The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1027: Moving stone

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After everyone agreed, Xu Ziyan dropped his eyes and ignored it. However, at this time, Yan Xingyun began to speak:

"Everyone, the Xu patriarchs have opened up the ancient ruins. Now that we have the benefits, then we are small Luotian? You must know that the opening of the ancient ruins of the people's towns and gates is the need for my singer Sun Yanshan soul. We are not a fool, no reason. Let you be so bullied? We also need benefits."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and the corner of his mouth passed a smile. Others were looking awkward. Especially the look of Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng was a little uneasy. How did they feel that something was not going to happen to them? Yunfeifeng was dissatisfied with Wang Liyun’s glance, and the dissatisfaction in his heart was released from that eye.

The solitary smoke at Ximen is very much in line with Yan Xingyun at this time: "What benefits do you want?"

Xu Ziyan said with both hands: "The Xu patriarch put forward two conditions. I only have one condition. No, strictly speaking, there are only half conditions. We, Luo Luotian and the Xu chief, are still very righteous."

"If you have something to say!" Wang Woyun turned a blank eye.

Yan Xingyun said with a smile: "The second condition proposed by the Xu patriarch is that Xu will not participate in the entire war against ghosts, and we only need to participate in the ghosts before the ancient ruins are fully opened. Actions in the world. After the ancient ruins are fully opened, we will naturally spare no effort to bring the Raksha Ghost repair back to the ground."

"You..." Wang Woyun's chest violently rose up.

This time, Yan Xingyun turned a white-eyed road: "What's wrong? Shouldn't this be? You can disagree. You can also not participate in this action against the ghost world. When the time is to open the ancient ruins, I will ask The Xu patriarch placed a big array at the entrance to the ruins. You should not participate in Da Luotian."

Wang Woyun’s heart is full of bitterness at this time. Is it regretting that he has nothing to look for? Isn't this lifting a rock and rubbing your own feet? Not only does it have no chance to weaken the strength of Xu. The withdrawal of this little Luo Tian is undoubtedly aggravating the pressure on his own side. Instead, he has lost his strength.

"Cough!" Ximen solitary cigarette coughed two channels: "I agree with Yan Zong's proposal."

The look of everyone is a shock, and some do not understand the solitary smoke of Simon. One heart and one mind. Ronaldinho temporarily withdrew from the action of the ghost world. That pressure and loss, you have to bear a copy of the city, how can he agree so happily?

Wang Woyun and Yunfei Feng glanced at each other. Both people’s eyes revealed dignity. The solitary smoke in Ximen is definitely not a good person. He must have his benefits in doing so. It’s just that they haven’t seen it yet, but the more they don’t see it. The greater the uneasiness in the heart. However, at this time they also had to agree, so they all agreed to Yan Xingyun's proposal.

And when everyone thought that things had come to an end, the white towel from overseas Lingbao Island suddenly said:

"Our Lingbao Island can't be without the benefits of opening the ancient ruins in Tianzhen?"

When the white towel was out, everyone’s look was tight. They couldn’t help but look at Wang Woyun’s eyes, and they all blamed. At this time, Wang Liyun is really tangled. However, he saw that everyone did not speak, put a pair, this thing is caused by you, you flattened the posture, could not help but smile a bit, looking at the white and smart towel:

"What good is your Lingbao Island?"

The white towel said faintly: "Our Lingbao Island is also very admired by the mainland culture, so we really want to go back to the mainland."

The look of everyone is a change. The proposal of a white towel means that overseas forces are beginning to think about infiltrating the mainland. This is a very dangerous thing. If it is not handled well, there will be another force on the mainland. And the power of this power is still very mysterious.

but. Can't refuse to agree. Because Lingbao Island has mastered the way to open the ancient ruins of Tianzhen. At this time, the eyes of Yunhe Fairy looked at Xu Ziyan, and her meaning was very clear. That is to ask if Xu Ziyan can reach the immortal teacher in a short time. If Xu Ziyan can reach the realm of Xian Fu Shi in a short time. There is no need to accept Lingbao Island.

Xu Ziyan also quickly thought about it in her heart. She was also very interested in the mystery of Lingbao Island. Especially curious about what the psychedelic Lingbao hides. And she is not sure when she can break through to the fairy. It is a breakthrough to the immortal teacher, if she can not reveal, she does not want to reveal. The most important thing is that she feels that she has been guarding Lingbao Island. It is better to let them in, so that they can find their clues. Therefore, Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly toward Yunhe Fairy. The Yunhe Fairy sighed softly.

At this time, the highest-ranking Ximen solitary smoke looked at Bai Qingdao: "Do you want that place?"

