The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1184: Break through

Tomorrow is a young year! I wish my comrades are happy!


The snow lacked two people, and the look said cautiously: "This method does not know whether it is useful or not. It is also the elixir developed by our Xue family. After our study of the Xue family, we believe that these **** sea creatures mainly die here. The souls of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu are combined with the power of blood here. Therefore, our Xue family has developed an elixir for the soul, which theoretically can paralyze the soul of **** creatures, so that we can squat Their souls are fleeing when they are paralyzed."

"Great!" Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya spirit are one of the vibrations.

"But..." Snow missed Xu Ziyan and said: "This requires the cooperation of Zhou Xianzi!"

Xu Ziyan looked like a sigh: "How do I need to cooperate?"

"This kind of elixir takes a certain amount of time to be able to paralyze the soul of the blood sea creature, and you need to trap the blood sea creature before it is paralyzed. Otherwise it will go crazy before paralysis, we have no chance to survive. It can only be done by you. Outside the valley, I have seen your red lotus sea. I also know that the fairy technique is very depleting your fairy power. If you let the **** creatures here face it alone, I am afraid that only one will be eliminated. It will make your Xianyuan force wear out. However, our two cooperation will save you a lot of Xianyuan.

You don't need to kill those **** creatures, as long as they are trapped in their time, my remedy will produce results. Just don't know if your red lotus can do it, it is very important to us. ”

Xu Ziyan also carefully focused on the head: "So great!"

The three men once again walked toward the Blood Sea Center, and this time they were more careful, because there is a power of forbidden. When three people were unable to fly, they placed their feet very lightly and swept in the blood.

Sure enough, I went on for an hour. The blood power in the space is getting richer and thicker, and the smell of the three of them is getting weaker and thinner. The faces of the three people are full of nervous colors. Xu Ziyan is ready to release the step-by-step lotus, and the snow deficiency has already held a Danmao in his hand, ready to pop up. Duan Tianya holds the three-piece fairy in his hand. There was some embarrassment in the tension between the gods. He found himself in this situation turned out to be the most useless person.

Xu Ziyan began to feel the fluctuations in the surrounding space and smelled the incitement. Duan Tianya and Xue deficiency both saw Xu Ziyan, which proved that Xu Ziyan expected it to be very correct. It seems that those **** sea creatures regard them as low-level blood sea creatures. This left the hearts of all three of them hanging in the eyes of the blind, not knowing when those **** creatures would jump out.


There was finally a roar, and the roar was full of majesty and warning.

Xu Ziyan exchanged their eyes with each other and swept away from the screaming direction. The volatility over there has gradually subsided. The three men circled a big circle, escaped there, and continued to dive quietly toward the front.


Another scream, let Xu Ziyan once again paused and changed direction.


It didn't take long for the direction to change, and there was another scream in front. The three people talked about each other and changed direction again.


The three men changed direction again.




Three people stopped. Look at each other bitterly. At this time, all three people have already understood that it is impossible to completely avoid the **** sea creatures in front. It seems that this **** creature must also touch it.

Xu Ziyan looked at the end of the world, and the eyes of Duan Tianya were full of determination. He is now hit hard, and the most genius of a subordinate galaxy has become the most useless here. He has never felt grievances like he is now, and he has never been as eager to be strong as he is now. So, in his heart. The soul of the dragon must be obtained.

Xu Ziyan nodded to him. I also looked at the lack of snow. If you want to go forward, you must also get the consent of the lack of snow. Because he pointed to his own Tilian, Xu Ziyan did not grasp it at all. As Snow said, I am afraid that I will only kill one of the blood creatures here. Will exhaust your own fairy power, so where there will be life? To know that the **** sea creatures here are not the fairy season. The worst will be Luo Tianshang.

Seeing Xu Ziyan looked over, the lack of snow has a struggle. However, in the end he finally nodded firmly. He figured out that his own immortality and Xu Ziyan's red lotus sea should be able to fight and be worth taking risks.

Seeing the firm attitude of the two people, Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and spit it out, whispered:

"let's go!"

The three people are highly concentrated and gently dive toward the front.


The **** sea creature on the opposite side was angry, and the roar was full of warnings.

Behind Xu Ziyan, the nine monks' footsteps suddenly slammed, and the four-tailed fox in the human clan's arms squinted, and the nine monks suddenly stepped up.


Seeing that Xu Ziyan is still advancing, although he is careful, he does not mean to retreat. The hidden blood sea creature is angry. There was no warning in the roar of this time, but it was full of killing.


A red shadow came out from the front, but it was a human being. The blood of the body swelled, and a pair of eyes rushed with blood.

Xu Ziyan's three steps are a meal, and the nervous face is tight in an instant. Xu Ziyan immediately saw through the eyes of Kun Peng that the repair of this **** sea creature was the beginning of Luo Tianshangxian. Xu Ziyan can not help but smile, now can only count on the lack of snow in the elixir, for this realm of blood and sea creatures, is their own magical powers, I am afraid there is no effect.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward and his right foot stepped forward.

