The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1180: Heads-up (eight more pink)

Thank you very much for confusing my classmates, zq04092 classmates, watching Liuyun classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, nine love classmates, separated by classmates, Nuo Xinyan classmates, LeoKit classmates, Yu Xiaokai classmates, Voilet classmates, youth Chevrolet classmates, Xiaoyan 0012001 classmates, He is a classmate of Hongyan, a classmate of ming0407, a classmate, a cloudy 001 classmate, who lost his heart. Hey classmates, Tianya Yimeng classmates, Xiayang Zhu Zhu classmates, demon cats 1992 classmates, cats and cats classmates, Wei Feng like floating classmates, Xu Liuliu classmates Pink ticket!


"You are the woman who was chased by the bull's head and the tiger's head?"

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, did not admit it, and did not deny it. However, the faces of the seven monks across the face have changed. I thought that when the Tauren and the Hutou people chased Xu Ziyan, they never went back, but now Xu Ziyan stood in front of them. This shows what? It shows that the Tauren and the Tigerhead are dead. Is this woman hiding in front of her cultivation?

However, although the seven monks did not despise Xu Ziyan, they did not mean that they were afraid of Xu Ziyan. And there is the temptation to enter the blood sea center, how to let the purple smoke three people enter. Therefore, I heard that Xu Ziyan said that the seven monks were all excited by Xu Ziyan.

They think that Xu Ziyan is too self-sufficient. Even if she has the realm of the peak of the late Tianxian, can she still beat the siege of her own seven people? However, no one has taken a step forward and wants other monks to challenge Xu Ziyan first. Let them know the bottom of Xu Ziyan.

Therefore, the monks of the Terran and the Devils looked at the demon monks. Because it is obvious that Xu Ziyan will kill the Tauren and the Hutou people of the Yaozu. At this time, if the Yaozu does not show up, it will always be despised. The Yaozu also knows this. No matter how unwilling they are, they have to make a comeback at this time. One of the werewolves, holding a sword in both hands, approached Xu Ziyan for two steps and shouted:

"You! Come out!"

Xu Ziyan walked indifferently and stood in front of the werewolf. The monks on both sides slowly retreated. Let the middle give it up. In addition to Duan Tianya saw Xu Ziyan's exhibition of Shenwei, the remaining monks, including the lack of snow, looked at Xu Ziyan, and wanted to see if Xu Ziyan was the repair of the peak of the late Xian.

Seeing Xu Ziyan standing in front of himself, the werewolf looked fiercely and screamed at Xu Ziyan:

"You are the real captain of Xuejia?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly and said: "No! But for the moment, what I said among the three of us!"

The werewolf's eyes narrowed and he said coldly: "Is it that you can enter the **** sea center?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly.

The werewolf's eyes glimpsed a little, looking at Xu Ziyan: "You have some disciples in the snow family now in our hands. Hand over the medicinal herbs, I will not hold you to kill the head and the tiger head, and will be all Xuejia disciples. freed."

Xu Ziyan said: "The stupid cow and the stupid tiger are self-sufficient. As for the Xuejia disciples, they are not related to me now!" Here, Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and his look was somewhat unpleasant:

"You are not going to threaten me with a Xue disciple? I am not afraid of standing in front of you, a little woman, are you afraid to single out with me?"

The werewolf's face is a red. However, because there are too many hair on the face, I can't see it. Vigilantly looking at Xu Ziyan said coldly:

"In this case, why do you hide your possession and not reveal your true cultivation?"

Xu Ziyan mouth slowly tilted upwards, revealing a gentle smile, the hand behind him slowly opened to the sides, stretching...

The wind has blown...

The dress was blown close to the body of Xu Ziyan, and it was full of exquisiteness. He said with a chuckle: "This is my true cultivation!"

The Werewolf looks awkward and sighs: "Okay. Let me force your true strength!"

The words fall. The right foot suddenly slammed forward, swaying a circle of smoke, the earth was cracked at the foot, and the figure suddenly rushed forward. Lift off and hold the sword with both hands. The sky was like a stream of light, and it was smashed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's body shape floated toward the side, and the Baizhang knife squatted down to the ground, and the rumbling rumbling revealed a rift. Xu Zi smoked his hand and pointed at it. The second-class fairy sword came out and pulled out a streamer, stimulating the eyebrows of the werewolf.

The werewolf had a head, and the sword was swept past his nose. The body was suddenly straight, a big mouth, revealing a mouthful of fangs, and instantly condensed an electric awn in his mouth, that is the devil's sacred power: breathe!


The thick electric mantle rang Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s right hand suddenly slammed, and the water fist burst out, and a huge fist appeared on the road of electric mans. The electric mans bombarded into the dark blue number of giant fists, and the time was within the fists of the golden snakes fluttering and squeaking. The electric mang wants to break through his fist and burst out, but the fist of the water is tightly holding the last light curtain, locking the hundred electric locks inside.

The spurred two-sword sword, hovering in the air, spurred the past to the heart of the werewolf. The werewolf's head would not, and he would return to his sword.

Just as he turned his arm back, Xu Ziyan’s left finger twitched, and a water dragon scorpion formed instantly, with five fingers and one bullet.


