The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 949: Wu Pin Dan Competition (plus pink)

I am very grateful to the large flying pig students (100), Lan Yan confidant (100), Yu Yu 645098 students (100), Tang Tang 8719 students (100) reward!


A late monk in the late stage said in a hurry: "Master, the situation outside is very chaotic. The repair of the tree demon is not high, but it seems that there is a battle, but the ancient vines are very powerful, the most important thing is We don't know if there are any more powerful demons in the woods. We will withdraw from behind, and after we withdraw, we will concentrate our strengths."

Another monk also shouted: "Master, most of the monks in our house are in the various sites outside the government. As long as we rush out of the mansion and join forces outside, we will be able to regain our advantage."

"Yeah, master. As long as we rush out and yell at the demon invasion, the patrol army will help us."

Ximen directly faced the sudden appearance of the Yaozu, has lost the square inch, and no longer has a well-prepared appearance. I hurriedly told the monks in the assembly house to rush to gather more than a thousand monks and rushed toward the back door.

When they rushed into the back garden, they found that the demon people did not catch up, even the Kun Peng in the sky just hovered in the air, did not attack them. A heart will be put down a little, but after all, there is a 鲲 鲲 , , , 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 毕竟 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然To provoke Xiaobai, one by one, rushing toward the back door on the ground.

Suddenly they stopped and stood alone at a distance of 100 meters from them. A green robe old man. Just faintly holding hands and looking at them indifferently.

Ximen stood in the middle of the crowd and looked at the old man in the green robe. From the old man of the green robe, he could not see a trace of breath, from the outside. Just like a mortal.

But, on such a night, such a person who suddenly appears here will be a mortal?

but. Does Simon have a choice?


Simon shook his hand straight, as if he was cheering himself, and screamed: "Chong!"

More than a thousand monks wrapped Ximen straight in the middle, screaming and rushing toward the green robe old man!

Near! Closer!

The green robe old man moved!

Just gently raised a hand, the hand suddenly turned into a thousand ancient vines, like a prisoner in general, shrouded from the air, the entire sky is a verdant, roots and ancient vines criss-cross.蜿蜒 hovering...

The greenery was instantly magnified in the eyes of the monks, some of them were consistently passed through the body of the monks, while others were entangled in the monks and smashed into pieces.

A mid-disciplinary monk stared at the companion who had been drinking together, and was entangled in an ancient rattan, shattered in a soothing sound of "squeaky". I am shouting with fear, and a little green light is coming. An ancient vine penetrates from his temple and runs through the other end.

In a short period of time, the entire backyard was quiet, and the ground was full of broken bones. I hope that I will wave my sleeves and my body will rise to the sky. At the same time, the tree demon and the 20 small ancient vines on the ground in the front yard will also be transformed into adult styles, and immediately behind the hope, the battle will be fierce in the sky. And go.

There was a loud exclamation in the air: "I hope the seniors, Ximen Yu thank you! Hahaha..."


Inside the alchemy city.

Han Feng was given the life of his father, and the cold house was given to Xu Ziyan in the best shop in the alchemy city. Xu Ziyan handed the shop to the ten disciples who came from the family. I will ignore it. Then I went to the library of the Alchemy Hall and watched it for a day. There are a lot of whimsy to inspire Xu Ziyan. Finally, I returned to my place of residence and prepared for the Dandao Competition on the second day.

Wu Pindan has only a thousand people on the field. In addition to the new forces of Xu Ziyan, more than 1,000 people are the former four-inner alchemists. This time I came to attack the five-in-one alchemy division.

The number of spectators is even greater, and the mood of the audience is much more exciting than before.

Xu Ziyan has just entered the arena. There was a shout of shouting above the entire grandstand. Today, the reputation of Xu Ziyan is undoubtedly the loudest in the alchemy world. From Yipin to Sipin Dandao Competition, four consecutive championships! The most important thing is that every game is refining the best Dan, and it is a five-piece Dan in the four Pindan competition.

The process is also thrilling, and it is also a burst of fire, and it is a legendary!

Xu Ziyan smiled and waved his hand toward the stands, in exchange for a greater cheer. Moved the lotus step to his position, and looked at the next four sweeps, then saw Wutuo, Hanfeng Xiongmei, Mei Aoxue and Cheng Yaoge.

Cheng Yaoge's demeanor is very focused, just focusing on the herbs on the front desk. Mei Ao Xue felt the gaze of Xu Ziyan, and turned his head to look at Xu Ziyan, releasing endless warfare in his eyes.

