The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 939: Dark battle

I am very grateful to the dancers of the wind dance, Lv Fanlei, elva3, susantsh0905, Tang Tang 8719, Ai Luo Luo, his classmates, and finally... classmates, classmates, Taiyi’s father classmates, Yu Yu 645098 Classmate's pink ticket!


The main hall of the city.

There are more and more monks surrounded by Wutuo in the middle. Wutuo, Yaoxiang, Wanliyun, Hanfeng and Hanqi sit in the middle, surrounded by thick layers of monks, all of whom are proposing some alchemy to them. problem. The five people also tried their best to answer various questions, and the momentum of the two sides was very obvious. They secretly calculated who answered the questions and answered the questions quickly.

The bottom line of Wutuo really needs to be slightly deeper among the five people. In fact, this is no wonder. The inheritance that everyone gets is profound and profound, and the talent is basically the same. The age of Wutuo is ten years older than Wanliyun and more than that of the Hanfeng brothers and sisters, so his heritage is naturally deeper. In this way, Wutuo gradually showed its advantages, and more and more monks surrounded him. Suddenly Wu Tuo stopped and looked at the cold seal proudly:

"Cold friends, I remember you just greeted Xu Ziyan? Since she is a three-time champion, it is better to invite her over, to solve for everyone, but also to share our pressure. Hehe..."

The cold seal heard the words, just a little thought, then nodded: "Alright!"

The party was originally organized by his order of Han Dan, mainly to find out why Xu Ziyan was able to refine the base with eight kinds of herbs. So, see Wutuo put forward. Han Feng and Han Qi naturally stood up and looked up and looked around. After discovering Xu Ziyan, they separated everyone. Going to Xu Ziyan and walking over.

Xu Ziyan saw the cold seal and Han Qi came over, naturally knowing why he came over, his mouth flicked a bitter smile, stood up from the chair. Haven't waited for her to talk. Han Qi jumped over and reached out and grabbed the wrist of Xu Ziyan. He said with a smile:

"Ziyan sister, why are you hiding here, we are waiting for you, have questions to ask!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled: "Where is it better than the school of alchemy and medicine Wang Gu, or don't ugly!"

"Ha ha ha..., Xu Daoyou. Who doesn't know that you are the third consecutive winner of this Dandao competition. It is rare to have such a gathering between the leaders of the alchemy world. Xu Daoyou is hiding alone. Is it sorry for me?"

Wu Tuo stood up from the chair, and the macro said, the sound trembled within the hall and shook the temple. It seems that I have to give Xu Ziyan a horse.

With Xu Ziyan's cultivation and mood, nature will not be taken by Wu Tuo's power. In today's hall, the highest ones are Wutuo and Wanliyun, but the two people are just the realm of the early days of the gods, far away from Xu Ziyan. However, seeing the appearance of Wu Tuo's arrogance, Xu Ziyan's heart is indeed uncomfortable, and can not reveal his knowledge of alchemy, because the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun of Ximen have been low-key, and the heart is moving. I walked to the middle faintly. Sitting down on the chair, my eyes swept over the crowd and said with a smile:

"If we talk about alchemy, it is natural that the alchemy city and the drug king valley are deeply inherited. It is not as good as Tibetan mastiff in the next. However, if it is repaired, I will barely count as the highest among you. But it can be on the issue of cultivation. Everyone answers one or two."

"Xu Daoyou, this is what you are wrong!" Wu Tuohu said with a smile: "We are today's discussion of the alchemy world. Naturally, it is alchemy. The most important thing for our alchemists is not practice, but alchemy."

Xu Ziyan still smiled modestly: "Wu Daoyou said it well, but I am just a monk. I think everyone knows the situation. Alchemy is just my hobby. It is really not refined."

The look of Wu Tuo is a stagnation, and the heart is not particularly tasteful. Just a hobby? Hobbies can love three consecutive championships? Can hobbies refine the best medicine? Then where do you let us face these professional faces?

Although Han Feng and Han Qi are not in the heart, they have not forgotten the task that the father gave to himself. Han Qi was sitting beside Xu Ziyan, and he pulled the arm of Xu Ziyan with both hands and swayed and said:

"Ziyan Sister, in the Sanpindan Competition, how can you use a variety of herbs to make a Zengjidan? This is not what ordinary alchemists can do. Can you tell us?"

Everyone heard the words, all of them were quiet, and they looked at Xu Ziyan with gaze. Even Wu Tuo and Yao Xiang were no exception. Especially Wan Liyun, a pair of eyes fixed on Xu Ziyan's body.

On the side of Mei Aoxue’s eyeball turned around in the eyelids and suddenly asked: “Xu Daoyou, why don’t you send the raw grass to you in the contest, is it the first time you refining Zengdan? The reason for Dan is because of the grass?"

Everyone heard the words of Mei Aoxue, and they were shocked and looked at each other. This question seems to be asked casually, but the spearhead is directed at the alchemy city, in the invisible alchemy city. This made Wu Tuo and the medicine fragrant heart happy, and looked at Mei Aoxue's eyes with enthusiasm. Miles of Clouds is a gaze, and my heart is tight.

