The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 988: Extreme yin herb

Thanks to forty-four students, rainjin classmates, 'tears of tears' classmates, chasing the moon classmates, li1394268487 classmates, big active pill classmates, demon の funeral classmates, susantsh0905 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the monks, and his face revealed endless exhaustion:

"Fortunately, not insulting!"

“Refining is successful?” Han Dan and Yao Danyun’s eyes brightened.

Xu Ziyan went up two steps and walked to the front of Yanshan Soul. He placed two jade bottles in the hands of Yanshan Soul and said softly:

"Soul of the mountain, let's discuss it, I am tired, go back and rest for a while."

I hope to go forward and hold Xu Ziyan to go outside. Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped and walked back:

"Right, you should pay attention to your predecessors. When you watch the elixir, you must be careful. It will fly. Also, you should make some herbs as soon as possible, because we don’t know how much it will take to open the ancient ruins in the town. An immortal."

The monks of the public are shocked by the look, and each one looks at the two jade bottles in the hands of Yanshan.

Xu Ziyan and hope to get out of the main hall of the city's capital, they gave a message to the hope: "I hope the seniors, we will go back immediately!"

Two people skyrocketed and flew toward their place of residence. Below are millions of monks in the endless alchemy city, looking up neatly at Xu Ziyan. Suddenly, the bomb blew up:

"Master Xu! Master Xu! Master Xu is out!"

Xu Ziyan and hope fell to his place of residence and entered the room. Xu Ziyan immediately set up a ban. Then, with hope, I entered the purple smoke space and landed on the purple smoke star. I hope that the tree monsters and monsters that are going to be robbed will be put into the body of hope, and then I will bring out the purple smoke space. I hope to take them to a safe place to rob. I hoped to nod and promised to leave the city of Alchemy.

Xu Ziyan stood at the door and looked at the back wishing to leave, and then spit out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, her body was shaking. His face became pale, and a lot of messages in the gods were sent out.

Xu Ziyan stood so stiffly at the door, holding the door frame with one hand, until the messages in the gods were transmitted, and Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath. There was a very excited look on his face.

The message was originally because she got a breakthrough today, and the seal in the inheritance passed this period of time, and finally gradually unblocked the layer, and sent the various Danfang and alchemy methods of the two products to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan returned to the chair. I closed my eyes and sat there, reading the inheritance of God's knowledge a little bit. After I opened my eyes again, there was a hint of joy on my face. In the second product Xiandan, she found a secret. Many elixir, including the second product Chaodan, need a kind of herbal medicine, which is the herb that grows in various cathodes.

This is because Xiandan originally focused on the balance of yin and yang, so naturally it is the herb that needs to grow from various cathodes. The place of the cathode on the vast continent is undoubtedly the ghost world. There are countless kinds of yin-quality herbs growing there, and the undead grass is the best herb in the yin attribute.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair. Going outside the door. Where is this? Here is the city of Alchemy. It is the place where the world's herbal medicines gather. I don’t know how to buy some of these herbs on the mainland. After waiting for the ascent, I don’t know what the price is in Xianjie. Besides, after the immortal world, is this Lingshi still good?

Xu Ziyan rushed out of the gate, and the shops of one family went in, and the shops of another family came out. However, the face is full of disappointment.

Every shop is almost cold and clear, because most monks are waiting outside the city government, waiting for Han Dan to announce whether Xu Ziyan will practice Xiandan. There are also several herbs in these shops that have been received from ghosts. But very few. Because it is until the eyes. In the alchemy world on the mainland of the sky, the ghost resources that can be used seem to have only ghost beads. As for the undead, they want it, it has to be!

Therefore, Xu Ziyan has gone to dozens of shops. I didn’t even buy a lot of herbal medicines from the ghost world. However, I saw several counterfeit stones in several shops, and Xu Ziyan also bought them. They are very cheap. Whether it is the herbal medicine of the ghost world or the phantom stone, it seems that no one wants to leave it for a long time. This time, I saw Xu Ziyan to buy it. Those shops were almost half-send and sent to Xu Ziyan.

However, this is too little! Do you want to go back to the ghost world, just go to the ghost sea to see?

At this point, Xu Ziyan went to a relatively large shop, and saw a guy standing in the doorway looking around, thinking that he was waiting for his boss to come back and inquire whether Xu Ziyan had refining Xiandan. But as he stretched his neck and looked around, he saw a beautiful figure appear in front of him.


