The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 955: I am mad at you

I am very grateful to lhq101 classmates, 10 meters deep white classmates, Xiaoai cc classmates, j_y512 classmates, rainjin classmates, forty-four classmates, classmates, Willa0953 classmates, Xuetian doll classmates, Yan Xi classmates, silent face classmates, Xiao Stone 0012001 Classmates, Shun Shun 666 students, Ginkgo fruit students, yanz0530 classmates, espflykite classmates, * 孤芳赏蓝* students, xinyue8324 classmates, Fufeng 2008 classmates pink ticket!


After the elders on the high platform listened to the eight herbs that Wu Tuo reported, their faces became even more ugly. Because the eight kinds of herbs refining the detoxification Dan is just able to release the yin. This proves that Wutuo is in an invincible position.

However, he still looked at Xu Ziyan with a glimmer of hope. At this time, on the entire stadium, in the stands, almost all the monks' eyes were gathered on Xu Ziyan's body, and there was a hope in the eyes.

Xu Ziyan’s performance in this Dandao competition was too good, which caused everyone to have the illusion that there is nothing that can hardly live with Xu Ziyan. They are waiting for Xu Ziyan to report the name of the herbal medicine that refines the detoxification Dan.

However, Xu Ziyan’s move was disappointing. The reason was that Xu Ziyan did not hear Wutuo’s report of cracking the three herbs of his refining, and it seemed that he did not feel the elders on the high platform and the expectations of everyone. It was there, and it began to slowly mix with herbs.

The elders on the high platform finally couldn’t help but whispered to Xu Ziyan and asked: "Xu patriarch. What herbs do you need?"

“Ah?” Xu Ziyan’s look showed a kind of honesty with a cute appearance: “No need! Refining the three products of Yindan Dan is enough!”

Xu Ziyan’s honest and cute appearance evokes the sympathy of the monks. The elders on the high platform are even more reluctant to remind:

"Hu patriarch, do you not need herbal medicine to refine the antidote of Soul Eater?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and shook his head: "I won't!"

"唉~~" The elders on the high platform sighed.

“唉~~” The audience in the stands sighed.

The solitary smoke of Ximen and the Yan Xingyun face each other, and the face of Han Dan and Yao Danyun also showed a trace of unbearable.

The elders on the high platform waved their hands helplessly. Someone immediately went to Wutuo to take herbs. Xu Ziyan was looking up at the monks in the audience, and then bowed his head and began to match the herbs. The young and beautiful face, the cute and cute way, let the monks in the audience only feel a pain in the heart.

Such a young and beautiful little girl is going to die under the abominable Wu Tuo. For a time, these monks have already disgusted Vuto in the heart to the extreme. A monk finally couldn’t help but stood up in the stands and shouted to Wu Tuo, who was proud of there:

"Hey! The rotten man of the drug Wang Gu, his alchemy level is bad, but the little girl, but the poisonous Dan is used to harm the little girl. Are you still a man? You are a scum of the alchemy world, how is the drug Wang Gu? Out of your beast, or the people in the king of medicine are all animals!"


There was a buzz on the entire stand. Overwhelmingly rushing toward Wutuo. On the jury, the drug Dan Yun’s face was blue and purple.

Wu Tuo’s gas was almost unbalanced, and he took a deep breath of more than a dozen atmospheres before he calmly calmed down. He snorted Xu Ziyan coldly and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, don't have to be there, you are waiting to be poisoned by my Soul Eater!"

Xu Zi’s cigarette **** did not raise the ground and said: "I will install it. Drop it? Don't kill you, kill you first!"

"You..." Wu Tuo had to raise his finger to Xu Ziyan, but he could not speak.


When I saw Wutuo in the stands, I dared to point to Xu Ziyan, and it was a scream. Well, this time, there is nothing wrong with it, so that the drug Dan Yun on the jury has closed his eyes painfully. On the court, Wu Tuo was almost mad with a spurt of bleeding, biting his teeth and no longer speaking, and began to match the herbs of Jiedu Dan. It’s just that the hands are always shaking, and the mind is ups and downs.

Both Xu Ziyan and Wu Tuo quickly matched the herbs and began to refine the medicinal herbs. One is refining the three products Yin Dan. The other is the antidote to refining yin.

but. The entire stand was not calm, and hundreds of thousands of monks kept humming Wu Tuo, all kinds of words, and the rumble of noise was everywhere in the stadium.

Xu Ziyan lowered his head. At the corner of his mouth, he passed a smile and began to refine the three products. The left hand is close to the alchemy furnace from beginning to end. From her palm, there is a trace of black ruin that is transmitted into the alchemy furnace, but it is the purple smoke that seals the white life of the dantian, the black suffocating gas, the transmission into the dantian, and the integration into the alchemy. In the liquid medicine in the furnace.

The yin dan is still the yin dan, but it contains the devastating temper of Xu Ziyan. The power of its destruction is not known to be hundreds of times more powerful than the original haze. Xu Ziyan knows that if the gas of destruction is not within the tenth of the other party's body, it will not be saved if it is not immediately suppressed by the real yuan. The duel between the alchemists is not allowed to use the real yuan, only the detoxification of the respective refining is allowed. At that time, there will be supervised monks to seal the air of both sides.

