The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1022: Body protection jade

Thank you very much for tea? Nice classmates, dark fragrance classmates, ※ Maple Leaf classmates, flying pig cat classmates, 91885901 classmates, large flying pig classmates, eryanu classmates, LeoKit classmates, SOi classmates, language condensate classmates, susantsh0905 classmates Zi Zi classmates, paradise classmates, quiet ^ _ ^ book students, large flying pig classmates, pine forest pony classmates, ming0407 classmates, full-time bookworm 888 classmates, LeoKit classmates, jlfr drinking water source, my heart classmates, Moon shadow leisure classmates, Du Jiaxiaobao classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


At this time when the guardian was covered with leeches and had no time to attack toward the four big passengers, Xu Ziyan’s rumbling real yuan quickly rushed past the four giants’ body and the guardian’s real yuan.

At the same time, the guardian was already in a hurry, and the bite of the otter was too sharp, so that the guardian of the peak of the Mahayana was not able to endure, but only once again detonated the real yuan in the body, and because of the hatred of the heart, it was separated. A real yuan bombarded with the hands of the solitary smoke of Ximen through her hands fiercely, and it is bound to shake the four Mahayana and Xu Ziyan into powder.


The force of Xu Ziyan’s body and the two-way mana of the Guardian hit one. The hands of the solitary smoke of Simon and the guardian's wrists are separated, and the two airflows are generated between the guardian and the solitary smoke of Ximen. The otters on the guardian were also shaken into powder.

Xu Ziyan's power of the whole body and the force of the guardian's two-manufacturing blasting battle is not bad, entangled and collided in the middle of the solitary smoke and guardian of Ximen. Burst, but successfully protected the solitary smoke of Ximen. Xu Ziyan knows that his power of sputum will not last long, and his mind will move, and the water of one palm will fall in front of the solitary smoke of Ximen. Covering the last exposure point of the four-passenger, completely cover the four-large ride.

The shape of Xu Ziyan is rising from the sky. A finger sticks out to the guardian in the void, and a singular black pattern appears in the void. Released and endless power, covered the guardian.

The Guardian immediately felt the crisis brought to her by the flamboyant pattern, and when it was in shape, it flashed away. But the violent pattern suddenly zoomed in the air, obscuring the entire sky, and then locked the guardian to suddenly shrink toward her.

A loud bang, as if the entire space was in an endless darkness. In this endless darkness, a person emerges. The body shield of the body has become extremely thin, and a mouthful of blood is sprayed out of the mouth. The force of the blood smashes the hood that covers her head, revealing the part under the nose, and the corner of the mouth is full of blood.

Within the headgear, the guardian did not think that a small distracted monk could actually hurt himself, even if he only had less than 30% of his mana. The figure instantly moved to the front of Xu Ziyan. A small fist fiercely slammed the head of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan suddenly opened up the power of space, his body shape quickly flew back, and a fist hit the other side.


The body shape of Xu Ziyan was directly bombarded, and the blood was squirted in the air. The body of the two spirits began to break. The guardian is also uncomfortable, and now her real yuan is not much left. This fist down, the corner of the mouth can not help but see a trace of blood. However, her figure did not stop at all, and she appeared in front of her in an instant. It’s another punch. Xu Ziyan also continually counterattacks. Two people ping pong in the air, saying that Xu Ziyan and the guardian are attacking, it is better to say that Xu Ziyan is being abused. Xu Ziyan’s body is constantly flying, not to mention that the body has been bombarded. It is the knowledge of God that is a little comatose.

The guardian is also panting at this time, at this time her body is less than 10%. Straight sighing Xu Ziyan is a small strong who can't die. Where does she know that Xu Ziyan is not only supported by the power of space, but also the strength of the body of the second product.

The Guardian finally stopped his body shape and snorted and looked at Xu Ziyan. At this time, she also had to be careful. If she killed Chen Ziyan, she would not have the slightest effort to say that she would die here. Not to mention the effect of only twelve hours from the discrete, that is, Feng Jian she also believes. She has no doubt that if Feng Jian sees himself in a coma here, he will immediately kill himself.

Looking down, I saw that the mask formed by the water of the palm of the hand was still fighting with the four spirits. The guardian thought of a move and extended his finger toward Xu Ziyan. The light column that had been attacking the water of a palm suddenly turned and directed the direction of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan vigorously unfolded the body of the cloud, and flashed the light column. The ground banged and was bombarded with a deep pit.


A spring water was ejected from the deep pit.

The guardian again put a finger, a beam of light shot to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's body shape is another flash, the guardian frequently points out the finger, and the light column frequently hits Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was teleported in the light column, the force of space was quickly consumed, and the knowledge of God was gradually unclear, and he stumbled into the front of the guardian.

The guardian looked sharply, and the mana burst into blast, releasing her most powerful punch at the moment, and bombarded the past with Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s mind was already awake, and there was no feeling that he could smash himself into a powder, and she was only screaming at the light column with the slightest sense of wisdom. The fist of the person has teleported over.


