The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1112: Last ancient ruins

I am very grateful to the hknt16104 classmates (99) for their reward!


Yan Xingyun shook his head and listened: "Impossible, the palace that covered the ancient ruins of the underground has been guarded, and they have not been found."

Having said that, Yan Xingyun’s body suddenly trembled and looked up at Xu Ziyan. “You mean that the three of them did not bring the sects, but the three of them sneaked into the ground and opened the ancient ruins?”

Xu Ziyan solemnly nodded, Yan Xingyun was also serious, Yunhe Fairy, Han Dan, Shen Qianji and others were also serious. Everyone looks at each other and feels that this possibility is very great.

Yan Xingyun angrily took a chair arm and said: "What do they want to do?"

Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and said: "Whether the three of them have sneaked into the ancient ruins, we will know if we go to see it."

"Yes! Let's go!" Yan Xingyun also stood up angrily.

These people walked out of the hall, and their men went to inform their own monks. The other monks saw all the forces gathered in the palace of the ancient ruins, and they all gathered here. However, the number has been reduced a lot.

When the town was opened, hundreds of thousands of monks participated, and then a massive ghost catastrophe occurred. And there are many monks who died in the town and closed the ancient ruins. Therefore, when the town was closed to the ancient ruins, it was only 50,000 monks. As a result, the monks who came out of the ancient ruins of the town were only 5,000. Therefore, when the Tianzheng was closed to the ancient ruins, only ten thousand monks came to participate.

Yunhe Fairy opened the door. Xu Ziyan and others started. Leading nearly 10,000 monks to walk inside the palace, and walked down the steps to the first level. After about an hour, everyone came to an underground square. In front of them is a huge symbol. This huge symbol is made up of countless small symbols.

Seeing this huge symbol, everyone is relieved, and the symbol is still there, it proves that Wang Liyun. Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan have not been here.

However, Xu Ziyan looked at Yunhe Fairy. Because here is familiar with this huge symbol can only be Yunhe Fairy. Yunhe Fairy went to the huge Fuxi and looked carefully.

Sure enough, Yunhe Fairy carefully looked at this huge symbol, the more the lock became tighter, and finally the eyebrows jumped:

"Not good! This symbol is not the original symbol, it seems to be another symbol. Although my level is not enough, but this huge symbol I don't know how many times I have seen it. It has been able to recite it. This huge Fu is definitely not the original one."

Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun looked at each other and saw the dignity from the other's eyes. Xu Ziyan said:

"So, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan really sneaked into the ancient ruins, and that Bai Xiyan also laid a fairy to intercept me!"

"what should we do?"

"Xu patriarch!"

Yan Xingyun and Yunhe Fairy simultaneously called. The Yan Xingyun is subconscious, while the Yunhe Fairy is purposeful. Because she knows that Xu Ziyan has a deep knowledge of the technique.

Mei Ao Xue stood in the back of the team with the illusion of the illusion and the Central Plains machine. His eyes were on the back of Xu Ziyan and he was looking for a chance to approach.

Xu Ziyan looked at the huge symbol in front of her eyes, and she couldn’t help but pass a bitter smile. It seems that she would eventually reveal her identity as a fairy.

"I will check it out!"

Xu Ziyan went up two steps, stood in front of the huge Fuxi, and looked carefully. Behind her is a group of wrong monks.

Isn't Xu Ziyan a fairy teacher in addition to an immortal teacher? Don't forget, she is still a monk in the middle of the Mahayana. you want to be so strong!

At this time, Xu Ziyan has been completely immersed in the array of Bai Xiyan's layout. Although her current realm is higher than Bai Xiyan. But it is not to say that you can immediately crack the other side to set up the flying array. She needs time.

The monks behind him held their breath. One by one staring nervously at Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, they all know the actions of Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan, and they are full of anger against them. They only hope that Xu Ziyan will break the battle. It is best to wait in the ancient ruins and kill the three people.

Xu Ziyan studied the seal of Bai Xiyan. So I have some familiarity with Bai Xiyan's way of making notes. Even so, it took Xu Ziyan two hours.

Xu Ziyan has been quietly moving, and all the monks' eyes are bright. I saw Xu Ziyan reaching out to the palm of the hand and taking a picture. She was very slow, and the monk behind her couldn't see it. In fact, as her palm shot, a void picture appeared on her palm. It’s just a little slow, and she’s not comprehensive enough to understand the instant emptiness.

