The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1123: Power of the pen

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Xu Ziyan understands the meaning of fire dance. It must be that the fire dance saw the actions of Wang Liyun. He also wanted to protect Xu Ziyan, and then let Xu Ziyan figure out how to break the person. He knows that Xu Ziyan's technique is not low. However, Xu Ziyan cannot do this. The fire dance is not good, Xu Ziyan relies on the flow of clouds to move between the people, and the attack of those who can fall on her is not much. If the fire dances over, it will drag the purple smoke.

Therefore, after Xu Ziyan’s words fell, there was a fire dance that was teleported away. After I have researched the method of cracking, I will naturally look for fire dancing.

Although Xu Ziyan is constantly teleporting, but the gods have been shrouded in a person, and even punched a punch to resist the attack of the futuristic.

The person in front of the eyes makes Xu Ziyan's eyes shine, this is a real top quality fairy. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that Bai Xiyan has no way to deal with such a person, and her realm is not enough. It is that Xu Ziyan, who has reached the top of the top class, feels a little difficult. She vaguely feels that if she can understand this maneuvering skill here, she will immediately enter the realm of the second product.

Time passed by in the fierce slaughter, and there was no shortage of Fu people. Instead, the five Mahayana monks were uncomfortable. Although each has its own way, whether it depends on the charm, from the fire or the violet, these things can not fully work. The five Mahayana periods are still dodging all the time, and from time to time they are still bombarded. This makes their consumption worse. And the speed of this increase is growing.

After five hours. The first thing that can't support is the fire dance. Because among these people, only the fire dance has to rely entirely on their own cultivation to stimulate the fire. And Wang Liyun relies on the fairy charm, but does not lose any real yuan, but consumes the real yuan when dodging and counterattack.

Xu Ziyan is also very expensive. To know that the purple robe she opened is a fairy. Although she also has a fairy, but she still insists on opening the purple robe, after all, the fairy is much more reliable than the fairy.

Five hours have passed since time, Xu Ziyan has seen the fire dance on the verge of collapse. At this time, Wang Liyun also changed a few fairy charms. Xu Ziyan’s several teleports came to the side of the fire dance. The hand throws a storage bag and then quickly teleports out.

The fire dance reached out and caught the storage bag. After sweeping it with the gods, there was a surprise color on the face. There were not only nine products, but also five defensive charms.

The fire dance immediately swallowed a medicinal herb, and then released a fairy charm, which was taken away from the fire.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already realized the scores of these people. After all, her state of the game is not low. After another hour, she has fully realized the mystery of the Fu people, and the rest is to come up with a cracked symbol. Soon, Xu Ziyan had an idea, and the palm of his hand quickly formed a void character, swaying and escaping, and escaped a human attack. The teleport moved to its front and a palm slammed on its chest. The void character was printed on the chest of the person.


Xu Ziyan was slammed out by the punch. This punch is on the shoulder of Xu Ziyan. If there is no purple robes, the shoulder of Xu Ziyan will be abolished.

Xu Ziyan could not help but be surprised. Zhang looked toward the Fu. I saw that the void on the front chest of the person who floated on it was slowly floating. Xu Ziyan immediately locked the gods into the past, while a teleport, avoiding the three charismatic attacks.

This **** knows the lock of the front of the person, and Xu Ziyan immediately understands the reason, and his face can not help but reveal a smile. It turns out that the level of Furen is too high. This is a veritable fairy. The whole composition of the person's symbol is the real top-grade one, and the empty-painted character that he released is not enough. Although it is found to be flawed, it is because of the reason of the grade. It is useless for that person.

Xu Ziyan repeatedly evaded several offensive attacks, but also responded a few times. but. A face is very nervous. Now that this void character doesn't work at all, how is this good?

Not once, if I have a few voids?

Xu Ziyan thought of doing it, and kept the void painting constantly attacking a person. However, it did not produce the slightest result. This time, Xu Zi was angry. Since there are no shortcuts to go, then violently solve it!

Xu Ziyan closed the purple robes and took out a fairy sword. The figure was teleported, and the sword of gold was filled with the sword. The whole body was repaired and attacked by a composer who locked in his own consciousness. past.

Not to mention, after ten consecutive attacks, Xu Ziyan forced the beggar to become a powder. However, the price paid is also huge. Even if Xu Ziyan is now a monk in the middle of the Mahayana, and the body has already produced a senile force, but the ten-time sword is continuously started, but the mana in Xu Ziyan is also consumed.

