The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1167: I have sleeves.

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The monk in the late stage of the fairy tales smiled and shivered: "Haha... then you...the strong...hehe...just go and take that...ah haha...the blood creature kills... Haha... we all look at you... hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..." All the people laughed aloud, and the laughter was full of sarcasm.

Xu Ziyan walked forward in a smile, and Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe followed. Until the end of the team, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe stopped. Duan Tianya knows Xu Ziyan’s ability, and his heart is really not worried. However, Duan Tianhe’s face showed a worrying color. After all, he only saw Xu Ziyan’s small movement, and he did not see the true ability of Xu Ziyan. He could not help but look at the end of the world. Duan Tianya gave him a reassuring look, which made Duan Tianhe slightly put a little bit of heart.

The creature at the beginning of the fairy under the big tree also knows that there is a monk with a peak in the late Tianxian, so it is only savage, but it does not rush. However, when it saw a monk in the late Xianxian coming toward it, the body released a fierce breath, and some could not wait to roar and rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stopped his steps, pulled the sleeves, and then rushed toward the **** demon.

Behind her, the monks were dumbfounded.

She... What is this going to do?

Why doesn't she use the fairy?

Why did she rush forward with such an empty hand?

Also saved the sleeves? Is it possible to roll up the sleeves and be able to play a **** sea demon in the early days of the immortals with a repair of the late immortals?

Is she a madman or a fool?

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe are also a mistake. Looking at the face of Xu Ziyan with a shocked and worried look, he quickly greeted the **** sea demon who rushed over.

Xu Ziyan is neither a fool nor a madman. She is going to use this method to shut up the monks who want to treat him as a weak and warn them not to find their own troubles. Her body strength was originally the realm of the early days of the fairy, and the opposite of this blood sea demon. At this time, she again filled the whole body with the meaning of gold. Instantly increase the strength of the body to the middle of the fairy.


Xu Ziyan and the blood sea demon's body slammed into each other. In the imagination of those monks, Xu Ziyan will be hit back by the blood sea demon, and will be killed in midair.

but. The reality is that their eyes have fallen off the ground.

Xu Ziyan's body shape did not retreat in the slightest. The **** sea demon in the early days of the fairy mourned, and the body of more than two feet was suddenly knocked out.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape was just a meal, and he rushed out like a meteor. In fact, at this time, Xu Ziyan was also shocked. She did not think that this creature was originally a dead soul to absorb the blood of the sea, and it is like a physical entity, and there is no difference between human monks and human monks.

The body of the blood sea demon family has not fallen to the ground. The shape of Xu Ziyan has already reached below it. Stretching out two small hands, grabbing its ankles, then bending over, arms slamming forward, the blood sea demon was smashed into the air by Xu Ziyan, drawn an arc, and then rumbling on the ground.

Turn around. Bend over, squat arm...

The blood sea demon was instantly smashed up, and an arc was drawn in the air, and it was once again smashed to the ground.

Turn around again, bend over again, then arm again...


The snowmen’s monks had a heart, and they looked at Xu Ziyan’s hands and slammed a two-foot-long blood sea demon, where they left and fell to the right.

"Is she a monster?"

This is the common voice of every monk at this time, that is, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe are no exception. I don’t even have a fairy. Unscrupulously, the **** sea demon in the early days of the fairy will be like a toy. The captain of the Xue family, who was at the peak of the late Tianxian, had some guilty conscience. He is not sure if he can fight against the purple smoke. The monk who was provoked the trouble of the late Xianxian was escaping to the back of the crowd, his face full of fear.

The blood sea demon in the hands of Xu Ziyan kept falling under Xu Ziyan. The blood red color of the body gradually faded, and the thighs held by Xu Ziyan's hands gradually became faint. Finally, "bang", the blood sea demon was smashed and screamed, turned into a **** fog, and quickly drifted toward the depths of the blood.

Xu Ziyan smiled and walked toward the Xuejia team and walked to the front of the Xuejia captain. The look of the captain of the Snow House changed, and he couldn't help but step back half a step and carefully guarded. Xu Ziyan said with a smile:

"Then, I am just an elixir teacher, I will not fight!"

