The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1036: Practice

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Today, Xu Ziyan is not a rookie who has first entered the immortal world. She naturally knows that there are five kinds of basic spiritual roots in the cultivation of immortals, that is, the five roots of Jinmushui. But in addition to these five spiritual roots, there are also alien roots, that is, four kinds of wind and thunder. Xu Ziyan’s mind suddenly screamed like a roar, and a touch of sentiment rose to his heart.

Isn't the nine spiritual powers that make up the world a spiritual power?

Is it that the space in my body can really develop into a world?

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and opened his eyes. His eyes revealed the color of thought. If this is the case, it is better for them to improve themselves than to meet the adventures of Ling Yijian. What is the growth of a world that can be compared to a single spiritual monk?

Xu Ziyan’s mouth passed a smile, because of the momentary feelings, she found that her state of mind finally broke through the realm of the Mahayana period. And directly jumped to the realm of the middle of the Mahayana. And her spiritual strength has surpassed the realm of the peak of the Mahayana. Although Xu Ziyan did not know how much his spiritual strength reached, he secretly thought that his spiritual strength had reached the realm of immortality.

Xu Ziyan was hesitating at this time whether he was taking Chaos Dan immediately and made a breakthrough in the Mahayana period. But she hesitated for a long time. In the end, I still didn't do this. Because she didn't know if she could take the chaotic Dan and break through the Mahayana period.

Now that she has truly realized the fact that this space in her body is a prototype of the world, such a fact makes her excited and at the same time makes her pressure multiply. She even suspected that she would wait until Ling Yijian, Xu Tianlang, and Ling Xiao. When Yang Linglong and others soared, did they still stay in the mainland?

This thought even made her a little discouraged, but when she thought that she had the power of the world in her body, she could be invincible within the same rank, and even when she was able to challenge more and more, Xu Ziyan’s mood was happy again.

I thought again that I could overcome the challenges and win the battle. Is this because the more challenging ones are the ordinary monks who have never had an adventure? If you are against a person like Ling Yijian, Xu Tianlang, Ling Xiao and Yang Lingwei?

These people Xu Ziyan once had a hand with Yang Linglu, but it was not a more difficult challenge, because Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was higher than Yang Linglong. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and if there were pairs of monks who had an adventure. I am not dominant, isn't this space too bad?

Ok! Wait a while to find Ling Yijian than to try it, and suppress his own cultivation to a realm with him. He is now the peak of distraction, and I also suppress it to the peak of distraction, to see if I still dominate. ?

Wanting to understand everything, Xu Ziyan waved his hand to disperse the law, and spread the knowledge. At this time, Ling Yijian was standing under a big tree with his hand, and the sky outside was already late at night. Xu Ziyan did not think of his own understanding, but it has been so long.

I thought about it. Do not bother Ling Yijian. Instead, I closed my eyes again and began to stabilize the realm of my eight treasures.

The next morning, Xu Ziyan could not wait to find Ling Yijian. Ling Yijian heard that Xu Ziyan had to learn from himself, and his eyes revealed a strange color. The difference between the eyes is:

"Ziyan Shimei, are you not bullying?"

Xu Ziyan also reacted immediately. The look was a little embarrassed: "That... Ling brother... I am doing the same thing as you, how about our two?"

Ling Yijian's look has become more eccentric, he does not understand what Xu Ziyan is for. But after thinking about it, my heart is in vain. This is Xu Ziyan seeing that he has gained the inheritance of thousands of miles, and he wants to see through his own experience.

With this in mind, Ling Yijian is also very excited. He also wants to find a person who is the same as himself and test his own level. It’s a rare opportunity for Xu Ziyan to suppress the realm and compare it with him. This is a good opportunity! So, Ling Yijian readily agreed, and the two immediately left the Xuji shop and rushed outside the city.

When passing by the Jiu'an shop, Xu Ziyan glanced at the Jiu'an shop, and the young monk appeared in his heart. He always suspected that the young monk was a fire dance. But I also thought that if it was a fire dance, he could not recognize himself in front of his own face, then he shook his head and continued to go outside the city.

Where does she know the heart of today's fire dance, now the fire dance has joined the flame, and the relationship between the flame and the Xu family, the fire dance is really unable to face Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan and Ling Yijian quickly left Lingbao City, and they flew to a mountain range thousands of miles away. Xu Ziyan and Ling Yijian stood opposite each other.