Xu Ziyan glanced at Mei Aoxue faintly. I don’t know if Mei Aoxue is because he is young and not sensible, or intentionally. But now it is clear that it is not the timing and occasion of the problem with the growth of the grass. I smiled lightly:

"I was careless about myself. When I was paired with herbs, the amount of raw grass in the first herb was a little more, so it was bursting. The rest of the grass was not enough, so the second refining Zeng Jidan gave up the grass."

When Wan Liyun heard it, he couldn’t help himself. Xu Ziyan is obviously lying. He dared to confirm that Xu Ziyan had discovered the problem of raw grass, but she forbeared it. What is her purpose?

"As far as I can use only eight kinds of herbs, I can refine it. In fact, there is nothing unusual about it. It is because the practice of my cultivation contains the effect of raw grass."

"How do you cultivate?" Han Qi looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan extended a hand and closed the black devastating gas in Dantian. The white life gas was sprayed out, and the white light was flowing on the hand of Xu Ziyan. The white light contained A strong life.

All the people were surprised to see the white light flowing on Xu Ziyan's hand. After the purple smoke received the work, Han Qi suddenly grasped Xu Ziyan's arm and said excitedly:

"Ziyan sister, is this practice born or acquired?"

Xu Ziyan has cultivated this practice, she knows that this is brought by the purple smoke space in the body. It’s just that she is very surprised why Han Qi is so excited, she said:

"It seems to be born, I am not worth mentioning why I can release this aura. What happened?"

"What's wrong? What are you asking?" Han Qi said with enthusiasm: "Do you know that this kind of life has great help for the success rate and quality of alchemy. Ziyan sister, you are born It’s an alchemy teacher. You join us in the alchemy city. With your qualifications for alchemy, there is a future for alchemy!”

Xu Ziyan licked his long hair and said with a smile: "I don't think my repair is low?"


At this time, Han Qi remembered that she had forgotten the enchanting of Xu Ziyan. In front of this girl, she is not much bigger than herself. Now she has reached the stage of the distraction and can compete with the Mahayana. I loosened Xu Ziyan’s hand and sat there weakly, muttering in her mouth:

"Would you like to hit people like this!"

When Wu Tuo saw the limelight at this time, he was snatched by Xu Ziyan, and his heart was very angry. He has two ideas this time. One is to know the secrets of Xu Ziyan's use of eight kinds of herbs to refine Zeng Kedan, which is now known. Another idea is to reveal your talents, Guangda Yaowang, so I immediately took a clapping:

"Our gathering is mainly about practicing alchemy. It is better for us to divide into three groups. I am a group of teachers and sisters, a group of Hanfeng brothers and sisters, and a group of Xu Daoyou to answer some difficult questions from the friends."

Xu Ziyan quickly said with a hand: "Be young and knowledgeable, or sit back and listen to more learning."

I haven't waited for Wutuo to talk, and Mei Aoxue on the side said: "Xu Daoyou should not be modest. Xiaomei is having a question here to ask the Taoist friends, how to refine the best Dan, and ask the Taoist friends to educate us."

Unexpectedly, he helped Wu Tuo one. Wu Tuo was very satisfied with Mei Ao Xue at this time. He thought about whether he would go back to the Master and recommend Mei Aoxue as a disciple.

Xu Ziyan knows that she wants to keep a low profile, because it is related to her and Ximen solitary smoke, Yan Xingyun can make a fortune. So close to the brow, pretending to be very painstaking and looking like, while thinking and saying:

"I think that this is the mastery of the fire in the process of refining the medicinal herbs. As long as the fire is mastered, it is natural to refine the best dan."

"How do you know how to master the heat?" Mei Aoxue's eyes lit up.

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows were screwed together, and they were in a state of bitter thinking. After a long time, they said with a hesitant tone: "Spiritual strength! Under the influence of mental strength, it is especially important for the mastery of the alchemy. Only when the mental power reaches a certain level can it be accurately Master the heat of alchemy."

Mei Ao Xue is silent, and the monks are silent. In fact, everyone understands this truth, and Xu Ziyan is not wrong. But where is the mental power so good to cultivate? Usually these alchemists are not very good because they have chosen the profession of alchemy. The speed of cultivation is slow, the cultivation is low, and the mental strength is naturally not high.

An alchemy teacher asked weakly: "Hou Daoyou, is there no other way?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head regretfully and had no words. Xu Ziyan did not lie at this time. Naturally, a person with a bit of alchemy talent can make alchemy, but to become a master of alchemy or a master of alchemy, it is related to its own cultivation. You only need to look at whether it is the sinking machine of the refining city, or the Han Dan of the alchemy city, or the repair of Yunhe Fairy of Lingbao City. No matter which profession, you want to excel, and cultivation is the foundation. Only talent is not enough.



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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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