I am very grateful to the students (100), Yu Yu 645098 (100), Xing Haiyun (100), the soul of the first class (99), Zhang Muzhi (99) reward!


The buddy looked at it carefully, and then inspired the person, and saw that the slap-sized person was instantly enlarged like a monk, and the look released the realm of the early days. The guy shook his head and said:

"This predecessor, your fairy charm is only the power of the early immortals, so one can only give you thirty cents of crystal coins."

Xu Ziyan looked at Duan Tianya, and when he saw him nod, he took out the remaining 888 compensators and put them on the counter.

Duan Tianya looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze differently. This is a man who has nothing. It is just the realm of the early immortals, but it can be taken out at once. It is definitely not a flying person who should be able to come up with it. The opposite man was slightly surprised, and counted the number, then said:

"There are 899 in total, I will give you an integer, and count you three hundred downs."

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan really thanked you.

The buddy will take over the Fu, and handed Xu Ziyan three hundred pieces of Xianjing. Xu Ziyan earned a storage ring and left. Duan Tianya and Tang Linger followed behind him, and looked at Xu Ziyan with strange eyes from time to time.

Xu Ziyan was too lazy to take care of them. Three hundred pieces of Xianjing did not make Xu Ziyan feel emboldened. To know that she was an extremely wealthy person on the mainland of the Cangwu, now there are only three hundred crystals, and it is still the next product. Even if she is just in the fairy world, she knows that this is not a money at all.

While walking, I looked around. At this time, Tianya and Tang Linger were thinking about the identity of Xu Ziyan. For a time, three people were silent.

The Xu Ziyan who walked suddenly looked bright. She saw a fairy shop and walked straight to the shop. Duan Tianya and Tang Linger are a glimpse of the two people:

"Xu Ziyan, she has a fairy! Do she want to use the three hundred celestial crystals to sell the fairy?"

Suspiciously followed Xu Ziyan into the shop, Xu Ziyan went straight to the counter. I took out a fairy and put it on the counter:

"I want to sell fairy."

The guy behind the counter looked at Xu Ziyan and found that he could not see the repair of Xu Ziyan. His face immediately showed a polite smile:

"Predecessors, wait a moment!"

Say, pick up the fairy on the counter and carefully measure it. The eyes of Duan Tianya and Tang Linger standing behind Xu Ziyan wandered from time to time between the fairy and Xu Ziyan.

"In a moment, she won't take out a few hundred pieces of fairyware again?"

The buddy took a moment and gently put the fairy down. Said to Xu Ziyan:

"Predecessors, your fairy is a medium-sized fairy, this shop can give you the price of ten pieces of Xianjing."

Xu Ziyan looked back at the end of the world, Duan Tianya quickly nodded, ten pieces of Xianjing is already a fair price. Looking at the appearance of Xu Ziyan, the end of the world still did not hold back, pressing down the voice:

"Sister. You won't be selling a few hundred pieces of fairyware again?"

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head, and Duan Tianya’s hands and his chest were long and relieved: “Scared me, if you really took out a few hundred pieces of fairy, I even doubted which big family you are. Disciple."

Xu Zi’s mouth was hung with a smile, and a storage ring was taken and handed to the man. This storage ring contains the fairyware that Xu Ziyan wants to sell. She left a hundred pieces of fairy, and the remaining 9,685 pieces were placed in this storage ring.

The man bowed his head and smiled and took the storage ring, and his eyes passed a trace of sarcasm. Mind:

"A few hundred pieces of fairy? Are you a junk? Is it a disciple of a big family who can't find hundreds of pieces of fairyware at once? Unless her family is a refiner family."

The sarcasm of the bottom of the eye has not disappeared, and it is stiff there. The hands began to be awkward, not because of the high quality of the scented items that Xu Ziyan sold, but the number of celestial devices.

"Predecessors...you...wait a minute..."

That buddy is finished. Put the storage ring carefully on the counter. Then he hurried to the back. Duan Tianya and Tang Linger are hesitantly looking at Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan is too lazy to take care of them. Just standing there with a negative hand. In a short while, a middle-aged monk walked in from behind and his eyes were swept away by three people. I looked at Xu Ziyan and said,

"This friend. But you want to sell the fairy?"

Xu Ziyan swept his eyes and found that the other party was also a repairer in the late Xianxian, and he nodded with a smile. The middle-aged monk fell on the storage ring on the counter and picked up the storage ring. The gods swept inside, and the eyes were bright, whispered:

"Please talk to your friends."

Xu Ziyan nodded, the middle-aged monk led the way in front, and Xu Ziyan and other three followed. The four entered an elegant room. After the monks gave tea to everyone, they left gently, leaving four of them in the house.

The middle-aged monk arched his hand as a ritual: "Below is the shopkeeper of this shop, Wu Changqiu. Dare to ask friends..."

Xu Ziyan also bowed his hand and said: "I am in the purple."

When I saw Wu Changqiu, I looked at Duan Tianya again. Duan Tianya put down the teacup and said faintly: "Duan Tianya."

Wu Changqiu's gaze is a shrink, hurriedly turn to Tang Linger, hiding his own gaffe.

"Tang Linger." Tang Linger whispered.