In the air between Xu Ziyan and the werewolf, there was a hundred-foot dragon, and the released Longwei actually gave the werewolf a momentary meal. When the dragon mouth opened, a torrent of water sagged like a river, and the slinger was slammed below.


Xu Ziyan's fairy sword was smashed out by the sword, hovering in the air, and spurting toward the werewolf. At the same time, a sword was condensed on the head of Xu Ziyan, releasing a deep purple light.


The dragon is a roar again, the sky is frozen and the wolf is frozen in a big hail.


The celestial force on the werewolf suddenly burst, and the huge hail turned into ice. Bleeding red color. Just in this blood red color, an extremely fast purple streamer has reached his eyebrows. The werewolf rushed to shrink the head, and the purple sword flew to his head, close to his scalp.


Xu Ziyan snorted. The fierce explosion, roaring ears, deafness, is the spur of the purple sword. The wolf's head burst instantly. Xu Ziyan a sword headshot.


On the wolf's neck, a head suddenly appeared on the neck and shouted.


A dragon scorpion covered the wolf howling, and the screams of the werewolf's anger were only half bright, and they were entangled in the water dragon.



The sound of this time was even more earth-shattering, and a whole pit was blown out of the ground. The whole body of the werewolf was turned into a powder by the self-explosion of the water dragon. A Yuanshen had just emerged from the deep pit, and was smashed by a sword that was hovering in the air. After that, a stream of light returned to the head of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not want to deal with the werewolf. When you get started, you will kill it. Just a few short faces, completely hit the werewolf an accident, and killed a werewolf at the peak of the late Tianxian.

Quiet! silence! Absolute silence!

A sluggish around!

Don't say that the people opposite, that is, the lack of snow are stunned. In everyone's heart, there is a thought at this time:

"This... is the monk of the immortal period? When is the power of the monk in the immortal period so great? Killing the monk in the late period of the fairy is like killing a chicken? But... she is the peak of the late immortal! The breath that has been revealed on her body has been It’s the peak of the late Xianxian!”


On the opposite side, a bear man with a big axe was rushed out, but it was the captain of another demon team, which released the repair of the peak of the late Tianxian.

Xu Ziyan’s look became dignified and she knew her situation. Just now she was holding the other side and not paying attention. Killed one unexpectedly. Now that the other party knows its own strength, it will never happen again. It is definitely a hard fight.

At this point, the bear man had already rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan, and he ran across to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan blinked and felt the other party's fierceness. He knew that the other party must be very strong on the ontology, and he was not sure whether his own body could be stronger than the other. The right foot slammed, and the figure tilted back and floated toward the back.

one person. A demon.

One person's body is tilted backwards. Flowing back.

A demon figure leaned forward and flicked forward.

The celestial forces of both sides collided in space from time to time, hurricane...

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the two-pronged sword hanging above the head was like a streamer blasting the bear's eyebrows.


The two swords were actually bounced back by the bear's eyebrows. The bear's face did not blink, and the eyebrows were as hard as iron. This is true of the eyebrows. Not to mention the rest of the body.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a dignified weight. She had just spent a quintile of her cents with the Werewolf’s continuous fairy, after all, her cultivation was only a fairy, every stroke, We must do our utmost to release it, otherwise we will not be able to threaten a monk in the late Tianxian.

Xu Ziyan’s golden fist was sent to the great consummation, and the body that leaned back suddenly slammed, and the hair flew and punched out. Above the fist, Jin Mang shines and slams toward the other side.

Speed ​​is like lightning!

The fist is instantly enlarged!

However, it has not waited until Xu Ziyan’s fist is more than half the distance between the two people. The fist has just started, and the opposite bear is also hit hard.


The air wave burst between the two, and the shape of the bear before the collision suddenly slammed, but Xu Ziyan took a step back.

This step distance just happened to make the bear's big axe open, and the space came to rub the harsh sound of the air. Xu Ziyan’s body shape suddenly swayed and swayed, and the shadow of the bear was only half of the bear’s axe, but he saw nine purple smoke in front of his eyes.

The bear's gaze was sharp, and he suddenly loosened the giant axe in his hand, and reached out and punched a fist at the big handle of the giant axe. I saw that the giant axe suddenly changed into a horizontal, and quickly turned. Instantly zoom in, like a huge turbine, smashing nine purple smoke.

The monks who are guarding the mouth of the valley are all happy. They have already seen the strength of Xu Ziyan from the battle between Xu Ziyan and Xiongren. It is a coincidence to kill the werewolves, although they have to admit that the fighting power of Xu Ziyan is very close to the peak of the late Tianxian, but it is unexpected to kill the werewolf. The other is that Xu Ziyan has already done the cards. Now that I have a prepared bear man, I have shown that I am not enough. Is this not? It was killed by the bear man.


Eight more! It’s really impossible to write, it’s a bit late! When I finished the eighth, I felt the force off! Nothing to say, it is already February 1st! New January, new beginning! I hope that my comrades will give me a good start and vote for my February monthly guaranteed monthly ticket! The bell will wake up tomorrow, hoping to see a list that shocked me on the pink ticket list! Desperate comrades!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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