The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1043: Purple smoke, what do you think?

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A long-lost family relationship suddenly burst into the heart of Xu Lin, the heart was sour, the eyes were sour, and the tears flowed unconsciously.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly: "What is the grandson of the grandson now?"

Xu Lin whispered: "I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"唉~~" Xu Ziyan sighed: "Lin brother, I went to see the uncle, and his heart was also bitter. After seeing the uncle, now that the cultivation of the immortal world is preparing for the opening of the ancient ruins, it is calm, you go Take the grandson and grandson to the Xu family."

"Good!" Xu Lin raised his hand and wiped his eyes and said: "I will go to see my adoptive father, and pick up my father tomorrow. Thank you, purple smoke."

When the words fell, Xu Lin turned and flew down the mountain. Xu Ziyan can feel the accumulation of Xu Lin's knowledge is dissipating, and gradually become sunny.

Until Xu Lin’s figure disappeared, Xu Ziyan just wanted to take back his eyes, but he saw a white figure rushing down the mountain and flew toward himself. Take a closer look, but it is a male forging.

The figure of the male forged fell in front of Xu Ziyan, and said, "Xu Daoyou, I have been trying to talk to you alone these days, but I have never had a chance. I have been waiting at the foot of the mountain for a long time."

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, the son of the forging is so serious, then the matter must be serious enough, he hurriedly forged the son into his room, looking at the son of the forgive saying "

“What do you teach me about forging friends?”

The look of the male forging became dignified and whispered: "Xu Daoyou. Do you know the details of the fire and the end of the world that came to visit the other day?"

Xu Ziyan heard his voice outside the string and could not help but wonder: "Are they not a business? We all know that they have a long-term shop in Lingbao City, how? Are they other identities?"

Gongzi Forging gently said his head and said: "Yes, they are merchants. But the merchants in the world are no more profitable than them."

Xu Ziyan gently breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as it is a business, as for how they make money, that is their business, we will not care."

The son of the forging smiled and looked at the Xu Zi flue: "Yes, they are really merchants on the surface. You are sending the disciples of your family to investigate them, and you can only investigate that they are merchants, and the foundation must be very clean. However, I know their other identity under the hood."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were condensed and his look became serious. The ability to conceal the investigation of the family hall, this identity must be different. Xu Ziyan also took it seriously:

"What is their identity?"

The son of the forging said a word: "Fire! Flame! Flow! Hey!"

Xu Ziyan’s look is a change, murmured: “How could this be? It’s no wonder that the goods in their long-term shops are cheap, and their goods are all robbed. There is no need for capital.”

The look suddenly and completely, looking seriously at the son of the forging: "You will not admit it? What is the identity of the fire and dance in the flames?"

The son of the forge shook his head and said: "I will not admit mistakes, but I do not know the identity of this fire and dance in the flames."

"That... how do you know that they are a hooligan?"

The son was for a long time, and his face was full of pain. He said slowly: "My father used to deal with the hooligans. When you met them outside Lingbao City that day, I recognized them in the crowd. A monk with them. The monk was the one who had contacted my father, and the monk was a hooligan."

Xu Ziyan said with a deep sigh: "We Xujia and the flames are the same as the fire, and Ling’s brother and Lin’s brother were injured in the first incident. The flames will not be prepared in advance. I originally had a plan with me. Deep in the sea, it should be farther away from our Xu family, but they ran the Xu family, what is it?"

The son of the forging also frowned slightly: "This is not known at the bottom, perhaps by the opportunity to meet with Xu Daoyou in Lingbao City, come to Xu to listen to Xu's reality. However, I have been secretly paying attention to this. Two people. That dance is good at the end of the world. But the fire has revealed the killings several times."

The male forged stood up from the chair and walked back and forth in the room with his hands on his back, thinking about himself:

"If I am a hooligan, I have encountered an enemy who has not seen my identity. It is natural to make a good relationship. It is best to be able to enter the other's ethnic group to understand each other's real and false details. This is of great help to completely eliminate the other party.

Because I know that they are hooligans, so I am after they enter the Xu family. They paid great attention to them. After they entered the Xu family, they did not show their killing. In particular, the eyes of the dance world also occasionally revealed a touch of kindness, which made me very ignorant.

