The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1181: Single pick

I am very grateful to z408678490, forty-four students, Nikeman, tinymoon, oasisw, petnut, demon cat 1992, yokovan, celestial classmate, icezooyahoo, ktiantian, bookmate Pistachio classmates, Mo Hua classmates, gp2215098 classmates, MarcZ classmates, gp2215098 classmates, color clothes 翩 classmates, tea fragrant? Yi classmates, book friends 100323202559007 classmates, Tao Zhiyi 52 classmates, mountain fog classmates, Yilin and dreams Classmates, Qing Yin classmates, BluePlume classmates, silent city classmates, mountain fog classmates, rainjin classmates, Kiki 198 classmates, flying singular classmates pink ticket!


Duan Tianya and Xue Xiaojian saw that Xu Ziyan’s nine figures were all killed by the bear’s giant axe. The look was changed. The hopes of both of them were pinned on Xu Ziyan’s body. Xu Ziyan was the backbone of both of them. Now that Xu Ziyan is dead, are they not sure?

The look of the two people in the moment is not the same, the lack of snow reveals the look that wants to escape, but Duan Tianya is a look of anger and anger, a desperate posture.

Just when the two sides had different expressions, the bears in battle did not relax. Because when his giant axe was spinning, he didn't feel the slightest obstacle. what does this mean? This means that the shape of the nine Xu Ziyan is not the body of Xu Ziyan, but the nine afterimages of Xu Ziyan. really. Just as the giant axe returned to the bear's hand, a sapphire blue figure appeared on his head, and the hand was holding the two-sword sword, which was like a stream of spurs. Pointed at the bear's head and life.


A sound of gold and iron rang.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape was actually bounced out, and the bear man’s body was so hard that even the second-class sword could not hurt him.


Although the bear man was not injured, he was also stunned by the sword of Xu Ziyan. The feet slammed into the ground, and the figure swelled like a hurricane. The big axe in his hand hovered and smouldering toward the air.


A purple long sword spurred toward the bear man, and the bear man waved a giant axe. In the air, Xu Ziyan’s body was unfolding, and the finger was changed. The purple gas sword suddenly circling, avoiding the slash of the giant axe and stabbing the bear’s eyes. The bear man pulled the axe and now the axe handle. Intercepted the way of the sword. The gas sword slanted two inches across the board and flashed the handle of the axe. It was already in front of the bear. The bear man is helpless, only hiding his head and hiding the key to his eyes. The gas sword stabbed in his forehead.

"Burst ~~"

Xu Ziyan sighed lightly, and the sound of "Boom" blasted the gas sword of the three products.


The bear man screamed. Xu Ziyan’s heart was happy, and his figure pulled up a shadow and instantly approached the bear man. The sword in his hand once again stabbed the bear’s eyes. At the same time, looking at the bear's forehead, the heart is a sudden surprise.

Although the bear man was stunned, but Xu Ziyan looked at it, he found that the bear's forehead only broke a large piece of nails, and even the blood did not flow out much.

When the police were in the heart, they immediately took the sword and teleported. Sure enough, an axe rubbed her cheek and swept over it, and smashed Xu Ziyan's hair. Flying in the air.


The bear is a big mouth. A thunder and lightning sprayed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan extended a finger to the hilt, and the two swords were instantly enlarged to Zhang, and the finger was turned. The Xu Xianjian was like a wind wheel. Like a shield that hides the purple smoke behind, the thunder and lightning are all bombarded on the rotating sword. A stalemate in the air.

The left finger twitched and the water dragonfly was released instantly.


The Baizhang dragon was instantly formed, and the dragon mouth opened, and a torrent of water spewed out. Like the Tianhe River, it slammed toward the bears.

"When ~~"

The bear man put a giant axe in front of him, his hands folded in front of him, and suddenly pulled toward the sides, a thunder net was instantly generated.

"go with!"

The bear man shouted, and the power grid was on top of him. He even blocked the Tianhe River from being trapped outside the thunder.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, swaying the finger, pointing a little toward the air dragon, the dragon gave up the sacred bombardment, directly in the air, a dragon tail, the thunder net was smashed. Turn the faucet directly to the bears.

The bear man did not go to the giant axe inserted on the ground, but held both fists. The lightning light was scattered on each fist, and the double fists alternately bombarded toward the leading edge.

The sound of "Booming" is endless, and a hundred feet of water dragons have been smashed out by the bears' twin fists. I can see the purple smoke and stunned.


Numerous purple otters flew out of Xu Ziyan's body and instantly condensed into a spear in the air.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan snorted and screamed, and the spear spurred toward the bear.

A bang was blown at the bear's chest. The bears simply did not pay attention to the purple otters, and the double fists were only aimed at the airborne dragons that came from time to time.

The spear of the purple otter did not have the expectation of the bear and the purple smoke, and did not cause any damage to the bear's powerful body. However, the scenes that followed made the bears extremely angry.