"Ziyan, I have been practicing swords all my life. Today I will fight with you with a sword."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan said excitedly: "Ling brother, you know that I have already understood the meaning of the sword of gold, and now I also use the sword to fight with you."

Ling Yijian took out the long sword, and Xu Ziyan also turned a palm of water into a long sword, and suppressed his cultivation to the peak of distraction.

The two sneaked each other and rushed to each other. On the other hand, Ling Yijian’s body was shot and flew out, and the tumultuous smashing of the wolf was almost the same.

Xu Ziyan was shocked and his body swiftly rushed toward Ling Yijian. When she found out that Ling Yijian was just a wolverine, she was not injured. This is a sigh of relief. She did not make all her efforts just now, because in the moment of the shot, Xu Ziyan suddenly thought that he had the power of the world. It can be more challenging. Even if he is now tempered to adjust to Ling Yijian, if Ling Yijian and those who have no adventures, he will fight with his own strength, wouldn’t he want Ling Yijian’s life?

and so. Xu Ziyan only made up 50% of the peak of the initial distraction. Anyway, she felt that she had the body of the second spirit, and Ling Yijian could not hurt her. However, when she saw the momentum of Ling Yijian's sword, she immediately contracted 30% of the strength. In fact, the sword that is opposite to Ling Yijian is only the strength of the peak of Xu Zifen's initial peak. Even so, Ling Yijian was shot and flew out.

Ling Yijian did not have the slightest frustration, he was in the time of Tai Xuanzong. I have seen Xu Ziyan’s training in the anti-Yuan Ying period. Therefore, when Ling Yijian stabilized his figure in the air, he said with a shamelessness:

"Ziyan, you will repair it and suppress it a little lower, hurry."

Of course, Xu Ziyan also wants to see how far he can be, and the words are glad to be renewed. After a few tricks. Ling Yijian waved again:

"Repress a little more."

Xu Ziyan will be repaired and suppressed to the middle of the god. After so many spells, Xu Ziyan took the initiative to suppress it to the beginning of the gods. In this way, Xu Ziyan actually fell a bit. Then Xu Ziyan once again adjusted his cultivation to the peak of the early days of the gods.

This time, two people played a chess match, each of them put their own swords to the extreme, so Ling Yijian even refreshed. Since Ling Yijian broke through to the beginning of distraction, he took a fight and was injured by the overseas monk. He has never been so sweaty. After this war, it completely consolidated the realm of his early distraction.

And through this battle, Xu Ziyan also knows the power of his own world. And with the judgment of Xu Ziyan. If you encounter a normal distracted monk in the early days of your own suppression to the beginning of the god, you will definitely occupy an absolute advantage. Maybe you can kill the other party with a few tricks. However, nowadays, Ling Yijian, who has passed the sword of the Wanli, has been inherited. She will be repaired to the peak of the early days of the gods, but still fights with the other side, which can not help but let her admire the ride. I look forward to seeing you one day and taking a ride.

From this point of view, Ling Yijian should also occupy an absolute advantage in the same level of monks. This is also happy for Ling Yijian while being happy for himself.

After two battles, the two men returned to the Xuji shop in Lingbao City. Just after coming back, Yunhe Fairy sent someone to ask Xu Ziyan to pass. Xu Ziyan did not know what it was, or immediately followed the people to the city government.

After coming to the city's main government, I found that everyone was there and after greeting each other, Xu Ziyan knew that in these days, the four superpowers had taken the first batch of monks from the various forces in the mainland to gather in the northern land. Junction line. Formed the first line of defense, and the follow-up monks will also rush.

Today is here to practice the solitary smoke of Ximen. The solitary smoke of Ximen will also leave Lingbao City and rush to the border of the North.

During the dinner, Xu Ziyan looked at the solitary smoke in Ximen and asked: "What is the predecessor of Ximen, what will the ghost emperor do?"

The face of the solitary smoke of Ximen is also very dignified: "How can I know if I don't touch it. However, I always feel that the repair of the ghost emperor will not be worse than the guardian."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "How come suddenly there is such a high person? Isn't it true that the aura on the mainland can't let the monk reach that height?"

The solitary smoke of Ximen also frowned slightly, thinking for a while: "The ghost emperor has not seen it yet, and the guardian has made two hands with her. It gives me the feeling that her realm is not stable, it seems to be used What method is promoted to the cultivation, perhaps this is the secret of the guardian.

As for the ghost emperor, I feel that it will be more horrible. ”

"Why?" Xu Ziyan asked. The other monks also looked at Simon's solitary smoke with amazement.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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