The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1006: Ghost spirit

I am very grateful to Yanz0530 classmates, Lin's monthly classmates, Xiaorong 2004 classmates, a lot of 1115 classmates, and susantsh0905 classmates' pink tickets!


The ghost world is undoubtedly the best birthplace of this tree demon. Xu Ziyan wanted to ask the ghosts in the shops, where there would be tree demon, but those ghosts saw Xu Ziyan just looking around and not buying, although they also introduced her to the store in a respectful manner, but the look is clear. Very reluctant.

Xu Ziyan had to temporarily endure it and continue to watch the various things in the shop. Who made her no ghost stone! After visiting these dozens of shops, Xu Ziyan found a problem. That is, the medicinal herbs that are suitable for ghost repair in the ghost world are very scarce. The highest Dan drug grade is just Sanpin Dan, and it is too expensive.

In this way, Xu Ziyan had a way in his heart. This move not only allowed him to become a VIP of the shop, but also heard everything he wanted to know, and he could exchange a lot of herbs, ore and yin.


Yes, it is to refine some medicinal herbs suitable for ghost repair.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan hurriedly returned to the place of residence, but before he entered the door, he saw Wu Qizheng standing at the door and looking at his side. Upon seeing myself, I hurriedly greeted me and said respectfully:

"Predecessors, we are ghostly handsome, please go!"

Xu Ziyan stayed in the footsteps and asked faintly: "Is there something?"

"Yeah!" Wu said with a head: "I told the seniors about the things of their predecessors. He wants to hear you talk about the ghost sea."


Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and then followed Wu Qi to go to the ghost handsome house.

The city is very big. Xu Ziyan followed Wu Qi for a long time, about a half-hour time, came to a magnificent mansion. Through the report, Wu Qi walked in with Xu Ziyan. Enter a palace. Seeing a ghostly handsome sitting on the top of the head, there are two ghosts sitting in the left and right seats. One is nine products and the other is eight.

Xu Ziyan followed Wu Qi’s hand to give a gift. Sitting on the top of the ghost, the glamorous look of Xu Ziyan faintly asked, majesticly:

"You are Xu Ziyan?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the ghost handsome, the other is a five-character ghost. In the middle of the **** of the human monk, this kind of cultivation is not a purple smoke, it is not in the eyes, not humble:

"Not bad!"

Seeing the look of Xu Ziyan's big model, the ghost of the first head is a sinking face, and the two ghosts around the next head will be furious and scream:


The eight-character ghost will suddenly gather a ghost claw and grab it toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan still looks directly at the ghost handsome in the first seat. I didn't even look at the eight-character ghost, and suddenly I gathered a ghost claw to catch the past.

The sound of "砰", the other party's ghost claws were crushed by the claws of Xu Ziyan, while continuing to move forward, one of the eight characters will be caught in the hand, and it will be in the air.


The nine-character ghost will also condense a ghost claw to catch Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan still did not move at all, and a ghost from her back greeted the ghost claws of the nine-character ghost. Without slamming the opponent's ghost claws, the nine-character ghost will be caught in the air.

Sitting on the top of the ghost handsome face changed, the eyebrows revealed a little ghost claws, rapidly zoomed in the air, hooded toward Xu Zi. Xu Ziyan's eyebrows also quickly revealed a ghost claw, which was rapidly enlarged in the air and collided with the ghostly ghost claws.


The two ghosts smashed in the air, and the ghostly body in the seat shook a little, while Xu Ziyan stepped back three steps before he staggered and stabilized his figure. This is of course Xu Ziyan. Otherwise it cannot be explained. That's it. The two ghosts caught in the air will also be unbelievable, that is, the ghost handsome in the first seat is also shocked.

After a long time, the ghost handsome returned to a calm look, said faintly: "Please sit!"

Xu Ziyan also freely put two ghosts down. I found a chair that was closer to myself and sat down. For a time, the entire hall was silent. The whole atmosphere is very weird. They don't talk, and Xu Ziyan is silent. It’s really that Xu Ziyan doesn’t know what to say, for fear of revealing himself. Half a ring, the nine-character ghost will only say:

"Xu brother, are you really an eight-character ghost?"

Xu Ziyan lifted his eyes and glared at him with a faint look: "The ghost repair of the ghost sea is not comparable to the ghost repair outside."

What Xu Ziyan thinks is that, anyway, the other party does not know the things of the ghost sea, and pushes everything to the ghost sea. So even if they suspect, nothing will happen for the time being.

Sure enough, Xu Ziyan said that the eyes of several people in the hall are bright at the same time, and the ghost handsome is no longer reserved, and the voice said:

"Hou... General, can you tell us about the ghost sea?"

"Of course!" Xu Ziyan slightly sorted out the ideas and told them about the things in the ghost sea. After the ghost handsome listened, the look became solemn. Sinking for a while, said with a condensate:

"General Xu, Ghost King is retreating these days. It will take a few days to go out. You will go back with Wu Qi, and wait for the ghost king to go out, then ask me to visit the ghost king."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan was relieved.

