent a nice counterattack." Li Shurong looked at Xia Ze and smiled meaningfully.

Xia Ze stood up slowly, patted the dirt on his body, stared at the opponent's "Bone Crack Special" with sharp eyes, and showed a determined look on his face.

"I want to become a world-renowned star, how can I be defeated by scum like you!?" Xia Ze said in a low but firm tone. Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 188 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 388 Red Devils Manchester United Rewards Grain 88

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