The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1075: True color performance

I am very grateful to the bookmates 121125180033556 classmates (100), Xinghaiyun classmates (100), and the Oriental classmates (100) pink tickets!


The group of monks flying in the air slammed into the air and stopped their bodies. They didn’t understand why they had been low-eyed and stunned, and how Mengdi, who was full of enthusiasm, suddenly became so powerful. This makes them unaccustomed and very unaccustomed. His eyes were removed from Meng Di's body and fell on Xu Ziyan next to Meng Di. In his heart, he has already determined that this woman is the reason why Meng Di suddenly arrogantly, looking at Xu Ziyan with caution, said coldly:

"Who are you? That sect or family?"

"The thing that licked the dog's eyes!" Meng Di said sarcastically: "This is the patriarch of the Xiandan Master Xu. Here is the Xu family. Is it necessary for the patriarch to return home to get your permission?"

"Xu Ziyan?"

The opposite monk suddenly stopped. How can someone still know Xu Ziyan on the mainland today? The eyes of the opposite monk revealed the color of fear. Wang Zonglie once said to them that Xu Ziyan is indeed a person who can't be provoked. However, now that she has gone to the ancient ruins, it is still unknown whether she can come out.

Even if it can come out, can you survive in the catastrophe of this ghost world, it is also unknown. The family of Xu family is a tempting big cake in front of him. If you don’t eat it, others will eat it.

Besides, I have mastered the parents of Xu Ziyan. Even if Xu Ziyan finally came back alive, he would have to be obedient. The most important thing is that there is a base for Xu. I can continue to expand my power in this catastrophe. If Xu Ziyan comes back later, I am afraid that at that time, even if there are no parents in the hands of Xu Ziyan. With his own strength, Xu Ziyan can also be taken down. However, they did not expect Xu Ziyan to come back so quickly.

"Get out!" Meng Di shouted.

The dozen or so monks on the opposite side looked at each other and turned and flew toward the road.

"Stand up!" Xu Ziyan drunk.

but. The dozens of monks were like not listening to Xu Ziyan’s savage, and swiftly swept away.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the watchtower above the main peak and whispered: “The mountain spirit, can you control it?”

Yanshan soul said faintly: "No problem!"

The words fall, step by step, the figure disappears, and then appears, and has stood in the middle of the four people above the main peak watchtower. Dance with big sleeves. The four monks stood there and lost consciousness. Looked far away, as if still looking around in general, and Yanshan soul is sitting cross-legged in the middle of four people, closed his eyes. He believes that Xu Ziyan knows that he just needs to wait here.

At this time, the surrounding monks also looked at Xu Ziyan. They were also bullied by Wang Zonglie. However, people who can't beat Wang Zonglie are outside the ghost world, and they dare not leave. Now that someone has begun to resist, one is eager to try. They have long thought about it, but they lack a leader.

The dozens of monks of Wang Zonglie only disappeared at this moment with only one black dot left.


Xu Ziyan’s head suddenly appeared with more than a dozen purple long swords, whistling to fly toward the dozens of black spots, but it was the sword that Xu Ziyan condensed.

The gas sword roared away, and in the blink of an eye it had already caught up with the dozens of monks, and the long sword hovered. More than a dozen heads were left behind. At the same time, the gods of the dozen or so monks were also smashed. Subsequently. The dozen or so long swords whispered back, and a handle was hidden into the body of Xu Ziyan, and entered the Fengling array of the purple smoke space. And by this time, the bodies of the dozens of monks. Only fell from the air to the ground.

Meng Di looked at everything that happened in front of him. He thought that Xu Ziyan would discuss with the monks behind her. Arranged to be able to attack Wang Zonglie, he never thought that Xu Ziyan would immediately start, and it was so violent.

The monks behind Xu Ziyan did not move, and they all stood there quietly, as if nothing had happened in front of them. This calm is not only to let Meng Di next to him, but also the monks around him.

That is a kind of disregard! Total indifference to life!

The indifferent gaze was sweeping toward them coldly, causing them to involuntarily set up a goose bump. Looking to Xu Ziyan and other people's eyes revealed fear.

Xu Ziyan looked at Meng Didao: "Meng Di, can you control the situation here?"

"no problem!"

Meng Di woke up from the shock and immediately got a good chest. He felt that the decision to rely on Xu Ziyan was the most correct decision made in his life. Said humblely:

"There are all the same people who are being oppressed, and Wang Zonglie’s people live on the main peak."

"Good! You will arrange it and control it immediately." Xu Ziyan turned back and said: "Xu Shu, you took the family's twenty-five disciples to help Meng Di."

"Yes!" Xu Shu and other twenty-five people stood in the shape of Meng Di.