The spear suddenly disintegrated and turned into thousands of purple otters, covering the bears from head to toe. I don’t see the skin of the bear, and a bite of sound is heard in my ear. Directly let the monks watching around be chilling, and there are countless bugs in the intuition.

Xu Ziyan simply did not think that these purple leeches would cause harm to the bears. Refers to the squatting, the water dragon squatting down when the bears are in a hurry, winding the bears tightly in the middle.


Thousands of purple otters have spread out.


The water dragon blew himself up. In the midst of the hurricane, the bear's body shape is regressing.


The eight-handed sword was continuously shot at the bears, and the air was hovered in an instant. For example, the gossip generally encircled the bears in the middle.

"Burst ~~"


Eight-handed purple gas sword blasted. The bear man who had been smashed by the water dragon was bombarded with eight-handed swords and flew high.

Xu Ziyan's figure quickly approached the bear man who was rolling in the air, and his right hand turned over, and it was printed very quickly on the bear's body, in the palm of her hand. A void character is generated instantaneously, and it is an instant emptiness.


Xu Ziyan slammed on the bear's body.


Xu Ziyan's body shape disappeared.


The void paint bursts loudly!

In the view of the monks, the bears in the air tumbling and squirting more than a dozen blood.


The bear man screamed fiercely, his arms stretched out to the sky, and his fists clenched!


The entire body of the bear man has a thousand electric lights, like a spherical lightning, madly rushing to Xu Ziyan.

"Is this still not dead?" Xu Ziyan was depressed in his heart.

Kuang Peng’s eyes and his knowledge quickly merged into one place. I thought that in the river Hexianfu on the mainland, she had realized two kinds of magical powers in the real water array. One was to break the battle, the other was to take the soul.

Xu Ziyan stood quietly on the ground, looking up at the bear man who was rushing to his own, motionless, and the clouds were light and windy. Straight to the end of the world and the lack of snow, a heart will jump out of the chest.

The bear's body violently approached Xu Ziyan quickly, and the screaming screaming fiercely glared at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked directly at the bear’s eyes, and suddenly the blue eyes of the purple smoke became illusory, as if it were an endless void.

"Reward the soul!"

Although the bear's body is still flying fast, but a pair of eyes have become picking up. The magical power of Xu Ziyan, if he is a monk who is lower than himself, he will take the other side to the soul and kill the other side. Even if the Xiongren's cultivation is higher than Xu Ziyan, he did not let him lose his soul at once, but it also made him appear in an instant. The eyes become blurred.

Just in the moment of his moment. The distance between his body and Xu Ziyan is less than one meter away. However, at this moment, there was a sudden appearance in the space between him and Xu Ziyan, a person who was born exactly like Xu Ziyan. However, it is the Heberian Immortal House that has the strength of the four-piece fairy and the peak of the late Tianxian.

a punch!

He found a punch in He Boxian. Directly penetrated the bear's body. The body of the bear is no longer strong, nor does it reach the strength of the four-character genius. It is a boxing out of the full force of He Boxian, where can it resist? After the one-armed earthquake, He Boxian’s body was shattered and shattered, revealing the hand of He Boxian’s hand. He was holding the bear god’s **** in his hand, and the big hand was pinched and broken...

Xu Ziyan’s mind was moved, and He Boxian’s house disappeared instantly. After Xu Ziyan’s back, he held a large sleeve and looked at the opposite side.

Xu Ziyan's face is light, as if the waves are not shocked, but the heart knows that at this time, the body of the body has consumed more than half.

Just as Xu Ziyan slightly locked his eyebrows, the opposite monks exchanged their eyes and saw the dignity from each other's eyes. Don't say hello to each other, and scream, and instantly surrounded the three people in the middle of Xu Ziyan. Duan Tianya and Xue deficiency are not stupid, and the most correct decision was made in an instant. They flew to the side of Xu Ziyan, back to back, and face the triangle.

Duan Tianya’s face is full of tension, and the look of the snow-deficient face is despair. Xu Ziyan slightly raised his eyes, and the crescent moon also flashed a trace of coldness.

The air became heavy and the surrounding monks slowly approached the three people of Xu Ziyan. The heavy voice that stepped on the ground seemed to be on the heart of the three people. Now the other side has five monks who have fallen to the peak of the late Tianxian, not to mention that there are more than a thousand monks, that is, the monks of the five peaks of the late Tianxian also exerted great pressure on the three people of Xu Ziyan. In the crowd, the look of His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness became paralyzed.

Xu Ziyan is not only worried about this, but if time goes on, the other monks of these families will come again, or other families will appear, and their situation will only become more and more complicated. The eyes are cold and flickering, suddenly certain, like a blade.

At this time, more than a thousand monks have approached the five people in front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan can feel the stiff end of the segment and the back of the snow that is close to his back.


Come, come up, do you have tickets for your comrades?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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