She is refining the three-product yin Dan in an orderly manner here, but across her, Wu Tuo is not calm. It has been insulted by the sound of the tsunami in the mountains, that is, no one can calm down. In this case, the sudden loss of mind, Wu Ting has made a mistake.

Just listen to the "砰", Wutuo burst!

The whole game was a quiet, and then a burst of ridiculous laughter broke out. The drug Dan Yun on the jury was already mad at the head. Shame! Refining a Sanpin Dan, actually bursting Dan!

In the stadium, Wu Tuo was even more eager to find a place to sneak in. During the period, Ai Ai spent a long time, and his face flushed toward the elders on the high platform:

"Please give the seniors another herb!"

The elders on the high platform looked at Wu Tuo dismissively and waved. Let the monks below give Wu Tuo a herbal medicine. However, the mouth still scorns without leaving a sentiment:

"Wu Tuo, here is the duel scene, I hope you can be serious. Refining a Sanpin Dan is nothing, if you wait until you refine the six products, the soul-breaking Dan and then the Dan, then you need a six-product soul-seeker Dan's herbs, but to pay for Lingshi. Liupindan's herbs are very expensive!"

Wu Tuo’s face rose red. But he couldn't say anything, only arched his hand in a depressed position, sitting down and calming his mind.

The monk in the alchemy city took the herbs not so fast, but it took two quarters of time to slowly walk in, slowly throwing in the eight herbs on the platform of Wu Tuo, and muttering He said:

"Even Sanpin Dan can burst the Dan, but also want to refine the six products soul-seeking Dan. Really not self-reliant!"


Wu Tuo’s mentality of calming down again caused fluctuations. He screamed at the back of the monk who left, slowly closed his eyes and calmed his mind again.


Wu Tuo's eyelids jumped and opened his eyes. He saw that Xu Ziyan had already started to enter the Tao. At this time, Wutuo has already understood everything, and he can refine the antidote to Yin Dan. However, Xu Ziyan was unable to refine the antidote to Soul Dan. Even if the process is not good for yourself, the result is already doomed. There is really no reason for myself and a purple purple smoker who is about to become a dead person.

As a result, Wu Tuo’s state of mind has become unfamiliar and has begun to quickly match herbs. The insults of hundreds of thousands of monks, but can not shake his slightest state of mind.

After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan succeeded in condensing Dan and extinguished the fire charm. Looking up, I saw that Wutuo was still refining the antidote to Yindan, and waited until he refining the antidote to Yindan, and then refining the six-product Soul Eater. This does not know how much time is needed. Then he arched his hand toward the elders on the high platform.

Hundreds of thousands of monks in the stands saw what Xu Ziyan had to say. I immediately stopped squatting and looked at the past with Xu Ziyan. The originally very noisy stadium suddenly stopped quiet, letting Wu Tuo, who was in the alchemy, jump in the heart and almost made a mistake. He was so angry that he gnashed his teeth, but he did not dare to distract at this time. Had to bow down with a depressed head to continue alchemy.

At this time, Xu Ziyan looked at the elders on the high platform and said: "Predecessors, my yin Dan has been refining. But the martial arts of Wu Tuo has not begun to refine, can I walk around? Always standing here, very boring."


The entire opening of the laughter, Wu Tuo's body shook a little, and almost burst into a burst. The elders on the high platform also laughed and said:

"As long as you don't leave the arena, whatever do you do."

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Xu Ziyan arched his hand.

Looking at the next four eyes, there are only four people on the field, one is himself, one is Wutuo in the alchemy, and then there are Mei Aoxue and Cheng Yaoge.

Mei Aoxue wore a narrow-sleeved white dress with a black blouse on the outside. He put a hair on his shoulder and combed Liu Haier in front of his forehead, but he was faintly cold.

Cheng Yaoge is a hundred-year-old. In fact, he is indeed more than three hundred years old. Because the cultivation is not high, it is only the repair of the late Yuan Ying, and it has been a long time to study the medicinal herbs for many years. Wearing a black robes is also a slap in the face.

Xu Ziyan’s heart has always been very interested in Mei Aoxue. A teenage girl is younger than herself, but she has gone all the way to the Wupindan contest, and she has also obtained the qualification of the Liupindan contest. I had to let Xu Ziyan look at it.

For Mei Aoxue, Xu Ziyan also learned a lot about her, she was born in the alchemy city of Herbs. Baicaoju is an old name in the city of Alchemy. It is said that when it comes to alchemy city, there is a hundred grass house. The background is very mysterious, that is, the alchemy hall is not clear about their background.

I thought about going forward and chatting with Mei Aoxue. However, Mei Aoxue’s arrogant appearance of a thousand miles away could not help but let Xu Ziyan lick her long hair and smiled. On the contrary, Cheng Yaoge saw the eyes of Xu Ziyan coming over and arched his hand toward Xu Ziyan with great respect.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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