The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1125: Join hands

I am very grateful to Micang classmates (200), Spartan Blade classmates (99) for their reward!


Regaining his gaze, Xu Ziyan lifted his foot and walked in the void, and his figure stood on the high platform in the middle of the big array. The fire dance also followed Xu Ziyan on the high platform, while the three people in Wang Liyun were still in shape, but looked at the back of Xu Ziyan with vigilance.

Xu Ziyan looked at the Fuxi in the center of Gaotai. When he saw that Fuxi had lost Guanghua, he reached out and gently lifted it. The Zhang Fu was removed from the high platform by Xu Ziyan, and then in the hands of Xu Ziyan. It was made into ashes and sprinkled in the space.

"Booming ~~"

Xu Ziyan looked up and the surrounding array was collapsing, and countless figures appeared in the collapse of the formation. Yan Xingyun, Emperor, Yunhe Fairy, Han Dan and Shen Qianji, etc...

Xu Ziyan originally thought that once the ancient relics were closed in Tianzhen, Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan would be killed immediately. However, when she did not see Xiaobai, she was flustered.

Originally, she has been wondering why Xiao Bai did not break these arrays and entered the center of the mother array. She knew that Xiao Bai had a pair of real eyes.

Is it that Xiaobai has an accident?

The heart of Xu Ziyan is not calm, and the gods cover the past. At this time, all the arrays in the ancient ruins of Tianchengguan have collapsed and disappeared. Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan did not hesitate to leave, and did not dare to stay here.

Looking at Yunfeifeng, the eyes of the fire dance revealed unwillingness. But seeing the anxiety in Xu Ziyan’s eyes, he finally decided to stay. See if you can help Xu Ziyan. Although he does not know why Xu Ziyan is so anxious, it is unusual for a monk in the middle of the Mahayana to be so anxious.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan finally caught the white figure. At this time, Xiaobai was kneeling on the ground and did not know what happened. Xu Ziyan has a flashing figure. He stood by Xiaobai and transmitted his knowledge to Xiaobai's body. The anxiety on his face immediately relaxed.

In this case, Xu Ziyan has been found many times in Xiaobai's body, and Xiaobai actually fell asleep. However, Xu Ziyan knows. Xiaobai is not simply sleeping, she is going to evolve again. It’s just that this time is not the time. If Xiaobai did not evolve at this time, he could break into the mother array. At that time, with the help of Xiaobai, Xu Ziyan had the confidence to kill Wang Liyun and other three people.

Holding Xiaobai in his arms, he thought about it and took in the purple smoke space. For the sudden disappearance of white. Some people are very surprised, and some people are envious of their faces.

The people who were surprised were the monks who did not enter the town to close the ancient relics, and those who were envious of the people in the town were the monks who had seen Xu Ziyan collecting He Boxian. In their hearts, they all understood that Xu Ziyan must have refining He Boxian.

In a whisper, those monks who don't know that Xu Ziyan owns He Boxian are now known, and the eyes are envious. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was overwhelming. Opened the eyes of Kun Peng and quickly shrouded the past toward all the monks.

Just as Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng, the remaining guardians realized that this little loli was Xu Ziyan. One by one, they stood up and flew toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan walked out and flew out to the far away, followed by the guardians. Waiting to fly to the no-man's place, I haven't waited until the guardian flies to the side of Xu Ziyan. There is a "beep" in the air, and a lot of swords are flying out of Xu Ziyan's body, but in a flash, these guardians will be Twisted into a powder. Simultaneously. The thunder in the guardian’s body also burst. The whole space seems to collapse.

After the power of thunderstorms dissipated, Xu Ziyan’s teleportation appeared in front of the monks. At this time, Xu Ziyan has restored the original face, and Kuang Peng’s eyes glanced in the crowd, and she found two hidden guardians. Xu Ziyan suddenly pushed his mental strength over the last two guardians.

This mental strength is something that the guardians of the two gods can resist. Before they both detonated thunderstorms, they passed out.

Xu Ziyan volleyed a big hand. The two guardians were arrested, and they were taken to a place where no one was behind them. They were followed by an electric sword behind them, and they were instantly inserted in the thunderstorms of their two bodies. With the roar of two tremors, the last two guardians on the vast continent were also turned into ashes.

After the ancient relics collapsed in Tianzhen, the aura of richness emerged from the bottom of the earth, and at the same time formed six spiritual springs. Xu Ziyan did not allow the land to occupy a Lingquan, and set up a formation, enclosing 18 small ancient vines inside. Others have also occupied the site and entered the cultivation. You must know that this situation will be hard to come by in the future. It can be said that there are only a few chances in your life.