The cold-blooded brother and sister smiled at Xu Ziyan's show, with gratitude in his eyes. At this time, the two of them have already gone to the fire poison in the body, and they can participate in the Dan Dao Contest in the peak state. The heart is grateful to Xu Ziyan.

Wu Tuo looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes but intertwined with resentment and hatred.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze fell on the table. The alchemy furnace had been replaced with a top-grade instrument. The fire charm had been replaced with three items, and it was ten, but there were only eleven herbs on the table.

At this time, the elders on the high platform began to talk about the rules of the Wu Pin Dan contest. The time given by the Wupindan Competition is two days and two nights. There are only eleven kinds of herbs, and it is not limited to refining the varieties of medicinal herbs. As long as they can be refining Wupin Dan.

"When ~~"

The bell of the Wupindan contest began to ring.

The audience was quiet, and all the eyes of the monks looked at the stadium. However, it is quieter than the audience on the court. The reason is that there is no alchemy teacher, including Xu Ziyan, each alchemy stood frowning and staring at the eleven herbs on the table.

Xu Ziyan silently looked at the eleven herbs in front of me and thought that these eleven kinds of herbs could not refine the five medicinal herbs according to common sense. At most, it is only possible to refine the four medicinal herbs, but today's competition requires the use of these eleven herbs to refine the five medicinal herbs.

The Dans are not given in the contest, which requires the alchemy to completely solve the refining process on his own.

In this regard, the monks who became the three-in-one alchemy were involved. This is a method developed by the alchemy community in the absence of herbal varieties. It is a fusion of different herbs, allowing them to synthesize a new herb, and then refining it with other herbs.

This is a way to refine the medicinal herbs in a situation of helplessness, but the exam is definitely the ability of the alchemy.

First of all, it is the mastery of the fire. It is necessary to know that an alchemy teacher first combines the two herbs. If it is merged, immediately put the rest of the herbs into the alchemy furnace. After the two flavors are combined, the temperature of the new drug solution is justified. The temperature of the herbs is different, which affects the heat of the refining of the medicinal herbs. It is the successful refining of the medicinal herbs, which are basically the lower products.

If the liquid after the fusion is allowed to cool down, it will be re-smelted in the alchemy furnace together with the remaining herbs. Then in the process of cooling, one is the medicinal nature will be distributed, the other is the medicinal properties will also change, directly affecting the success rate of refining. If two Dan furnaces are opened at the same time, a Dan furnace is fused to form a new liquid, and another Dan furnace begins to heat the remaining herbs into a liquid medicine, and then the newly formed liquid is put into the alchemy furnace. The heat in this case is even more difficult to master, and the competition only provides an alchemy furnace.

Second, the herbs needed for a high-quality medicinal herb are often rare. In particular, after the concentration of aura in the Cangwu continent is thin, so when refining a medicinal herb, the lack of more than just a remedy. This requires the integration of more than one herb, and because of the above reasons, the more new liquids are combined, the harder it is to grasp the heat and the medicinal properties, and the smaller the success rate of refining. Therefore, the alchemy community usually synthesizes a liquid.

Every alchemist is looking at the eleven Chinese herbal medicines in front of them. Xu Ziyan is also thinking about it. If you only need to synthesize two kinds of herbs into a new liquid, Xu Ziyan thinks about it and can have six matching methods. Either way, the refining medicinal herbs can only be the next remedy. Because the quality of the eleven herbs given in the competition belongs to the next product, how can such quality herbs be able to refine good quality herbs?

The eyes of Xu Ziyan once again swept through the herbs, and the heart was a move. The amount of herbal medicine supplied by the Wu Pindan Competition is still only two copies. If you can concentrate and purify the two parts and turn them into one quantity, can you improve the quality of the medicine? However, as a result, there is only one chance to make alchemy, which is very risky.

Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes and began to rigorously deduct the steps of step by step.

At this time, many monks have begun to match herbs. But there are still some monks who have not moved, and these monks are thinking and frowning.

One hour passed and some monks began to mix herbs. The first batch of monks with herbs still did not start alchemy, but after finishing the match there, they thought about it for a moment and then separated it, re-matched it, then separated it, then matched it, then separated...

When the third hour passed, only seven people were still standing there thinking about the seven people. These seven people are Xu Ziyan, Wu Tuo, Yao Xiang, Han Feng, Han Qi, Mei Ao Xue and Cheng Yao Ge.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes and smiled a little at the corner of her mouth. After three hours of deduction, she had already confirmed that the program she was pushing would not be wrong. The rest is your own practical problems. Undoubtedly this will be very difficult, and it is a very laborious and spiritual work, but Xu Ziyan firmly believes that if he succeeds, it is definitely a pioneering work that shocked the alchemy world.


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