At this time, Wu Changqiu has stabilized his mood and smiled toward Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, although the grades you sold this time are not high, but the number is huge, there are 9,685 pieces, to Ten pieces of the next product, the crystal will calculate, the store will pay you 96,850 pieces of the next product.


The tea cup in the hands of Tang Linger fell on the table, and the hand of Duan Tianya also shook a little, and a drop of tea dripped from the cup.

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, no words. Wu Changqiu saw Xu Ziyan look calm, his eyes quickly patrolled from Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. Then I took out a storage ring, and put a jade card on the table, pushed it to the front of Xu Ziyan, and said with a polite smile:

"This storage ring is placed in Xianjing. You can check it out. This jade card is given to you by the store. With this jade card to buy all the goods, we will give you a 10% discount."

“Thank you!” Xu Ziyan collected the storage ring and the jade card, and then he handed it to the court: “Wu Daoyou. If there is something going on, let’s leave.”

"I will send you."

Three people left the shop and walked down the street. Tang Linger seems to follow Meng Ziyan behind his sleepwalking. Duan Tianya frequently looked at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes were full of doubt.

"You really are a soaring?" Duan Tianya did not hold back.

Xu Ziyan gave him a look: "What do you say?"

"Call~~" Duan Tianya spit out a sigh of relief, and slammed his head and said: "Sister, where are we going now?"

"Stay in the store!"

"I want to live in the advanced!" Duan Tianya immediately shouted: "I have not lived in the high-level inn for a long time!"

Xu Zi was white and he glanced at him: "No, live in the middle!"

"Sister! Good sister! Just live in the high class! I beg you! I haven’t lived in the Senior Inn for a long time!"

In fact, Xu Ziyan is also a resident of a senior inn. I wondered when she was missing Lingshi on the mainland. When I thought about it, I nodded and agreed. Duan Tianya screamed and screamed, and he came to the front of an inn with Xu Ziyan and Tang Linger.

I have three rooms to stay. This house price scared Xu Ziyan to jump, live a day actually need a hundred pieces of the next fairy crystal. Three people will have three hundred pieces of Xianpin in one day. According to Duan Tianya, this is the broken place of Feiyuecheng. If you arrive at Qianyuan City, there will be no good place to live in a thousand pieces of Xianpin.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly. They were given to each of the thousand pieces of Xian Tianya and Tang Linger, and they were taught to know the thrift. Then tell the two people that they are going to stay in this flying moon city for a while, she is looking for her friend Simon's solitary smoke and hope.

Duan Tianya immediately said that he also stayed. Anyway, he has no place to go now, and he is wandering everywhere. Tang Linger hesitated and decided to leave the next day and went to the Tang Dynasty. With this thousand pieces of fairy crystal, going there is no longer a problem.

The next day, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya sent Tang Linger to the fairy boat. after that. Two people went to the Flying Moon Temple in Feiyuecheng. I want to inquire about the news of the solitary smoke in Ximen.

I sent a few pieces of Xianpin, and I didn’t even hear the news of the solitary smoke and hope of Simon. However, the person in the Feiyue Temple looked at Xu Ziyan’s generous hand, and promised to inquire carefully about these days. Xu Ziyan promised. As long as the other party gives in, she will certainly thank. after that. The name and room number of the inn were left, and the two left.

Several inns in the city of Feiyue.

"His Royal Highness enters the Flying Moon City?"

"There are two women with him!"

"Isn't the Xu Ziyan not a ascendant? How can there be a repair in the late Xianxian? And how can the 13th Highness be the cultivation of the early Tianxian? His cultivation is growing... too fast!"

"He must die! Otherwise we have no chance at all!"

"But, the city is not allowed to do it. Ye Chu is not a good one!"

"Why do you want to do it in the city? Is it true that the 13th Highness will stay in the Flying City? As long as we are staring at him, this time I can't let him escape again!"

"What? The thirteenth hall went down in the fairy boat and wanted to leave? Give me a peg, and we will act now."

"Only the Tang Linger left in the fairy boat? The 13th Royal Highness and the Xu Ziyan went to the Feiyue Temple? I know, continue to keep an eye on it. And find out for me what they are going to the Moon Palace. Don't worry about the Tang Linger."

"His Royal Highness and Xu Ziyan returned to the inn? They went to inquire about two soaring people? One is called Simon's solitary smoke, the other is hope?"

"Continue to keep an eye on the thirteenth."

In the room, Xu Ziyan is making a fairy. Now she is already a second-class fairy, and her body is too small. I decided to make more.

Duan Tianya came to knock on the door several times. Xu Ziyan did not open the door, but told him that he was practicing and not disturbing himself. Duan Tianya also returned to his room, stupidly sitting for a while, he suddenly felt a slight crisis. This silk crisis came from Xu Ziyan, and a newly-expanded monk actually reached the late stage of the flight. And it's still so hard, this is not a while, Xu Ziyan's repair is more than his paragraph.

This kind of thing can never let him happen, he is an absolute genius. It is the genius of the entire lower galaxies, this face can not afford to lose. I also want to cultivate.

In this way, Duan Tianya also passionately invested in cultivation.


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Shu door first" Author: faint snow, ISBN, 2466278

Introduction: the family name, returning from the counterattack


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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