The guardian's mighty punch hit the front chest of Xu Ziyan without suspense. The guardian’s eyes instantly released a happy smile, but the happy smile instantly became shocked. I saw Xu Ziyan’s front chest giving a “squeaky” sound, followed by a glare from the chest of Xu Ziyan’s chest, which shone the body of the purple smoke, and the guard’s punch was actually bombarded. Above the dazzling light.

The light swayed, and then the power of the guardian bombarding the punch on Xu Ziyan doubled back.


The power of the bounce was directly bombarded on the unprepared guardian, and the body shield of the body was shattered. The red robe on the body was broken and revealed a beautiful body. Only one headgear was placed over the head. The body turned upside down and flew out in the air, and the body slipped from the air. After breaking up more than a dozen big trees, the gods have begun to become unclear. I don’t dare to stay here again, my body flashes and penetrates the spirits. The figure disappeared into space. Just leaving a trace of resentment in the space:

"She actually has a fairy protector."


Xu Ziyan’s body fell from the air and completely fainted. On her chest, the piece of bodyguard jade brand that Yanshan soul gave to her had been turned into powder. The mask of the water of the palm of the hand turned into a big hand, grabbed Xu Ziyan, sent it into the mask, and then covered the five people tightly inside. The four-pronged spirits lost the host of the guardian. Although it still exists, it will not attack.

An hour has passed. Although the monks in the main hall are awake, they still cannot move. Outside the hall, Xu Ziyan and the four big passengers are still comatose. The mask suddenly turned a face on the top, and the water in the palm of the hand was very humanized.

She saw that Xu Ziyan was still unconscious, and the small face that was displayed was full of anxiety. Suddenly gave up the mask, the water of the palm of the hand spread out around, just a moment to confirm that there is no one around. I also carefully observed the four Dacheng. Seeing that the four major rides have fallen into a deep coma.

The water of one palm immediately wrapped Xu Ziyan together. She had already merged with Xu Ziyan. Naturally, she was able to enter and exit the purple smoke space at random. On the ground, Guanghua flashed, and Xu Ziyan and a palm of the water disappeared.

In the purple smoke space, the water of the palm of the hand slammed Xu Ziyan into the river, and the river full of spirit liquid immediately began to moisturize the body damaged by Xu Ziyan. A palm of water looked aside for a while, and disappeared with a sigh of relief, waiting to appear in the residence of Dan Yi.

At this time, Dan Yi was concentrating on alchemy, and placed his refining medicinal herbs on the shelf behind him. A palm of water does not take care of Dan Yi. Turn into a little person. Floating in front of the shelf, looking at the jade bottle on the shelf. Soon she searched for the highest quality medicinal herbs, which was the refining of Dan Yi after he became a seven-inner alchemy.

A palm of water stretches out a small hand. Get bigger in the air and grab a bottle of remedy. "嗖" disappeared into the body shape, and Dan Yi was still there to concentrate on alchemy, and did not find a palm of water to take him a bottle of remedy.

A palm of water returned to the river, and she was very clear about the injury of Xu Ziyan. I opened the mouth of Xu Ziyan and kept stuffing the medicinal herbs inside. Not to mention, the quality of the seven medicinal herbs that Dan refines is really good, the entrance is instant, and the throat is down. One palm of the water continuously stuffed six medicinal herbs into the mouth of Xu Ziyan, and then no longer took control of Xu Ziyan, and plunged into the river and went to play.

It was only half an hour, Xu Ziyan was awake. Turned over and sat up from the river, staring blankly. Suddenly, the body is a shock. She naturally recognizes that it is her own purple smoke space.

How come you come here? Is it his unconscious move? Will it be seen by others? Exposing your biggest secret? What about the guardian?


When she was in doubt, in front of her, she rushed up the spray, and the water in the palm of her hand stood on the wave and looked up and down, looking at Xu Ziyan’s milk and said:

"Master, are you awake?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan mechanically nodded, and his eyes still stunned: "How can I be here?"

One palm of the water has a small chest, and raises the small hand to make the small chest slap "啪啪" straight, and the whole small body is fiercely screaming with the "啪啪" sound. One palm of the water patted his little chest and proudly, proudly, and said in detail how she saved the entire process of purple smoke.

After Xu Ziyan heard it, he took a long sigh of relief. Stretching out a finger to touch the water of a few palms, and thanked a few words, and the water of the palm of the hand ran away and played away. Xu Ziyan immediately took out a product, Xiandan Chaodan, and a rejuvenated forged Shen Dan, and sat down in the river to repair the injury.

With the support of two great drugs, and the moisturizing of the spirit and the rich aura, it was only two hours, and Xu Ziyan completely recovered the injury. Out of the river, I changed my dry clothes and explored the mental energy from the purple smoke space to the outside.


I made an electrocardiogram, tested a blood, opened six big boxes of medicine, and took medicine...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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