The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1038: Open in advance

I am very grateful to Yan Da Niu, Tao Lezhi, LRS0319, I feel today, classmates, wqiy2003, Milanoz, Yu 645098, light purple 1985, olive_r, olive_r, bxmshd, Tang Tang 8719, generation Demon Ji classmates, fat cows, classmates, classmates, He Miao 1975 classmates, ruthless demon classmates, cool snake classmates, Yan Yiqian classmates, Angel_C classmates, pimibear classmates, dark fragrance classmates, Luo Yushuhuang classmates , yinpp classmate's pink ticket!


Yunhe Fairy is depressed and inferior. However, the audience in the entire stadium did not know all of this. They only knew that there was a single Lingbao teacher on the mainland. Although there is no such a fairy teacher as the refining city, and there is a fairy teacher like the alchemy city, there are some regrets in the heart, but after all, there is a spiritual treasure, so the monks still watch the cloud with great enthusiasm. The performance of Crane Fairy.

In the box on the stands, Xu Ziyan, Ling Yijian, Xu Lin and Gongzi forged together, looking at the Yunhe Fairy in the stadium. Xu Lin knows that Xu Ziyan will make a note, and he will talk to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, what is the realm of your current skills?"

"Eight spirits treasure teacher!" Xu Ziyan did not conceal the Xu Lin, honestly passed the past.

Xu Lin’s heart was shocked, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan changed again. At the same time, Ling Yijian and Gongzi forged to watch the performance of Yunhe Fairy, but also remembered the identity of Xu Ziyan's Xiandan division. I remembered the identity of Xu Ziyan Xiandan. I also remembered that Xu Ziyan is now rehabilitating the peaks of the late peaks. Everyone looking at Xu Ziyan’s eyes has a feeling of mountain elevation. However, these three people are also people who are determined to be determined, just a moment of inferiority. Immediately in the heart, they burned up and fight.

The race is over.

Xu Ziyan also decided to return to the tribe, and solicited the opinions of Ling Yijian, Xu Lin and Gongzi Forging. They also all said that they would go to the Xujia family with Xu Ziyan. It was there until the ancient ruins were opened.

Simultaneously. Han Dan will also hand over the materials of the refining Xiandan collected from each Zongmen family to Xu Ziyan, so that Xu Ziyan will refine some Xiandan, in order to open up the ancient ruins.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also received news from the front line of the Northland. The human monk and the ghost world have already launched a large-scale battle. In this battle, the human monk won a big victory, and the entire line of defense is advancing toward the north. After a great victory, the human monk even wanted to regain lost ground. Of course, in this battle, the ghost emperor did not appear. There is no shot of the solitary smoke in Ximen.

The news came back, and the human world on the entire vast continent was full of joy. It was only a matter of time to defeat the ghosts in their eyes and completely conquer the lost land.

However, in the next two days, the news continued to come. Human monks and ghosts broke out on a larger scale, and human monks suffered defeat. The ghostly emperor, which has always been mysterious, finally appeared. A big battle with the solitary smoke of Ximen, the solitary smoke of Ximen made a fairy weapon, but it eventually lost and was injured.

According to the news from the solitary smoke of Ximen, the repair of the ghost emperor may have reached the realm of half-step ghosts, and he is no longer an opponent of the ghost emperor. The entire human defense line has returned to its original position and is under great pressure. This is still the ghost emperor did not shoot the human monk, just let the men fight with humans, if the ghost emperor shot, I am afraid that the human defense has long since collapsed.

The monks who originally wanted to return to the Zongmen family had postponed their return. At this time, the peak figures on the mainland of the Canggu are gathered in the main hall of the city government.

The hall has been completely restored. The magic array outside was also removed. Everyone sat in the hall and looked heavy. Everyone knows that the news is now a way to discuss it.

The situation today is, what is the mind of the ghost emperor today? No one knows, because since he captured the Northland. There seems to be no tendency to continue attacking human monks, but the news from the front is that Northland is constantly adding ghosts. It seems that I am waiting for the ghosts to gather in large numbers before starting their offense.

These messages were all sent back by Tai Xuanzong, and the ghost emperor once personally bombarded a Tai Xuanzong. However, he only took a shot and stopped when he saw that he had not broken the guardian. He seems to be temporarily interested in Tai Xuanzong, but it seems that there is no way to take the six-pronged spirits for the time being.

However, the common view is that the ghost emperor will once again attack the human beings and temporarily stop in the north, seemingly accumulating strength.

On the guardian side, after Xu Ziyan, Yan Xingyun, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng, they shared a lot with her, I am afraid that her injury has not recovered at this time. But when she recovered, it was when she started again.

Only the guardian and the ghost emperor can make the monks on the entire vast continent have a headache. There is also a demon. The demon emperor is absolutely hostile to human beings. When they all doubted how the demon emperor had no action in the recent past, Xu Ziyan told us that he sent hope to go to the demon territory to entangle with the demon king. These talents understand why the demon king has disappeared recently.

