The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 119: robbery

The night is getting thicker and there are some shadows moving in the dark. During the day, Xu Ziyan and others changed their costumes. The most important thing is that they hide the cultivation, and they are three people. The three people enter the city in a group. Xu Ziyan goes into the city alone, so no one has low strength for them. The people are suspicious, and no one will think that Xu Ziyan and others will come in this direction. Therefore, Xu Ziyan and his party did not directly go through the Iron Curtain City without any doubt, and then rushed to Xiangyang Town. .

After arriving in Xiangyang Town, Xu Ziyan did not approach the town, but bypassed the town and went straight to the ferry terminal outside Xiangyang Town.

Xu Tianwo's second group walked in the forefront, followed by Xu Lin's first group, followed by Xu Ziyan, and finally Xu Wei's third group. Each group maintained a distance of five meters and quietly touched the ferry terminal.

This is the first time that Xu Ziyan has planned to do one thing, and it was the first action after Xu Ziyan became the captain and divided the group. Xu Ziyan attached great importance to this action. In the heart of Xu Ziyan, this action can only succeed and cannot fail. If you succeed, you can build your confidence in this. If you fail, don't say whether there will be damage. I am afraid that the confidence of everyone will collapse.

However, when the eyes of Xu Ziyan swept through the faces of the people in the moonlight, they could not help but smile with helplessness. At this time, Xu Wei, Xu Lin and others, including Xu Tianwo, who was so brave, and Xu Wei, who seemed to be brave, seemed to have forgotten the family affairs and forgot that they are now in flight. The expressions on each face are all excited, and the eyes are shining in the night.

Since Xu Ziyan announced that he was going to grab a boat at the ferry terminal, these young teenagers had forgotten their situation, and all of them were excited like chicken blood. Xu Ziyan did not say them, because she knew that she said it, and it didn't work. At most, she could try to hide it in their faces, but in their hearts, the excitement of the first robbery could not be dissipated.

Xu Ziyan understands them very well. A group of teenagers usually only know how to cultivate, not to mention leaving the capital city. They are rarely left in the family. Such a group of teenagers who only know how to cultivate but never robbed, have to do it. How can such a stimulating thing not be eager to try? I even thought about it in their hearts. When I returned to the family, how can I show off this thing with the brothers and sisters in the family. This made Xu Ziyan cry and laugh.

"Tianhai brother, do you sure there will be a boat at the ferry terminal?" Xu Ziyan asked in a low voice.

“There must be! There are ships every day, and it is convenient and fast to carry goods down from here, so many merchants will choose this route. Even in the winter, there will be at least one merchant ship every day!” Xu Tianhai said with a low voice.

"I saw it!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly whispered, the flash of light in his eyes, the outline of a ship faintly appeared at the ferry terminal not far away.

In less than a quarter of an hour, ten people lurked in a place about 50 meters from the ship. Xu Ziyan carefully observed the surrounding situation and whispered:

"Everyone works according to plan, be quick! To be embarrassed! Who has any objections?"

"No!" Xu Wei, Xu Lin and Xu Tianwo, etc., were young and young, and their eyes shone with sharp light.

Xu Mei, Xu Meiruo and Xu Wei’s face showed some hesitation, and Xu Wei asked him even more:

"Ziyan sister, do we have to kill? They are just businessmen, innocent people!"

Xu Ziyan flashed a complex color in the clear eyelids, but still bite his lip and sighed:

"If there are too many people in the boat, we can't kill it, and we won't drive the boat, so we have to leave some people as sailors, then we have to control them as soon as possible, but we must not let others discover For the person who dares to resist, we must resolutely kill. If someone reveals our whereabouts because of their hesitation, which affects the safety of our entire team, then please ask her to leave, we Don't need someone who will bring you danger at any time!"

Xu Wei lowered his head, biting his lip, tears in his eyes, but he was hesitant behind the tears. Xu Mei and Xu Meiruo also revealed their firmness. Xu Ziyan moved his eyes and looked at the ship again. He waved his hand gently, and the figure of ten people silently sneaked into the silent night.

In fact, Xu Ziyan was the first time to do such a thing, and there was no similar personal experience. However, compared with the nine people, Xu Ziyan has seen such a movie in the past, and has read such a novel. Therefore, the whole plan was formulated by Xu Ziyan alone. When the nine people heard Xu Ziyan step by step to say the plan, they were shocked and stunned, and only the admiration was left in their eyes.

