The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1065: Trapped

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At the moment of the third palm strike, Xu Ziyan blinked, and keenly saw a mysterious symbol in the palm of the night dream.

At this time, if Xu Ziyan wants to go away, it is easy to lift. However, just in the heart of Xu Ziyan just floating up this thought, she suddenly found that the symbol is actually a fairy.

After Xu Ziyan became a master of Jiu Pin Ling, he has already passed the inheritance of Xian Fu. Although she has not yet realized it, she is able to recognize the fairy charm. In the heart, no longer dodge. There is a fairy to let me experience it for myself. How can she miss this opportunity?

Moreover, Xu Ziyan's confidence at this time is also very inflated. She has already guessed that this fairy charm must be given to the night dream by Bai Xiyan. In this way, this fairy charm is also a fairy charm. She doesn't think that a single charm can hurt herself. A product of the fairy squad has been broken, and why are you afraid of a product?

Therefore, the third palm of Xu Ziyan and the night dream was still hit together.


From the palm of Xu Ziyan, there was a ray of light, and the light quickly broke into the Dantian of Xu Ziyan, sealing the air of Xu Ziyan. Let Xu Ziyan lose his cultivation, and this will make Xu Ziyan feel shocked. At this time, she knows that if at this time, the night dreams of killing herself, it is very simple, and they have completely lost their resistance. I can’t help but smile:

"I know that the other person is not good. I care about it!"

Although the fire dance did not know what happened, he was keenly aware of what had happened, and looked at Xu Ziyan with concern:

"Ziyan, what happened?"

Xu Ziyan reluctantly smiled and said: "You ask her!"

The fire dance looked sharply at the night dream. The night dream did not pay attention to the fire dance, but a long scream. When the whistling sound did not fall, it was heard that the clothes were broken and twenty-five people were coming. It was only in an instant that it was surrounded by Xu Ziyan, fire dance and night dreams. His eyes were fiercely waiting for Xu Ziyan.

The fire dance still sat on the ground, and his face was completely gloomy. Looking around the fire house monks, coldly shouting:

"What are you doing?"

The twenty-five flame monks looked awkward and couldn’t help but look at the night dreams sitting on the side.

The night dream was faint and smiled: "The young patriarch, Xu Ziyan killed more than 10,000 people in our fire home. The patriarch is still unknown today. How can this big hate not be reported? The young patriarch and Xu Ziyan are brothers and sisters, and can’t bear to start. Do it by the subordinates."

"Bold!" Fire Dancer wants to split the road: "The matter of the Fire House is now my master, I am a minority patriarch, where is it for you?"

"The young patriarchs are not safe!" The night dream said faintly: "First of all, I joined the fire home for the patriarch to save my life, so I will obey the patriarch in my life. Other people can't order me."

Second, I am now avenging the fire and the patriarch. Do you still have to stop me from being a patriarch of the fire family? You can ask. Did the firefighter’s disciple answer? ”

The eyes of the fire dance were removed from the face of the night dream, and they swept across the faces of the twenty-five fire masters. They all saw anger, and everyone looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes full of killing.

Xu Ziyan was checking her body at this time. She suddenly found out that the fairy charm completely sealed her own Dantian and made herself lose contact with Ziyan Space. As a result, Xu Ziyan completely lost his cuddly, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Xu Ziyan involuntarily focused his attention on the fairy charm in Dantian. I was immersed in it. The fairy charms in Xu Ziyan's inheritance are some high-end goods. It is very difficult for Xu Ziyan to comprehend, but the fairy charm released by the night dream is too different from the immortality in her inheritance.

In the view of Xu Ziyan, it is also a look at the first-class fairy charm, and it is still extremely simple. This made Xu Ziyan understand a lot at once. The ensuing Xu Ziyan seems to have broken through the dawn of the previous inheritance.

At this time, the fire dance looked at the twenty-five fire masters. And often Xu Ziyan, and finally looked at the night dream, said coldly:

"What happened to the purple smoke?"

"Nothing? I just released a symbol to seal her Dan Tian. At this time, a common man can kill her with a knife." The night dream said faintly.

At this point, I suddenly screamed: "What are you doing?"

Fire dance and other people looked surprised, Huoran turned back, saw Ling Yijian looking forward to this side, not far behind him is the hope of waiting for the family. At this time, I heard Ling Yijian drink hard, put down the picking herbs, and straightened up to look at this side.

When they watched this, they saw Xu Ziyan sitting on the ground from the seams. Moreover, Ling Yijian screamed out loudly, and Xu Ziyan did not react at all. Xu Jia’s monk immediately changed color, and his body shape forced himself to the fire dance and other people.