"Xian...Dan Shi...Is it possible to use the fairy to fall to the **** demon family?" asked the captain of the snow family.

Xu Ziyan looked down at his arm and looked proudly: "I have sleeves!"

"Grass!" The captain of the Snow House snorted in his heart and said: "If you roll up your sleeves, you can fall to a **** demon family, let me be shirtless!"

"Okay! I have already killed one, and I will meet you again in the future, and it will be your turn!" Xu Ziyan waved his hand and walked to the front of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe:

"Let's let, let me stand in the middle, Xiandan division needs protection!"

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe were so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood. They looked at her even more contemptuously and let them go to the two sides. Xu Ziyan smiled and stood in the middle. Looking at the four eyes, the monks around immediately removed their gaze, one by one:

"Nima, play pigs and eat tigers!"

"Depart!" The captain of the Snow House shouted depressedly.

A lot of **** sea creatures have been encountered along the way. Fortunately, it is not a group of **** sea creatures, but a single appearance. However, cultivation is constantly rising. The highest repair has reached the end of the fairy, and it takes a lot of monks and monks to kill them. However, no one dared to call Xu Ziyan.

After another hour, everyone came to a plain. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu all **** the camp. It still seemed to be a triangle. The three tribes each occupied a corner and synthesized a defense whole. Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably to a monk next to him:

"Daoyou, not our human and demon, the devil's hatred is deep? How not only do not kill each other, but work together?"

At this point, no one dares to despise Xu Ziyan. The monk replied honestly: "The main purpose of our entry into the **** sea is to hunt for treasures, so we can temporarily put down each other's hatreds and cooperate with each other to resist **** sea creatures. When we begin to enter the depths of the **** sea tomorrow, we begin to hunt for treasures. At the time of killing each other. Zhou Daoyou, you must not be deceived by the scene of cooperation today, that is, when you cooperate, the Yaozu and the Mozu will also count on us, and always be careful."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but frowned slightly. The other side's remarks revealed a news that there will be a large number of monsters coming tonight. Forcing the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu have to cooperate. When you enter the depths of the blood, there will be no **** creatures that come together in large numbers. However, by that time, I am afraid that the creatures deep in the **** sea will not gather together, but I am afraid that it will be very high. At that time, it was a truly dangerous moment, so at the last moment of entering the depths of the blood, the three tribes chose to cooperate to avoid losing too much strength.

As I thought, the Xuejia monk had already arrived at the place where the Terran was stationed, but was stopped by several monks. The first monk headed by the early days said coldly:

"Everyone pays ten two-character elixir."

Xu Ziyan saw a glimpse, but saw that the captain of the Xue family did not have any words, and took out ten two-character Xiandan and handed it over.

"What is going on?" Xu Ziyan asked the monk next to him.

"What could it be?" The monk said indignantly: "They are the monks of the twelve great families. Their captains are the peaks of the late Tianxian, and they have several monks who are at the peak of the late Tianxian. Ixian is here. The protection of life, they are plundering our elixir by strength. If we don't give them, they will not let us enter the Terran camp. So left out, when the **** sea riots at night, there is only one dead road. ”

“Why did the **** creatures riot in the evening?”

"Because those **** sea creatures like nighttime, every night, it will be fierce!"

As he said, Xu Ziyan and others have already reached the monks of the big families. When Xu Ziyan came to the **** sea, there was a big goal. Naturally, because of a few elixir, he would honestly take out ten elixir and hand it over, and this will enter the human camp.

After the place was assigned, Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe frowned at each other and felt a little vigilant. Because they were assigned to the side of the border with the demon. Beside them is the Yaozu.

"Captain, how have we been assigned here?" Some monks asked angrily: "If the demon attacked us when we were killed with **** creatures, wouldn't we die very badly?"

The captain of the Xue family also said with a gloomy face: "Don't say it, I will be careful when I get there. You didn't see the Sun family who assigned us here. Our Xue family and the Sun family are not adjacent to each other. The annual rise is very strong, and their grandchildren are suppressing us everywhere!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the demon team next to him and said softly to Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe: "Big brother, younger brother, you two will adjust the interest first. I will protect the law. I am afraid there will be a fierce battle at night."


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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