But the old man's fire was different. When you went out to meet them, I stood on the mountain and looked at them. His first killing was to enter the Lotus Peak. Then when you retreat, I am also paying attention to them from afar. They walked around the Xu family, and whenever he saw a place to practice the Holy Land, his eyes would pass a trace of killing.

This dance world and the fire are completely different performances, one is close-knit and one is eye-catching.

Purple smoke, what do you think? ”

Xu Ziyan reveals the color of contemplation, and she increasingly feels that the figure of the dance world is like a fire dance. However, the fire dance did not join the flame rogue and the Xu family to do the right thing?

"Ziyan!" The flash of the eyes of the male forged reveals the wise light: "I infer that the dance world must be familiar with you or the family, and maybe still lived in Xu family for a while. According to my inference, The identity of the fire in the flames is definitely not low. He came to the world with the dance. Maybe it is because of the flames of the dance world. I want to come and see if there is any possibility of reconciliation with Xu.

However, when the fire saw that the Xu family occupied such a hole in the heavens and the blessings, the heart was filled with the heart of seizure. A place like this is too suitable for the base camp of the flames. And he is also a hooligan, and it is very natural to give birth to the robbing heart. However, if you want to **** it, you must kill you, and you must kill the Xu family. This is why he gave birth to killing. ”

The son of the forging said here, Xu Ziyan looked up, and the eyes of the two men met in the air, and they were there for a while. Xu Ziyan’s heart instantly floated a thought:

"So, the dance world is the fire dance brother?"

Xu Ziyan spit out a long sullen gas, slowly stood up from the chair and walked toward the door. Gongzi Forging also stood up from the chair, followed by Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, where are you going?"

Xu Ziyan stepped forward and said to him, "Thank you, forge friends!" After a long breath, he said:

"If you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it. If they really want to do something with Xu, I am afraid it will not drag on for too long. Of course, it may be delayed until I enter the ancient ruins. However, since he killed me. Heart, if they are sure, they will probably kill me before the ancient ruins are opened. I will not wait for me to enter the ancient ruins before they come to kill the Xu family. In that case, wait for me. After returning from the ancient ruins, can you not seek revenge like them? So, I am going to raise the level of Huo Linger’s like a big squad, so that the family can have more protection."

At this time, the fire and fire dance had left the family of the Xu family and flew to a coastal town near the Central Plains.


The fire dance whispered, and when I saw the fire, there was no reaction. I seemed to be immersed in my gaze, and I had to go forward and smashed the flaming sleeves:


The fire slammed and turned to look at the fire dance: "Is there something?"

The fire dance said excitedly: "Grandpa, you went to the purple smoke to see it, the purple smoke can not be small? With her alone power can pull up a family, we are still with Xu Jia, well, have me go When I talk to purple smoke, she always gives me some face."

The violent face changed, and then sneered: "Stupid child, you still put out this mind! Do not forget that our flames have killed more than 20,000 people in Xu, this hatred is not your face can be revealed. You are a fire family, you have to think about the fire home. For the future of the fire home, this Xu family must be destroyed."

The face of the fire dance changed dramatically, and the brow wrinkled deeply: "Grandpa, the enemy of our flames is almost everywhere. Is it necessary for us to kill the people of the world for the future of our firehouse? Can we kill it?" ”

The fierce body suddenly burst out of the arrogant saying: "We have killed 80,000 years in the fire home, and it is not the same as living in this world? If necessary, killing the people who cultivated the fairy world?"

The fire-browed eyebrows screamed: "Grandpa is so arrogant and dry, how can I not see that the flame will kill the cloud family from the fire? Instead, I will hide from the cloud home?"

The fire laughed happily: "It used to be because we didn't have a hole to practice, to quickly improve the strength of our flames. Now the purple smoke has found a cultivation place for us. As long as we kill Xu Ziyan, we will destroy Off, their family is ours. Once our flames occupy it, we will soon increase our strength. At that time, what is away from Huo Zongyun’s family is not killing us!”

The fire dance stopped in the air and screamed with enthusiasm: "Grandpa, do you really want to do this?"

The fire also caught the figure in the air, sinking his face: "Fire dance, this is our chance of a fire home. The reason why we want to destroy the Yun family, to win the fire, is not to leave the fire. Do you cultivate a holy place? Now there is a ready-made cultivation holy place in front of our eyes, and their strength is much worse than that of the fire sect. We don’t rob, such a holy place, they can’t keep their home, it’s better than us. Come."


The ancient ruins will be opened, comrades, tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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