Although Xu Ziyan repeatedly thought about his plan and strived for perfection, he still worried about these nine rookies who were more than themselves. However, this step must be taken out. The future escape must be full of danger. From now on, hone them, no matter whether the result is successful or not, there will always be more life-saving resources on the road to escape in the future.

In the reeds, there is a distance of about 20 meters from the ship. Xu Ziyan and others clearly see that there are six people on the bow and the stern of the day after the night. Leaning on the side of the ship, the head up and down a bit, so that Xu Ziyan has a kind of worry, the two of them will not sleep too much, fell into the water.

The sneak peek at the foremost Xu Tianlang gently waved his hand. The three people in the second group will be repaired to the extreme. The figure will be scraped into the ship like a light breeze in the night, dealing with two acquired days. The six-story man naturally does not need to use the celestial wolf to do it himself, so when he arrives on the ship, Yu Jian stays in the air and monitors the situation around him. Xu Peng and Xu Meiruo both flew to the bow and the stern respectively.

The two men used the way that Xu Ziyan had just taught them. One hand grabbed the other’s mouth, the other hand hugged the other’s head, and twisted it hard. He heard a slight “beep” in the ear. The body of a night watchman softened.

Xu Peng and Xu Meiruo gently put down the bodies of the two people, Xu Peng's heart is very excited at this time. He did not expect that there would be such a way of killing. In the past, these repairers were flying swords, spells and scorpions, all the way to the roar. Now, in this silent silence, he uses this novel means to quietly kill a person. Xu Peng’s heart was so excited that he only felt that this method of killing was very exciting. On the other hand, Si Ye was quiet and quiet, and he was able to hear his heart beating. On the other hand, he was calmly killing himself. Layers.

But Xu Meiruo at the stern is different. She didn’t kill anyone, but she saw a person silently dying in her arms and lying down on the ship’s board. The feeling of awkwardness made Xu Meiruo Very uncomfortable, a surge between the chest and abdomen, hurriedly grabbed his mouth with his hands, did not let the sound come out.

Xu Tianwo, who stood in the air with the sword, saw that the two vigils had been quietly killed. The heart was also deeply shocked by the method taught by Xu Ziyan. Unconsciously, there was a trace of respect for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Tianmao Yu Jian silently turned around the ship in the air for two laps, determined that there were no more awake people on the ship, and sent a signal to the shore. The seven figures rose in the night sky and floated silently over the ship.

Xu Ziyan gently pointed his finger to the bottom and pointed at it. Xu Tianwo quietly landed on the deck, with Xu Peng and Xu Meiruo touching the front cabin. And Xu Lin also took the members of the first group, Xu Liangwei and Xu Mei quietly fell, quietly approaching the rear cabin. Xu Wei, with members of the third group, Xu Tianhai and Xu Wei, are still in the air, watching them with vigilance. Xu Ziyan looked at the front and rear cabins from time to time, always paying attention to all the situations that took place there.

There was a brief commotion and two screams in the cabin, but the two screams were like a sudden cut of the scorpion, and suddenly stopped, but the truth was. Then, Xu Mei came out of the cabin, covering her mouth with one hand, and gestured to the air and other people in the air.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Wei and others descended from the air, leaving Xu Wei still in the air, monitoring the surrounding. Entering the cabin, I saw four bodies lying in the cabin, and a dozen people stood there at the moment, and Xu Lin looked at the people with a cold face. The sound of footsteps, Xu Meiruo came in from the door, looked at the body on the ground, immediately removed his gaze, looked at Xu Ziyan, said softly:

"There are eight people killed and nineteen. They have been controlled."

Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, this Xutian wolf is really a monk, killing four here, he actually killed eight people. At this time, in the hands of the water, a businessman looks like Xu Ziyan came in, and it seems that they are still the heads of these people. I couldn't help but look at Xu Ziyan's eyes carefully. I saw that it was such a beautiful and delicate girl. I couldn't help but feel a little calm in my heart. It was such a delicate girl that it should be easy to deal with. So I separated the sailors on both sides and walked out. The voice said quite a bit:

"This lady, what are you doing? We are just legitimate businessmen, you..."

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