The Mightiest Little Peasant

Chapter 667: Chef God

In the venue, there was a lot of boiling.

Many people stood up, scrambling to squeeze forward, each face was full of excitement and fanaticism, and the scene was a little out of control.

Those foreigners are crazy!

No matter if they were reporters or food lovers, they all looked fanatical and rushed forward crazily.

The aroma in the air made them mesmerized and fascinated.

"God! I swear, I've never smelled a better scent!"

"This is really magic!"

They exclaimed, their expressions extremely frenzied.

And the people in Huaxia are also a little crazy.

Most of the people who came here to watch the battle had eaten magic meal, especially the signature dish, Splendid Eight Treasure Soup. This dish is also known as the pinnacle of the magic meal, and in their eyes, it is the ultimate delicacy.

But now they realized that compared with this fragrance, even the Eight Treasure Soup is nothing!

Obviously, New Magic Dining has developed new dishes!

On the judges' table, the bowls and dishes were lined up, steaming and fragrant.

The judges sat there, looking at the delicious food in front of them, all a little lost.

This is the magic meal?

It really has incredible magic power! Just the aroma can make people crazy!

"You don't move! Then let me do it first!" The oil tycoon picked up a fork, forked a piece of roast duck, and delivered it to his mouth.

As soon as he chewed, his eyes suddenly widened.

"My God! This smell..." He exclaimed vaguely.

The duck meat in the mouth is crispy and soft, the meat is extremely delicate, but it is roasted just right. After chewing lightly, there will be a strong fragrance blooming on the tip of the tongue.

This is a fragrance he has never tasted before, and it is extremely fragrant.

One bite down, it is simply refreshing.

And then, something even more unbelievable happened, after a few mouthfuls of duck meat, a warm current spread out, which lifted his spirits and gave him a surge of energy.

"It's incredible!"

He exclaimed, his expression became fanatical, and he wiped out the plate of duck meat in two or three bites.

Then, he scooped up a spoonful of soup and took a sip.

In an instant, his whole body was shocked again, showing an expression of extreme shock.

Then, rushing, rushing, ignoring the heat, he frantically scooped up the soup and sent it to his mouth.

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

While eating, he muttered, as if possessed by a demon.

After sweeping away, he leaned back, squinted his eyes, and moaned loudly, feeling that his whole body was floating, as if he was flying into the sky.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a delicacy in this world!" He sighed.

Seeing him like this, the judges couldn't help it anymore, and they tasted it one after another. They were a little reserved at the first bite, but then, as if possessed by a demon, each of them looked crazy and started to gobble it up.

For a food critic, the quality of a dish can only be judged by chewing slowly and carefully, but now, all the rules and guidelines have been left behind by them.

The instinctive impulse drove them to start gobbling.

Even Yuzao didn't care about his image, and started eating like crazy.

Soon, all the dishes were empty, and some judges even licked the bowls clean.

Seeing this scene, the chefs were dumbfounded.

Is this the top food critic in the world, super rich? How come they are like a group of savages who have been hungry for a long time, even doing such shameful things as licking the bowl.

"Full marks! Full marks!"

"Bah! What a perfect score, I want to add points! As much as I can add!"

"Yes! I want to add points too!"

A group of judges knocked on the table and shouted.

Suddenly, a burst of warm cheers erupted from the crowd.

The situation is already obvious, the magic meal has completely conquered the group of judges!

"Great! We won!"

The Huaxia people cheered excitedly.

Although those foreigners are a little bit uncomfortable, they are also convinced.

"This magic meal is really a god-like dish! It's not an exaggeration at all!"

"Chinese cuisine, it's incredible!"

The gourmet lovers were amazed.

And those reporters were a little embarrassed, they didn't know how to report. Before the game started, they stepped on Huaxia, and they were complacent.

Reporting the result now is not a slap in the face!

They were a little resentful, some broadcast the results lightly, and some did not report at all.

Beside the judges' seat, the five chefs stood there with embarrassment on their faces.

At first they thought they would win, but they laughed at this kid, but in the blink of an eye, the situation was reversed.

Is this magic meal really that delicious?

This kid, is he really that powerful?

"Give me a taste!"

Chef Paul, ranked number one, couldn't bear it anymore and said.

"Give him some!" Tang Hao said to the people behind him. At that moment, a chef walked over, filled a bowl, and walked over.

Paul took it, and first looked at it carefully, studying the ingredients inside, then scooped up a spoonful and put it into his mouth.

Then, he was stunned.

"How could this be? This is Chinese medicine! There are so many, how come there is no smell at all, and where does this incredible umami come from?"

He was full of doubts.

After a few more sips, he fell silent.

After eating, he put the bowl away, and his expression was a little gloomy.

"I'm convinced!" He looked at Tang Hao and smiled wryly.

Several other chefs also begged for a bowl. After drinking, they fell silent and became even more depressed.

This magic meal is indeed miraculous! And this kid is even more perverted!

Just now, this kid threw all the things into the pot, and then covered the pot. It looked very simple and had no technical content.

But in fact, this shows his superb cooking skills even more.

There are dozens of ingredients in this soup, as well as dozens of medicinal ingredients. The proportion of each ingredient must be particular. Only by grasping it can we cook such a perfect pot of soup.

At this moment, all eyes of the audience were on Tang Hao.

"Who is this kid! Can't tell! He's so stupid! At first I thought he was here to make soy sauce!"

"I don't know! I've never heard of it!"

The Huaxia people talked a lot, and they were all a little confused.

And the group of foreigners were amazed.

"This is China's God of Cooking!"

"Young man, are you interested in coming to work at my house? You can set the price as you like!" The oil tycoon looked at Tang Hao with burning eyes, as if he was looking at some treasure.

Several other rich men also spoke up, and began to scramble for it.

"Come to my place! My sister will give you a chance to pursue me!" Yuzao also spoke, with a slightly teasing tone. Said, but also threw a wink.

All of a sudden, those rich men were stunned, looked at Yuzao, then at themselves, and fell silent.

Nima! How can this be compared!

In the venue, there was a burst of booing.

Tang Hao coughed lightly, and said, "Next, let's serve the third course!"

In an instant, everyone was startled.

And a third course?

They thought it was just what he said casually before!

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