Wang Liyun, Yunfeifeng and Bai Xiyan just came out of the ancient ruins in an instant, and at the moment of the ancient ruins, Bai Xiyan also waved and threw a few fairy charms, and laid out a formation at the entrance to the ancient ruins. Block the chasing of Xu Ziyan. Where did she know that Xu Ziyan did not pursue them at all because of Xiaobai’s reasons.

The three men went out of the ancient ruins, but they greeted each other and separated and flew toward their respective sects.

In the ancient ruins, there is silence, and everyone is madly practicing. Everyone's breath is constantly climbing. Here is especially the purple smoke. Because before this, she swallowed a large number of elixir, although most of the energy was used to fight against the human, but there is still a part of her body has been transformed, the formation of a part of Xianyuan force into the Dantian.

Beyond the ancient ruins, Da Luotian closed the mountain, and the mountain was separated from the fire. Bai Xiyan locked himself in the secret room of Lingbao Island, and he was puzzled by a heart.

A month later, in the ancient ruins, the repair of Xu Ziyan reached the peak of the mid-May, and began to break through in the late Mahayana.

Beyond the ancient ruins, Bai Xiyan came with a thousand monks from Lingbao Island and entered the vast mainland, all the way to Da Luotian. At the same time, Yunfeifeng from the fire sect also received the message of Bai Xiyan, with 10,000 monks, opened the mountain gate and flew to the big Luotian.

Big Luotian.

Dakaishanmen, Wang Woyun personally greeted, and Bai Xiyan and Yunfeifeng ushered into the hall. After the guest was seated, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng both looked excitedly at Bai Xiyan:

"Bai Shimei, what you said is true?"

Bai Xiyan held a nod and said: "Of course! Wang Xiong, Yun sister, I have completely cracked this time of the month, you see!"

When the words fell, Bai Xiyan waved his sleeves, and a pipa appeared on the main hall. It was the shackles of the late Mahayana in the ancient ruins. The body released the power of the late Mahayana, so that Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng looked at it at a glance.

Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng saw their big joy, but there was a hint of vigilance in the depths of their eyes. Since Bai Xiyan can control the embarrassment of the Mahayana period, the strength of Lingbao Island can be said to be no rival. So what is she coming here for?

At the beginning, the three of them got a total of one hundred and sixty-eight, and each of them was divided into fifty-six. If Bai Xiyan has already controlled the embarrassment of the fifty-sixth Mahayana, he can completely dominate the entire mainland, so what is she for here? It won't be to let yourself surrender.

Seeing the look of Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng, Bai Xiyan smiled lightly: "Wang Xiong, Yun Sister, I am here to think of the method of controlling you."


Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng looked at each other and the vigilance in their eyes not only did not disappear, but even worse. Bai Xiyan grinned and said:

"Wang Xiong, Yun Sister, Xiaomei is really sincerely wanting to pass on the skills of you, but the younger sister has conditions."


Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng spit out a breath together, so that’s right! If Bai Xiyan does not mention the conditions, the two of them are really restless. In this cruel world, how can there be good people who do not ask for a return? The two men looked at each other and Wang Woyun smiled and asked:

"Bai Shimei, what are your conditions, though, I and Feifeng must try to satisfy!"

Bai Xiyan smiled faintly: "I will modify your cockroaches. When you can pick out some disciples, each one will control one cockroach. Then we will jointly attack Xu, Xiao Luotian and Tianzhicheng. It is only our three forces that control the mainland of China. I want the West and the East."

Wang Woyun solemnly said: "I want the entire Central Plains!"

Yunfeifeng said faintly: "The South and the North will be mys!"

The three people divided the vast continent in three words and thought it was natural.

The three people do think that this is a very natural thing. There are so many shackles in the late Mahayana, and Xu Ziyan and Yan Xingyun are not in their eyes.

At this time, Wang Liyun and Yunfeifeng’s faces were full of smiles, and they seemed to be in control of the grandeur of the mainland. At the same time, they look at each other and understand each other's meaning. That Bai Xiyan threatened himself too much. Besides, what does Bai Xiyan count? An overseas island owner wanted to go to the vast mainland to make waves. Wait until the Xiao Luo Tian and Tian Yu City were eliminated, and there was Xu Jia, which was when Bai Xiyan was killed.

In the depths of Bai Xiyan's eyes, he also quietly passed a hint of haze. In his heart, he said: "Is it for you? Hey! Will it be so cheap? I will naturally be in the middle of it. When I destroy the Xu family, Xiao Luotianhe Tianshou City, you Da Luotian and the fire sect also lost the value of use, by that time, it is your Da Luotian and the time of the demise of the fire."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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