"Step by step lotus!"

The celestial force in the body is frantically absorbed by the red pedestal. In front of the three people, the red lotus blossoms everywhere...

The red lotus sea instantly surrounded the **** sea creatures in the early days of Luo Tianshang, and the nine-day fire was a nine-day fire. It is the most fierce flame under the sun, that is, the **** sea creatures in the early days of Luo Tianshang were also ignited by the nine-day fire. And lost its soul.

However, Xu Ziyan knows that this is only temporary, as long as he withdraws himself. The **** creatures will immediately wake up from the blur. How to make it continue to be blurred, it depends on the lack of snow.


The snow lacks a finger, and the elixir in his hand pulls up a red afterimage and hits the bottom of the **** creature's nose. It burst open. The snow stagnation contained in the inside of the celestial force blasted, the celestial buddha burst into a powder, and instantly was sucked into the nose by the **** sea creatures in the early days of Luo Tianshang.

The three people were watching the **** sea creature nervously. It was only the time of the three interest, and Xu Ziyan felt that the **** sea creature was more blurred. Even the body began to shake.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has consumed one tenth of Xianyuan, and immediately put away the step by step lotus. The figure of the three people swiftly swept past the **** sea creatures that were still swaying and completely blurred, and swept away toward the front. No one wants to take this opportunity to kill the **** creature. A **** sea creature of Luo Tianshang, even if it is in a coma. Not a few of them can kill. What's more, once you attack it and wake it up, it will be completely tragic!

After a quarter of an hour, the three people had already ran far away, and this came from the far back of them. The **** sea creatures rushed and screamed.

The three people's body shape shook, and they could not help but speed up a few steps. From behind, the roar of the sky and the sound of the **** sea creatures attacked. Several people looked at each other. All eyes were revealed to be grateful, because they all heard that the **** sea creatures did not catch up in their direction, it seems that they did not find their current place.

The three people slowed down and watched the front with vigilance. While walking quietly forward toward the front, Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh of relief. The three people thought at the same time that the former Xuejia monk sneaked into the blood valley, I am afraid that he was already dead. Right? Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered something and asked softly to the lack of snow:

"Snow brother. Your snow family ancestors at the **** sea center in addition to the nine-day Xuanxian late peak **** sea creatures. What else was found?"

The lack of snow looked hesitant, and finally said: "According to the records passed down by the ancestors, on the shore of the real **** sea, a sword was inserted. The ancestor just glanced at it far away. He could feel it. The power of the sword, the sword may be the innate treasure."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a bright light. She likes the imperial sword, but she still has no favorite sword in her hand. When the original Yanshan soul was on the mainland of the sky, she promised to refine her, but the sudden rise of Yanshan soul made Xu Ziyan lose this opportunity. Now I heard that there is a fairy sword that may be a congenital Xianbao. Xu Ziyan immediately moved his heart.

Turning over and taking out a second product chaotic Dantun entrance, three people continue to walk carefully. Not far away, the three people met another **** sea creature in the early days of Luo Tianxian. At this time, the three people no longer escaped, still the combination of Xu Ziyan and the lack of snow, fainted the **** sea creatures, and then swiftly swept forward.

Xu Ziyan kept swallowing the second product Chaodan on the way. However, even so, the supplement is not consumed quickly. When Xu Ziyan began to meet the middle of Luo Tianshangxian, Xu Ziyan’s face began to fade gradually, and the body’s fairy power had already consumed half.

Whether walking or trapping **** creatures, Xu Ziyan did not forget to pay attention to the lack of snow. However, this way, there is no change in the lack of snow. This makes Xu Ziyan slightly relieved.


I am very grateful to 2341235 classmates, June box classmates, Guling Phoenix classmates, Liu Wuchen classmates, not Angel classmates, ming0407 classmates, finger-floating classmates, bee secret grapefruit classmates, soul first classmates, Ya Yue spirit classmates, Dongfang Yuxi classmates , sunset classmates, book friends 120927170647085 classmates, memeqweroo classmates, Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates, love Lan Yu classmates, Dahuoluo pill classmates, love Qingfeng - classmates, Xiaofan classmates, Jin Nalin classmates, 81389267 classmates, small Songzi classmates, kkecho classmates, cui~~ classmates, book friends 090808154340312 classmates, accompanying] classmates, condensed smoke 1208 classmates, chasing daughters and classmates, vivizhou classmates, Heshu group classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, 彳皮岸婲Classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, espflykite classmates, Zhang Muzhi classmates, yiminluo69 classmates, demon cats 1992 classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, I feel today classmates, Huafeier classmates, hknt16104 classmates, a*e classmates, Jiulian holy demon classmates, Imon classmates, tears fainted classmates, injured Yue classmates, ximeng56 classmates, Nightjngal classmates, cool snake classmates, Yu Xiaokai's pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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