However, everyone in the room knows that when the ancient ruins are opened, the hope must come back, and the demon will surely follow, so that a singer is added to the guardian and the ghost emperor. There is also the mysterious witch god, all of which makes these monks within the hall frown.

There is also an unstable factor that everyone knows well, but no one has spoken. That is the white scarf and the solitary master sitting on the main hall at this time, the immortal teacher. Everyone's heart is estimating what the island owner of Lingbao Island is doing. Finally, everyone in the heart has a gloomy determination that the other party is almost a monk of the Mahayana period.

Lingbao Island, no one knows. Therefore, they are also very cautious about their attitude. If Lingbao Island can stand in a camp with itself, then of course it is good. but. If they have ulterior motives?

Everyone’s heart was amazed.

There are only five Mahayana monks on this side of the party, namely, the solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun, hope. Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng. The solitary smoke in Ximen is the mid-term repair of the Mahayana, and the remaining four are the early days of Mahayana.

And the other party?

The ghost emperor is probably a half-step ghost, and the guardian is the cultivation of the peak of the Mahayana. The demon is the early cultivation of Mahayana. The owner of Lingbao Island should be the master of the early Mahayana, and there is a witch **** who is the peak of the late stage of the gods but mysterious as the early days of Mahayana. The other party is also five people, but the overall strength is far beyond their own. And the most important thing is that the current Lingbao Island enemy is uncertain, and it is very likely that when the other party is trusted, the other party will slap on the back.

The silence inside the hall, everyone feels heavy, and the current situation is very tricky. I don't know how to start. Half-sounding, Yan Xingyun said:

"This time the turmoil on the mainland is so turbulent, it can be said that we are faced with another catastrophe since the great destruction of the ancient times. I hope that the people present here can temporarily abandon their former suspicions, unite and unanimously. Otherwise, waiting for us. Only perish."

Yan Xingyun’s gaze only passed over Wang Woyun, but he looked at Xu Ziyan. He is not worried about Wang Woyun. Da Luotian is an old Zongmen. He has been experiencing too long in the Xiuxian world, and he is naturally divided. At this time, he will definitely not use any means for the Xu family. He is very clear that he needs to unite at this time. Was it the time when the ancient war was over, wasn’t Da Luotian tightly united around the Xu family? The action against Xu’s family was also after the great destruction.

Instead, he was very worried about Xu Ziyan. After all, Xu Ziyan entered the Xiuxian world for too short a time, his age was too small, and he was full of hatred against Da Luotian. He is very afraid of Xu Ziyan for his own enmity, regardless of the overall situation. Continue to fight with Wang Woyun. He never dared to despise the strength of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan really makes trouble, and it has internal friction, he has to lose Wang Juyun and hope that these two Mahayana periods are really powerless.

Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes slightly. She also knows that at this time she can't ignore the whole picture. I sighed in my heart and thought:

"Only for a while will put aside the hatred of Da Luotian. In fact, this is not bad. It left me the opportunity to grow up. After all the end, the situation of Xu Jia and Da Luotian may be another situation. Da Luotian did not have a strong family. It was not because Xu’s power was consumed too much in the ancient war, which gave Da Luotian a chance.

Today's situation is reversed. Xu family is not as strong as Luo Tian, ​​but because he is the reason of Xian Dan, he is temporarily out of this battle. Then wait for Da Luotian to consume strength, and we will grow up secretly. ”

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan raised his eyes and said faintly: "I will call Ximen's younger generation later, and let the predecessors of Ximen cancel the purple smoke in the Tiantian Hall to reward the Da Luotian disciple."

Xu Ziyan’s voice just fell, and Wang Liyun also said: “I will also inform Simon’s friends to let him cancel the reward of Da Luotian’s pursuit of Xu’s in Tiantian Temple.”

Yan Xingyun heard the eyebrows of the eyebrows and said: "Good! Good! So good!"

"Swallow brother!" Yunfeifeng said: "I think we will cooperate sincerely in the future of the future of the Cangwu mainland and the fate of the human monks. However, the situation today is not dominant, how to pull Back to our disadvantages?"

Yan Xingyun nodded and said: "You friends, the most important thing that restricts us now is that our strength is not as good as the other side. The guardians and ghost emperors in the other side, their cultivation is far beyond us. Among them One can drag us down on these Mahayana monks. If this situation continues, we have no hope of winning."

Everyone nodded, and everyone’s face was heavy, and Xu Ziyan was no exception. Yan Xingyun paused, his eyes swept over the crowd, and said in a tone:

"Now our most important thing is to upgrade our cultivation, and the environment on the mainland does not allow us to have the potential to enhance our strength. Therefore, we must open the ancient relics in advance and restore the spiritual power on the mainland. ”

Everyone's eyes are bright and their expressions are a little fluctuating. Yan Xingyun went on to say: "And if we don't open the ancient ruins in advance, we don't know if we have the possibility to open the ancient ruins."


Quickly catch up with the former one, and the comrades will give another force!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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