The shape of the night dreams flashed, and there was a more spiritual device in his hand. He crossed the neck of Xu Ziyan and shouted:

"Don't come over, or I will kill her immediately."

"The patriarch! The patriarch..."

Xu Jia disciples a cry, but Xu Ziyan did not react at all. Her mental strength at this time was completely immersed in the fairy charm.

The eyes of hope are flashing, and the night dreams are coldly looking at hope. She also knows that hope is the most dangerous person of Xu family, and she said coldly:

"I hope that my predecessors, don't let me find that you have a slight change, or I will kill Xu Ziyan immediately."

I hope that everyone will face each other and never know how to be good.

"Don't follow us!"

In the night, she grabbed Xu Ziyan in one hand, and the other hand was still tightly on the throat of Xu Ziyan, and her body quickly flew toward the rear. The remaining twenty-five flame monks also flew away in a confused fire dance.

Xu Ziyan was awakened by the blast of the night dream, looking at the fire dance: "Fire brother, you didn't think of this situation?"

The fire dance looked awkward and then became shy. At this time, the night dreams of seeing hope and waiting for the disciples of Xu, although not chasing them, but countless gods are tightly locked in themselves. The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the backhand threw a fairy charm, shrouded the crowd inside, and then sacrificed the fairy charm, and instantly moved out.

I hope that the gods of others will instantly lose the whereabouts of the night dreams, and hope that they will look awkward and then step by step without hesitation, disappearing, and the space echoes with a sentence:

"Go to the entrance to the ancient ruins, as long as we block it, they can't escape!"

I hope that I have just stood at the entrance of the ancient ruins. The whole body is in the original shape. A large ancient vine is coiled and the entrance is tightly blocked. The night dreams control the fairy to fly over. I saw that I hoped to block at the door, but I didn’t dare to be hard. The hope of today is already the cultivation of the later Mahayana. As long as he can delay the time a little, I am afraid that there will be a large number of reinforcements arriving. If she reveals her way, she will only have one dead end.

The nightmare and the control of the fairy symbol teleported away, falling on top of a cloud of genius, from the outside, simply can not see the traces of night dreams and so on, all covered by fairy charm. Within the fairy charm, the night dream has already put down Xu Ziyan, and twenty-five flame monks will tightly surround Xu Ziyan. The fire dance looked at Xu Ziyan, and finally turned into a sigh:

"Ziyan, can you tell me if my grandfather is alive or dead?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the fire dance: "What grandfather did you say is a fire?"

"Yes!" Fire dance nodded: "His name is fierce!"

"Fire? Fire?" Xu Ziyan smiled and smiled: "Isn't the night dream to tell you the fire home? Your grandfather fled with her!"

Fire Dance nodded and said: "The night master said, but she said that they felt that your knowledge has always locked them, so the night master and my grandfather will go away. So, she does not know what Grandpa is now. How is life and death?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, looking at the night and dreaming: "I didn't catch your grandfather, but then when he fled to the east, he was discovered by the Eastern Alliance of Immortals. It was a fierce battle and he was still being your grandfather. Escape. Since then, I have never found any traces of your grandfather. Why, did your grandfather not send back the message?"

The fire dance shook his head and said: "No!"

There was silence in the fairy, and the faces of the twenty-five flame monks also showed a hint of joy. Without hearing the violent death, it proved that the fire was still alive. Just why the fire does not send back the message? This makes them very confused.

At this time, Lu Guangtian and other fire masters have come to the entrance of the ancient ruins, and strictly guard against it. The ancient vine that hopes to be transformed will block the door tightly, and a face is formed on the ancient vine in the middle of the gate:

"With me here, they can't escape. You immediately sent ten people to inform the solitary smokers and so on. Go."

At this time, the monk had discovered the anomaly and flew over to the gate. The first thing that flew over was that Lingbao Island Island took her disciple and saw that she hoped to block the door. A face sank and said coldly:

"I hope brother, what do you want to block the door?"

Hope also said gloomyly: "My patriarch was caught by the fire dance, I can not let him leave the ancient ruins."

Bai Xiyan said coldly: "If you can't catch the fire dance in a day, is it necessary to block this day? If you can't catch the fire dance in a year, you have to block it for a year? You can't catch the fire dance for a lifetime. Want to block it for a lifetime?"

I haven't waited for the answer, and the sky is slamming down, but it is from the fire sect Yunfeifeng. When she heard that Xu Ziyan was caught by the fire dance, she immediately went away with the fire monk and went to find Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, they have tasted the benefits of opening up the ancient ruins, and Xu Ziyan is the key to opening the next ancient ruins. How can this not make Yunfeifeng anxious.


Seeking the light of the Great God!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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