Meng Di quickly acted. He relied on not only Xu Shu, the twenty-five people, but also his confidant, and the monks here were all oppressed by Wang Zonglie, and their hearts were unhappy. Now I heard that the real master of the Xu family, Xingdan Shi Xu Ziyan came back, one by one silently obeying Meng Di's arrangement, and did not even make a sound.

In a short quarter of an hour, it seems like nothing has happened. Meng Di went to the front of Xu Ziyan and said respectfully:

"The patriarch, Xu's deputy patriarch was invited by Wang Zonglie to discuss the matter of the ghost world. Are we going to the main peak immediately?"

"My parents are still at the main peak?"


Xu Ziyan immediately said a few words to the Yanshan soul, and then said to Meng Di:

"Let's go, take me to see my people first! I don't want to let my people suffer any harm once something happens."

"This..." Meng Di’s face revealed hesitation: "The patriarch, this is not easy! Your people are trapped on a mountain, where there are more than a hundred monks of Wang Zonglie. A monk in the late part of the distraction guards. Once the conflict is over, I am afraid it will hurt the tribe! Or, let us make a plan first?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly: "No, you just have to take us there. The rest of the situation will be handed over to me."

A monk of a great period. And what plans are there for the small ancient rattan with ten and a half steps?

"okay then!"

Meng Di looked back at the people behind Xu Ziyan, and did not think that they were so powerful, as long as they scratched their hair. Stand up and lead the way ahead.

The Lotus Peak is very large. Apart from the main peak in the middle, the five peaks on the periphery are also far apart. Xu Ziyan and his party flew at low altitude and headed for the mountain peak of the Xu family.

Along the way, I met a lot of monks. These monks saw Xu Ziyan, these raw faces could not help but stop, and looked at Xu Ziyan and others. There are also some monks who recognize Xu Ziyan, and these monks who recognize Xu Ziyan are all surprised. At the time, I whispered one by one.

Wang Zonglie used the powerful strength and high-pressure means to treat these monks who had hid in the Xu family. Although these monks were patient on the surface, they had already longed for someone to clean up Wang Zonglie. At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan coming back, and the faces of each one showed excitement.

"It's the mountain!" Meng Di stopped her figure and pointed to the front.

When Xu Ziyan heard it, she frowned slightly. She could see that a pattern was placed around the mountain. This array of methods is not powerful, the biggest role is to monitor. This array has a name that will take a thousand miles. As long as someone is smashing or breaking, instead of guarding the monks here to take the initiative to open the battle, the monks who set up this array will know immediately.

"This array is made by Wang Zonglie?" Xu Ziyan whispered.

"Yes!" Meng Di replied softly.

Xu Ziyan looked down for a moment, and turned his eyes back over the crowd. Finally, he fell on Ling Yijian’s body and smiled and asked:

"Ming Ling brother, are you sure you will swindle the big squad?"

Ling Yijian chuckled and said: "Little things!"

"That's good, I will give it to you! All of us here are listening to your orders! I am hiding behind, lest some of them recognize me."

The words fall. Xu Ziyan's body shape flashed. Hiding in the end. Ling Yijian walked to the forefront, and as his footsteps step by step, his chest was straighter and even slightly tilted backwards. Both hands are behind. Looking up at the face, the two eyeballs inside the eyelids also turned up. An extremely arrogant appearance, the feet do not move, flew away toward the peak of the circle of disciples.

Meng Di clung tightly to Ling Yijian's side, behind half a body, followed by a ten-and-a-half-step Mahayana, followed by ten small ancient vines in the late peaks. It is Lu Guangtian and others, and Xu Ziyan is hiding in the end. Xu Ziyan just saw Ling Yijian's demeanor. In his heart, he suddenly remembered that he first came to Taixuan, and that Ling Yijian's picking up the peaks was not the way of today. Arrogant can't! It seems that this is really the true performance of Master Ling! Xu Ziyan is very funny in his heart.

In a short while, everyone has come to the foot of the mountain. The whole mountain is covered in a mask at this time. There is a gateway on the road leading to the mountain. At this time, through the mask, there are eight monks in the portal. Standing inside guarding.

At this time, when Xu Ziyan looked at them, their eyes also focused on Ling Yijian. Even Meng Di, who was surrounded by Ling Yijian, did not see it. Because of the temperament released by Ling Yijian at this time, they are familiar with it. They used to encounter such people when they were walking in the celestial world. It is nothing more than a few large gates, the disciples of the big family, one by one is too proud, and the powerful servants around him are like clouds. When you meet such a person, there is only one way, that is, you can't provoke it.

"This young master, you are not allowed to enter here casually..."


The number of chapters in the previous chapter has been wrong, and I can't change it. I am sorry for my comrades. It seems that I am really tired...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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