At the moment when the mana is consumed in the body, the figure is inevitable. It was this moment of the moment that there were four mana attacks that came out of the way. Xu Ziyan was flashing, but only two flashes, two of which were bombarded on her. The body of Xu Ziyan flew out like a meteor, and there was a **** rain in the air.

Xu Ziyan hurriedly opened several Xuanzang forces in succession. This finally broke off after a continuous rune attack, but a face was pale and abnormal, and it was clearly injured.

Xu Ziyan immediately took out an elixir and swallowed it. The sinister sinister force is generated in the body, and the mana that has just been consumed is rapidly rising.

In this way, Xu Ziyan snuggled against the immortal, simply waving the sword and the puppets rumbling to dry up. However, Xu Ziyan is not stupid, she can not let these people besieged themselves. Moreover, the body of the cloud has reached the limit, and the body shape has been teleported in the space. It is often that those who have just discovered her, she has already teleported elsewhere, so that these people can not catch up with it. However, she is always locked in a person, no matter how it is teleported, and finally the sword is bombarded on it.

In this way, the effect achieved by Xu Ziyan was remarkable. After five hours, she actually killed two people, but the consumption was huge. Not to mention the use of Xianjian, it is not a temporary teleport that no one can afford. That is to say, Xu Ziyan relied on Xiandan to add mana. That is to say, in just five hours, Xu Ziyan actually consumed three elixir.

And the fire dance, Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan are some people who can't hold on!

Although they have a fairy charm, the fairy charm is not a panacea! If you let a few people be surrounded and think about you constantly bombarding, then the fairy will not last long. Therefore, they also have to teleport, but as a result, this consumption is huge. Nowadays, they have felt that they can't support it, even though they are taking the drug.

Fire Dance has now given up on dealing with the Fu, and he knows that he does not have that ability. Everything is counting on Xu Ziyan. Therefore, he used all his energy on the teleportation, and he could resist it if he could not hide. Relying on the immortality and the remedy given by Xu Ziyan, the teeth persisted.

Bai Xiyan had already given up the idea of ​​studying the benefactor at this time. She smiled and told Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng that there was no way for this person to behave. In this way, the three people are also like a fire dance, while releasing the defensive charm, while swallowing the medicinal herbs, constantly teleporting to avoid the Fu people.

In the end, Bai Xiyan saw Xu Ziyan's method, and it took a chance to release an offensive fairy, but what disappointed her was that she used two offensive charms to kill a person. She can't afford this loss at all, and she has only a dozen attack-type charms on her body.

Including the fire dance, the faces of the four Mahayana monks showed a desperate color. This situation has actually announced their death, but this death is an extended version and will not let you suddenly Death is slowly draining your mana, but the result is the same, but the process is too painful.

Xu Ziyan was also very anxious at this time. She consumed three elixirs and killed three people. Nowadays, it is that she has consumed all the elixir on her body, and there are only a hundred people who have been eliminated. However, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine people. With this going on, there is only one result, and that is death.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, remembering the pen in the purple smoke space, the chaotic gas in the warmth. That is a fairy! If I use that pen to make a void character, I don't know if I will break these characters?

Xu Ziyan thought of doing it, and thought of it, grabbed the pen in the chaotic gas from the purple smoke space, and swallowed an elixir. Then, in the sea of ​​knowledge, he created a void character and transmitted it through the pen head. The body shape moved back and forth several times before and after, and finally appeared in front of a person who had not waited until it reacted, and printed the void picture in the front chest of the person.

I saw only a flash of brilliance on the front of the person, and the huge Furen disappeared, falling from the air with a palm-sized symbol. Xu Ziyan’s heart was happy, and he waved the Zhang Fu. After that, I went to another person again.

Xu Ziyan found a way to crack there, and several people like Fire Dance and Wang Woyun were on the verge of collapse. Bai Xiyan suddenly shouted at the fire dance:

"Fire Road Friends, I have a fairy, we need to force together, can you swear to temporarily put down the grievances of Yundao friends before leaving the ancient ruins?"

The fire dance eyes flashed, looking at Xu Ziyan, and turned to Bai Xiyan, after flashing a few Furen, the voice said:

"What about purple smoke?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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