The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 994: Zongmen broken

I am very grateful to vanykuo classmates, Hua Tuo classmates, a little bean classmates, petnut classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, ~~檒~~ classmates, Xueyan flying classmates, Ouyang Bingzhen classmates, Fu Xiaoyan classmates' pink ticket!


“Refining City?” Yanshan’s soul frowned slightly: “Can the refining city block the impact of the peak of the Mahayana?”

"I can't stop it!" Shen Qianji said simply: "The refining city has the second-class spirits left by the ancients."

"If there is a fairy in the other hand?" Yanshan soul asked while the black head fled in the direction of the refining city.

"I can't stop it!" Shen Qianji still replied simply: "It can only be delayed. If it is just a fairy, it will be able to withstand five bombardments."

"So what are we going to in the refining city?"

"If we don't go, I am afraid that the guardian will go to the refining city and destroy the refining city. Many of the materials for refining the fairy are in the refining city. We must first collect the materials."

Yanshan soul thought in the sea quickly, the material of the refining fairy has not been provided by the refining city, and Xu Ziyan can completely refine a piece of his own. However, where can I go without going to the refining city?

Xu family!

Xu Ziyan once told him that Xu’s big troupe is now a four-pronged squad, with a four-pronged spirit, even if the other party has a sacred weapon, it may not be able to break through the big squad. Because the other party is not a fairy after all, it is only the peak of the Mahayana, she can not fully stimulate the power of the fairy.


Yanshan Soul immediately made a decision. He immediately informed the four Mahayana about the situation here. It is impossible to chase after the four major rides. With the speed of himself and the peak of the Mahayana, they can't catch up. but. They can ambush the Xu family and prepare the family.

The four great rides will definitely go, because the guardians are the public enemies of all the monks on the mainland. The purpose of the Guardian is to prevent the cultivation on the mainland from flying up. This kind of hatred is that Wang Woyun has to give up everything and join hands with himself. The most important thing is that there are fairy weapons in the hands of the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun in Ximen. The four Mahayana monks, the two fairy wares plus the four spirits array, even if it is not the other side, but the other side has no way to take one side.

In this way, I will go to the refining city first and pour time for the four big passengers. Purple smoke? I will not inform her first. It is such a dangerous place to keep her away.

Yanshan Soul immediately informed Yan Xingyun of his situation and plan through the communication of Yu Jian. after that. Then he controlled the black head and fled in the direction of the refining city.


Xu Ziyan flew over the boundary line between the Central Plains and the Northland and flew in the direction of Tai Xuanzong. The speed of Xiaobai is very fast. Xu Ziyan stood on the back of Xiaobai and looked down to the bottom. Because in her vision, it is a ruin after the war. The following scene is not just a war, but a scene after the war.

"White, go down!"

Xiaobai gathered his wings and fell to the bottom. It is not the other place below. It is the scattered fairy city. Xu Ziyan looked at the heart of the scattered fairy city below, because she found that the scattered fairy city at this time was already in ruins, and she could not find a figure of a monk at all, but there were quite a few bodies. Xu Ziyan stood in the air and shouted:

"The literary master! Wenmeng master ~~"

The sound echoed in the air, and it was empty...

Xu Ziyan was in a state of confusion. Suddenly he suddenly heard a bang*吟, and Xu Ziyan’s body shape appeared in the place where the sound appeared. I saw a female repair, and my limbs have been shattered. I just have a sigh of relief. Seeing Xu Ziyan, his eyes lit up and said intermittently:


A sigh of the neck, swallowed the last breath.

Xu Ziyan's face changed greatly. She can guess what the last word is, and the last word is "invasion." So these four words are:

The demon invasion.

Xu Ziyan's body shape rises to the sky, and the air screams a little white: "Little white, go to Taixuanzong, the demon invasion."

Xiaobai heard it, and quickly spread his wings. The lightning flew to Taixuan. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already called out the hopes in the purple smoke space and twenty small ancient vines, and told them what happened. After that, he stood on the back of Xiaobai, next to his brow, his face worried and anxious.

I hope to see Xu Ziyan, and whispered: "I am coming!"

Xu Ziyan heard a sneak peek, and then ecstasy, she suddenly thought of the thing that the solitary smoke of Ximen took her and Xiaobai to tear the space. The speed of the Mahayana period is now comparable to Xiaobai.

Under the command of Xu Ziyan, Xiaobai became a little girl again, hoping that the big sleeves would be magnified, and Xu Ziyan would be covered in it, and one step would be taken out, and his figure would disappear in the void.