Bai Qiao towel said faintly: "In the middle of the two prehistoric kings and Yan predecessors, our Lingbao Island naturally did not dare to take a slice of the Central Plains. In the West and the South, there are also Ximen predecessors and cloud predecessors, we are not Will go. The conditions in the north are too bad. If the predecessors agree, we Lingbao Island wants the East."

The solitary smoke of Ximen looked at Bai Qiao with a burning gaze: "Can you represent the teacher?"

"Can!" The white towel nodded immediately.

The entire yard immediately calmed down, and everyone was thinking low and thinking about the pros and cons of this matter. Finally, the solitary smoke of Ximen said, he said:

"We can agree, but we just agree. You can finally stand in the East, it depends on your own strength. There was a green fire in the Eastern Xiu Xianjie that was destroyed not long ago. If you want, that place is in you. After opening the ancient ruins of Tianzhenguan, it’s yours."

Speaking of this, the eyes of the solitary smoke of Ximen swept through the faces of Wang Liyun, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng. The three people thought a little, and they nodded slightly. This matter was settled.

Seeing everyone agrees, the solitary smoke of Ximen has finished the whole color: "We still continue to discuss the war against the ghosts before the opening of the ancient ruins. Now that Luo Luotian has withdrawn, the Mahayana will leave us three. The information of the purple smoke, the other party has a ghost emperor.

Therefore, one of our three Mahayana periods must have a seat on the northern border. Responsible for dealing with ghost emperors. I have a proposal. Three of us who went to the north, who did not have to participate in the war before the opening of the ancient ruins. I am here to make a statement. If any of you two are willing to go to the North to deal with the ghost emperor, I will never fight. I will send a third of the power of Tianzhi City to the North. ”

Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng immediately began to squat in their hearts. We went to the Northland to fight the ghost emperor? The injuries of our two have not recovered. If you want to recover completely, you have to get half a year, let us drag the injury to the north. If the ghost emperor does not appear to be fine, we will be there. But if the ghost emperor appears, it will be the opponent of the ghost emperor with our two current physical conditions.

Wang Liyun really regretted it at this time. He did not expect to provoke Xu Ziyan, which led to many follow-up reactions. Now Xu is definitely not going to participate in the war, and Luo Luotian does not participate. Who makes Xu Jia and Xiao Luotian have Xiandan and Xianshi?

Nowadays, the solitary smoke in Ximen is also bullying. He obviously wants to weaken the strength of Da Luotian and the fire. As far as their two physical conditions are concerned, they are certainly not able to go to the North, so they have to send a third of the power of the sect to fight the ghosts. Who knows how much of this one-third of the monks will eventually come back? As long as you think about it in your heart, you feel pain.

This Ximen solitary smoke proposal does not agree with it. If the front line does not have a Mahayana period, then the ghost emperor still does not kill the human monks like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables. Let the Simmon solitary smoke both send troops and go in person. Are you a fool at the West Gate? Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng looked at each other and had to swallow the bitterness and said to the solitary smoke in Ximen:

"Ximen brother, our wounds have not recovered, so we labored Ximen to go to the north."

The solitary smoke in Ximen faintly waved: "In this case, the old man is gone."

After the people discussed it in detail, they decided on various plans for the future. After that, the white box towel broke the four-character squad, but at the request of Yunhe Fairy, the second illusion was temporarily left behind, covering the collapse of the main hall of the city.

Xu Ziyan, like the monks, looked at the white towel to break the array, and he could not help but secretly nod. This Lingbao Island has a very high attainment for the formation. Many methods have made Xu Ziyan shine. Of course, those monks who don't understand the law are watching a lot of fun, and they feel very bored. The Yunhe Fairy on the side is looking at it.

The look of the white towel is very proud. It can show his ability in front of the peaks of the vast mainland. The mood is naturally very cool, and the eyes of the solitary smokers of Ximen are also more respectful.

After the big battle broke, everyone dispersed. At this time, it was time for the second day of the eight-character time, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng went back to heal, while the rest went to watch the race. Xu Ziyan also said goodbye to everyone. She did not go to see the contest, but went to the Xuji shop.

Xu Ziyan still did not ride the monster car, but strolled around. In my mind, I was thinking about the things that I remembered in the city of Lingbao. She did not talk to Yunhe Fairy about the Xuji shop. It is best to solve this problem by himself. Otherwise, it must be looked down upon by others.

I thought about it and consciously directed to the shops that wanted to squeeze the Xuji shops away. I wanted to observe them first, so that I could know ourselves and know each other.


The milk shouted: "To vote!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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