However, even so, all the monks within the square were shocked at this time. They have never seen such a break. Is it that Xu Ziyan is not a fairy teacher, she wants to use the mid-term repair of the Mahayana to break through?

Just when all the monks were shocked, the palm of Xu Ziyan had fallen on the fairy tales. I saw a brilliance from the palm of Xu Ziyan falling out of the palm. At the beginning, the light was only a little, and then spread rapidly, spreading toward the entire array. About a quarter of an hour's clock, the burst of the burst burst into a dazzling light, and then gradually dissipated. There was a light door in front of them.

Xu Ziyan turned back and smiled at the crowd: "Let's go in!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan first entered the Guangmen, followed by eighteen small ancient vines. Then Yan Xingyun and others have also entered the light door.

After entering the light door, what appeared in front of Xu Ziyan was a beautiful and fairyland-like existence, surrounded by pavilions and towers. Xu Ziyan looked around and saw that only one of them, the monks who followed him into the Guangmen had disappeared. Xu Ziyan knew that he was stuck in a position. I am afraid that within this light door is a thousand-character array. Every monk who enters here is separated, and they lose contact with each other. Whether they can go out of the array depends on the personal creation.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was worried about the 18 small ancient vines and Yan Xingyun, but knew that they could do nothing to them at this time. Only by breaking the current array as soon as possible can they help others.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to move around casually. It was forbidden everywhere in the formation. If you accidentally encountered a ban, not a dead end, it would cause a lot of trouble.

Open the eyes of Kuangpeng and look at the array of the surrounding, and the heart can not help but loose, this is just a product of the spirit. Xu Ziyan broke it. The surrounding illusion gradually dissipated, and a small path appeared in front of her.

Xu Ziyan did not act immediately, but cautiously looked forward to the path.

This trail is real, not a illusion. However, there are fluctuations in the array outside the trail of ten meters. Xu Ziyan smiled slightly, and walked to the ten meters to stop and watched the array. Just looking at it, I know that this is a second-class spirit.

However, then her mouth passed a bitter smile. Although this array is only a second-class spirit, it is very advanced. If you want to break through the battle, you must enter the law. If you want to break through the battle, there is only one way, that is, violence.

However, in the case where all these places are arrays, who dares to break the battle? Once the chain reaction was caused, the entire array of ancient ruins was changed, and the death did not know how to die.

Xu Ziyan will never naively think that this is just some spiritual array. This must be a chain of arrays. Every time you break a line, the array in front of you will be upgraded by one level. The last thing waiting in front is the line of fairy.

Xu Ziyan took a sigh of relief and stepped into the battle. The array was still an endless pavilion, and the cranes were not the same as before, as if time and space were fixed. Looking at the surroundings, I immediately discovered the way to crack the second product. When she just wanted to break, she stopped and slightly narrowed her eyes. The mind reminiscent of Bai Xiyan and others.

It stands to reason that after Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan entered this ancient ruins, they will break all the way, so these arrays should have been cracked, but now these arrays still exist. What is the reason?

Xu Ziyan spreads the knowledge of the gods, and the look of his face is a glimpse. Although the quality of this array is not high, it is isolated from the spread of her knowledge, and it is impossible to wear this two-pronged spirit. Slightly meditating, Xu Ziyan still reached out and broke the second product, and there was another trail in front of her.

Xu Ziyan did not continue to move forward, but turned and looked toward him. When he saw the trail behind it, he disappeared ten meters backward. When he looked closely, he found that the second product that he had cracked appeared again. Behind him. Sealed the way back.

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it and immediately understood. But after I understood it, my face also revealed a shocking color.

This ancient ruins is simply a large array, a super-matrix composed of countless sub-arrays. That is to say, if you don't walk to the center of this mother array and break the core of the mother array, this array will be reborn. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that at this time, he is going back, going into the second product spirit that he has just broken, and then breaking the two spirits, he will still appear here, appearing in front of a three-pronged spirit, absolutely not There will be an opportunity to withdraw from the ancient ruins.

That is to say, once a monk enters the first formation, he can only keep moving forward without the opportunity to retreat. The result is only two, one is to finally crack the mother matrix, one is dead here.


Can't help but ask! Double! If you are left behind, you will not be able to catch up! Take a scorpion and ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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