Taixuan Zongshan Gate, the guardian sect has been destroyed, the highest point of the void is a big demon, it is the demon. He didn't shoot, and the people under him didn't bother to shoot. It is his men who can firmly occupy the advantage, and the human monks are dying constantly. If it is not for the human monks who have the cooperation of the sword or the squad, I am afraid that they have already been killed by the demon.

That's it, the swords and the squad are constantly breaking, and the number of deaths is constantly increasing. The entire Tai Xuanzong is already everywhere, and the Yaozu has an absolute advantage. In the central square of Taixuan, tens of thousands of demons flew around and besieged a group of monks above the square.

There are tens of thousands of monks in the center of the square. These tens of thousands of monks are sitting on the ground with their knees on the ground. They are divided into five round arrays. The monks in each round array put their hands on the back of the monks in front. The mana of the monk in each round array condenses into one place and is printed on the foremost monk. And the five monks in the forefront of the top teamed up to form a five-line array.

Sitting on the knees of the gold line is the name of Xu Ziyan’s righteous father. At this time, a large golden light column is picked up from his body. The light column is a little flat and can’t be seen in the vicinity, but if it is far away Looking at it, it is clearly a long sword, a collection of nearly 10,000 monks' mana, and the namelessness of the late gods to release the golden sword to the perfection of the great perfection.

The top of the water line is also a monk in the late stage of the gods. From his position, a large colorful column of light rises from the sky, giving a feeling of utterance that is as vivid as it is, but it is Xu Tian. The wolf released the power of the Louzhuzhu to the extreme.

The top of the fire is also a monk in the late stage of the gods. From her position, there is a dark gold with a dark red light column. This light column is filled with the breath of death, like **** opens the gap. The fangs were exposed, but it was Yang Ling’s death to kill the dead.

The top of the earth is also the late stage of a god, a white dazzling light rushes up, full of violent and fierce, like the eternal beasts come to the mortal. It is precisely that Ling Xiao has pushed the white tiger soul to the extreme.

The top of the wooden line is also a monk in the late stage of the gods. From there, it is a large gray pillar of light, full of sorrow and compassion. Just like the dead wood rots, there is no life, so that when people look at it, they will feel the world. It is the male forging that has disappeared for a long time.

These five beams of light were gathered in the sky above the monks to form a huge tiger-shaped statue. This heavenly giant tiger completely covered the tens of thousands of monks on the entire central square. Tens of thousands of demons outside are constantly attacking the giant tiger. Among the tens of thousands of demons, there are many repairs in the late stages of distraction.

However, this giant tiger is the mana of the concentrated tens of thousands of human monks, and it has laid out a five-line array. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, even in the attack of tens of thousands of demons, although it is crumbling, it still persists. And this tiger type is no longer the white of the white tiger, but the colorful light on the body. The colorful light clearly carries the power of the space of the Louzhuzhu, and almost half of the Yaozu attacks are resolved, otherwise it is impossible to persist until now.

The tail of the giant tiger is a golden sword, and the endless sword of gold is released from the golden sword. Every time it shakes, it will degrade several demons.

In the eyebrows of the giant tiger, there is one more eye at this time. The eye is full of dead air and killing. Every time you open this eye, as long as you look at it, the demon will immediately fly away. , falling from the air.

At the moment, the eyes of the giant tiger are endlessly sad and mournful. As long as they are glanced at by the eyes, the opposite Yaozu will feel no more nostalgia in the world, only feel the heart is gray, and both eyes are closed. The attack will smash it into powder.

And the giant tiger itself, but every roar will spurt a huge light bomb from the mouth, the light bomb exploded in the demon group, and the countless demon people were blown up.

These five monks occupying the position of the golden woods and fires have released their own characteristics to the extreme, the white tiger as a carrier, and the light bullet is a powerful physical attack, and the same nameless physical attack is also very sharp. The third eye and the sorrow of Yang Linglong’s deadly killing of the beads and the male forging are spiritual attacks. The power of Xu Tianlang’s squatting pearls is a powerful defense. The characteristics of these five people have gathered the tens of thousands of monks' mana, so that tens of thousands of demons have temporarily lost their methods of cracking. Only by increasing their mana, they can not bombard the five-line array.

The demon in the void is still calmly watching the battle below. At this time, the struggles everywhere are gradually ending, leaving only the tens of thousands of monks in the five-line array of the central square. The demon's mouth passed a sneer, and he did not see the power of this five-line array. However, he also saw the loopholes in this five elements.

This five-line squad was originally not so powerful. Even if it concentrated on the mana of tens of thousands of monks, it could not stop the attacks of tens of thousands of demons. Moreover, there are many distracted monks in the tens of thousands of demons. The highest monk in the human monk is only the late stage of the god.


Pink ticket, pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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