On the way back to his place of residence, Wu Qi became more respectful and even charming. Just now, he saw the prestige of Xu Ziyan in the main hall. This is the eight-character ghost. If you reach the level of ghosts, can you challenge the ghost king?

Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to him, returned to his place of residence, told Wu to shut himself down, and then entered the room to close the door and set up a ban. I took out the alchemy furnace and took out some herbs from the underground world to start alchemy. Wu Qi was shocked to see the door closed by Xu Ziyan, thinking in his heart:

"My embarrassment, he is going to retreat, isn't he going to break through the nine-character ghosts?"

Xu Ziyan has been refining the three spirits. The three medicines are really simple for Xu Ziyan and can't be simpler. After refining for one day and one night, Xu Ziyan refines twenty furnaces of medicinal herbs, and each furnace is fully loaded, and two thousand ghosts are refining.

Xu Ziyan has already inquired. Such a three-product ghost Ling Dan can sell a million Yinling Stone here. So as long as you sell a thousand three-pronged spirits, you can make up one billion of Yinling Stones, and completely complete the nine-yin big array on the cathode star.

Put the medicinal herbs and the alchemy furnace together, look down and think about it, and adjust your cultivation to the realm of the nine-character ghost. Also entered the purple smoke space to wash a lot. This came out of the purple smoke space, and put away the ban on the law and pushed it out.

When Xu Ziyan came out, there was a ghost soldier rushing over. He respectfully asked Xu Ziyan what instructions, Xu Ziyan put his hand on it, and one person walked out of the gate and walked toward the shops in the street. After the ghost soldier sent Xu Ziyan to leave, he hurriedly reported to Wu Qi.

Xu Ziyan came to the biggest shop on this street with the memories of the past few days. She entered the door. The Raksha, who had hosted her, recognized her. There is no way to do this. A ghost that is super-powerful but has not bought anything at all is not going to be remembered.

Seeing that Luochao greeted him, Xu Ziyan did not talk nonsense, said faintly: "I want to see your boss."

"Yes, adults! Please come with me!"

The eyes of that Rakshasa shine. If the other party wants to see his boss, it must be a big deal. Although he did not know the strength of Xu Ziyan, he knew it was strong. So, he respectfully led Xu Ziyan to the third floor. As soon as I entered the VIP room on the third floor, I saw several ghosts sitting there and saying something about it.

Hearing the sound of ghost repairs, the four ghosts will turn back and look at the four sharp eyes, trying to see who dares to bother them to talk about business. The Rakshasa was stared at by four sharp eyes, and sat down on the ground, and Xu Ziyan looked faintly. The momentum of the body gradually released.

The other four ghosts will. One is six products, and the remaining three are four. Feeling the momentum of Xu Ziyan, suddenly jumped out of the chair, his face became very respectful:

"See the seniors!"

Xu Ziyan faintly said "Well": "If you have a business, talk first. I will go there and wait for a while."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan walked to the other side of the seat. The three four-character ghosts will hurriedly say: "Predecessors, we are not in a hurry, you talk first, we will retire first."

“Hmmm?” Xu Ziyan stopped and faintly nodded. “This is also good!”

The three ghosts will once again salute Xu Ziyan, and then they will say hello to the six-character ghost, and they will leave in a hurry. The six-character ghost will pray to Xu Ziyan:

"Predecessors, please sit down!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and walked over, sat down slowly in the seat, looked at the other side and said faintly:

"You can sit down too!"

“Thank you for your predecessors!” After the six-character ghost thanked him, he sat down and said with respect: “What is the predecessor’s command?”

Xu Ziyan took out a three-pronged spirit and threw it on the table and said casually: "A ghost like this, how many psychedelic stones do you accept?"

The six-character ghosts revealed their stunned eyes and picked up the three-pronged ghosts and put them to watch carefully. He immediately saw that it was the top three ghosts of the three products. In his eyes, he once again revealed the shocking color. He gently placed the ghost Ling Dan on the table and looked up at Xu Ziyan and said softly:

“Predecessors, a ghost of our store is sold by one million phantom stones. The price of the acquisition is 900,000 yingling stones. However, the ancestors of your predecessors are the top three products, I can give one. Million Yinling Stone acquisition."

Xu Ziyan thought a little, took out a storage ring and put it on the table, pushed it to the opposite side, said faintly:

"This is one thousand and one hundred, you can exchange it for me."


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Star Wars Valkyrie" Author: Smile egg noodles

Introduction: Soft science fiction light novel:

This is 2937, has passed through this future technology world for two years, but today the alien empire declared war on the Earth United Nations, and today, the memory of the poetry Xiaowen has encountered another adventure of its own, it seems Awakening her past.

After the boyfriend left himself for more than a month, and still in a day, there was a war before, and then met the mysterious little boy. Then, she smashed a large-caliber sniper rifle similar to that in her memory, and met an alien soldier. Various unsolvable things came one after another.

For her, all these things are irrelevant, because... this will be a butterfly effect.

"I don't believe that there is love in the world, I only believe that I can do it for you!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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