The bud of the buddy fell and looked at Xu Ziyan with a stunned look. Xu Ziyan walked to the door and looked at the door with his head tilted. He saw no one inside, only the guy at the door stood stupidly. Then helplessly stretched out a hand and shook in front of the man’s eyes:


The man trembled and reacted from the shock. He just wanted to talk, but the dislocated chin made him cry. Reaching out the hand "嘎嘣" to reset the chin, and humbly said to Xu Ziyan sincerely:

"Hou... Master, you go to the store... What do you need?"

"Well, is there any medicine that has been collected from the underground world?"

The man looked a glimpse and then shook his head and said, "No!"


Xu Ziyan nodded in disappointment and turned away. I heard the weak voice of the man behind me:


"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan looked back at him.

The buddy smiled and said: "Master Xu, the things in the underground world except the ghost beads, the rest are very low, and the ghost beads are basically in the hands of all parties, the general shops simply do not sell of."

“Oh~~” Xu Ziyan nodded faintly and said: “It’s not a ghost bead. As long as it’s an underground world herb, I can look at it. If it is right, I will buy it.”

The buddy bent his waist and bent: "Master Xu, the cheap things are basically not sold on this street, because they do not have monks. Only occasionally some alchemists must refine some unidentified medicinal herbs. If you want to buy it, if you want to buy it, you may want to go to the shops in the west of the city to see if there is something to sell."

“City West?” Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: “Why?”

The buddy said eagerly: "Because there are some monks who are relatively poorly trained and have a poor level of alchemy, they sell everything there."

Xu Ziyan heard it immediately and understood that the west of the city is the slum in the alchemy city. The herbs in the underground world are too cheap, and these relatively large-scale shops naturally do not see the profit. However, those poor monks are profitable, so there are so many things and everything.

So, I waved to the guy: "Thank you for your friend!"

After that, he turned and went to the west of the city. The guy smirked and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan. He waited until the back of Xu Ziyan disappeared. He only screamed and patted his thighs hard, and regretted his face:

"How can I forget to ask Master Xu whether he has refining the elixir?"

I came to the west of the city and went in a family. There are various kinds of herbs in the underground world, but there are not many. Moreover, these people now also know Xu Ziyan, naturally they dare not deceive her, and the price is lower than usual. Where is Xu Ziyan willing to let them suffer? It is bought at their original price, and it is cheaper to be cheaper. Xu Ziyan simply feels that he is babbling.

I was buying herbs from the underground world in a shop and I heard a quarrel next door. I only heard the voice of a man and said:

"You are a good old commodity, you take these broken goods, I will give you a hundred pieces of Lingshi. You still don't want it. I don't want it. You can get it for sale at another house. Don't entangle with me, then entangle here, don't say Call you out."

Xu Ziyan is not willing to gossip, is handing over the soul with the boss. The boss’s look suddenly said:

"Master Xu, I think of a person who has the herbs of the underground world."

"Who?" Xu Ziyan's look was a joy.

"It’s the one outside the quarrel. He came back from the underground world. He has a lot of things in the underground world. But he wants to sell a good price."

Having said that, the boss is also bitterly saying: "You also know that the underground world is bought, and the people in the alchemy world are basically not used. Almost all have to accumulate, how to give him a high price? ”

Xu Ziyan heard it, put the settled Lingshi on the counter, then turned and walked out of the store door and walked toward the door, but just saw a person wearing a tattered robe and was pushed out by two buddies.

At this time, the monk wearing the rotten robes still pleaded there: "Cheng Bo, you should help me, give me a suitable price, I will sell these things to you."

He hasn't finished yet, the boss standing at the door waited for his eyes and said: "Old goods, I can accept you those broken, it is already helping you again. I accept those broken and not backlog in my hands. Waiting to sell those tattered, will it be a thousand years or 10,000 years?"

The old man in the robes was silent and whispered: "Cheng Bo, I know that you are right, but one hundred stones are too low, you will help me. Right to lend me, wait for me. With Lingshi, you must be back."

"Roll!" The boss fired: "When you can make a spiritual stone, Laozi has soared."

At this time, the two buddies saw the boss fire, and they were not welcome. They punched and kicked the old robes. The old man was still tolerant at first, and then he was beaten up with two buddies.


Buy a pink ticket at the end!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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