The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1222: Brother-in-law

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Duan Tianya’s eyes are a bright one, and the words “Da Luo Jinxian” almost blurted out. Resist the excitement in my heart and press down on the voice and ask:

"Brother, do you say that Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king are also coming?"

Xu Ziyan heard a slogan called "Sister-in-law", and he was very affectionate. A face was so red that it was red to the neck, and looked at the Yanshan soul, but saw him a very enjoyable appearance, simply hanging down his eyes, the right did not see, did not hear.

"I don't know, just doubt!" Yanshan soul on the side of the side has also become intimate, watching the end of the world become pleasing to the eye, the heart:

"This kid is really on the road, this ‘sister’ is very good!”

Where is the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king at this time? They are lurking in the air on the other side. At this point, the eyes of both of them are locked in the body of Duan Tianya.

Duan Tianya finally came out! The hearts of Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king are all excited. What are they doing here? Isn't it to catch the end of the world? However, there are too many monks around Duan Tianya, and there are several monks who have gone out to the heavens, and two Luotian mid-terms. It’s really difficult to get a hit and take the paragraph away. Therefore, both of them are waiting, waiting for the demon to attract the monks around the end of the world, it is best to attract the two monks in the middle of the heavens.

And just as they waited patiently. However, he found that there were suddenly two more people around Duan Tianya. These two people are very young. The original Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king did not take Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul seriously, because these two people are too young. But when they both arbitrarily use the knowledge of God. Suddenly there was a danger in my heart. Because the two of them found that they could not see through the cultivation of the black robe youth.

What does this mean?

Just in the two shocked moments of Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king, others can't feel the knowledge of both of them. Can the Yanshan soul still feel out? When the gods of Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king passed over him, the Yanshan soul locked in their two hidden places.

The shape of the Yanshan soul suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already standing on the other side of the air, and his fists violently came out.


The two figures in the sky suddenly jumped out, and each of them tried their best to resist it, but it was the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king. And at the moment when the two of them disappeared instantly in the soul of Yanshan, the heart suddenly raised an extreme danger, and at the same time released their respective five-products.

Even so, the air also sprinkled two blood. Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king did not dare to stop for a moment, and the figure was instantly hidden in the air. Yanshan soul looked at the direction in which two people disappeared. The figure suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared in the air on the head of the demon king. The devil refused to resist the Fuqin king and many monks. When Yanshan soul shot, he felt bad and fled. However, the big hand has been caught in his head.

The devil had to greet the five-piece fairy to the giant claws caught in the air. The giant claw suddenly swayed, and the five-character fairy was fanned out by the Yanshan soul. immediately. The big hand has been buckled on the head of the devil.


A crisp sound, the devil's head was broken into powder, and a very fierce celestial force rushed into the body of the devil, destroying his god. Just want to take advantage of the situation to shake the body of the demon king into a powder, but I heard Xu Ziyan screamed:

"The mountain spirit, the body is left to me!"

Xu Ziyan naturally wants to leave this body, this is the body of the devil! The body of Luo Tian Shang Xian’s late peak! If this is to cultivate the solitary smoke of Ximen, the role played by it is absolutely immeasurable.

The solitary smoke of Ximen looked at Xu Ziyan with a strange look, but there was no words. Just a flash of body shape, has appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. Throw the body of the demon in his hand to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan reached out and took it. Closed up. At this time, the monks also flew over to the end of the world, Fuqin Tianwang flew in the forefront, in the clouds to teach:

"Congratulations to you. The devil has been killed, we can concentrate on dealing with the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king!"

Duan Tianya smiled and nodded. The eyes passed over the body of Yanshan, and the heart was happy! In the heart:

"My sister is extraordinary. I didn't think that this brother-in-law is even more powerful!"

Waving to Fuqin Tianwang: "Come on! Come, Fuqin Tianwang, I will introduce you to you. This is my brother-in-law..."

Speaking of this, he turned to Yanshan soul and blinked his eyes, because he still didn't know what the name of Yanshan soul was. Yanshan soul faintly looked at Fuqin Tianwang Road:

"Yanshan soul!"

Although the look of Yanshan's soul is very indifferent, but the king of Fuqin does not dare to be disrespectful. The power of Yanshan's soul just now, but he saw it with his own eyes, a big monk in the late peak of Luo Tianshang was so caught by a claw! I hurriedly greeted the soul of Yanshan:

"I have seen seniors!"

Yanshan’s soul nodded faintly, but there was no words. Xu Ziyan’s gaze was staring coldly at Fu Qin. Fuqin Tianwang naturally felt the chilly eyes of Xu Ziyan, and the back shed cold. Before Zhu Jun and Long Aotian's actions against Xu Ziyan, they were all arranged by him.

Now Xu Ziyan is so good, it is obviously saved by the Yanshan soul. And Duan Tianya Guan Yanshan soul called brother-in-law, so to speak, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul is a Taoist. Thinking of this, the body of Fuqin Tianwang is a bit embarrassing. To know that Xu Ziyan has such a powerful and powerful Taoist, he still dares to have any disrespectful move to Xu Ziyan! Looking at the cold eyes of Xu Ziyan, the mouth of Fuqin Tianwang twitched, and the voice trembled and said:

"Lingbo Fairy, you are..."

Xu Ziyan not only looks cold, but also has a colder tone: "I was arrested by a drug called Zhu Jie this evening, after I came out of your house. Fuqin Tianwang, you give me an explanation!"

"What?" Duan Tianya's face changed, the whole face became iron blue, and there was still a trace of fear in his heart. Xu Ziyan's combat power needless to say, and now add a Yanshan soul. If you anger these two people, your own Yuanyuan Xianguo will really be destroyed. At this time, it was too late to think about it. This can be a cold face and said to the Fuqin Tianwang:

"Fu Qin Tian Wang, who is this Zhu Jie?"



The Terran and the Yaozu have completely killed a group. Whether in terms of quantity or cultivation, the Yaozu must be strong on the front line. This is not to say that the Terran has no more demon people, and it is better to cultivate no demon. It is because the Yuanyuan Xianguo is a double-line warfare. If the Mozu also fights against the Yuanxian Kingdom, the Yuanyuanxian Congress is even more stretched.

In desperation, Ye Chu led the Terran army and began to shrink, avoiding large-scale melee. However, this order was a bit late. When Ye Chu reacted and ordered, the 200,000-person monk had been divided into several pieces by the Yaozu and could not respond to each other.

Fortunately, although the Terran does not want to be a demon in terms of quantity and cultivation, it must go beyond the demon. After the initial melee, the human beings divided into several pieces instinctively formed a battle. And slowly running the battle, gradually converging.

After the confluence, 200,000 monks have only left 100,000. Most of the monks who died died their lives at the beginning of the melee. After the battle was formed, the casualties began to decrease. However, even in this case, casualties continue to continue. At dawn, the Terran army has retired in the border war, leaving only 80,000 people.

Today, these more than 80,000 people form a huge circular array that tightly protects a transmission array in the middle. From the inside out, a piece of monk is constantly moving through the transmission array to the next planet. The outside of the Yaozu is surrounded by the more than 80,000 Terran monks, and is slowly gathering the encirclement through cruel killing.

The two sides launched a fierce slaughter, and the Terran was drastically reduced. On the one hand, it was killed by the Yaozu, but more of it entered the transmission array and was transmitted to the next planet.

In the end, the Terran left a 10,000 monks to stay in the transmission array, and the remaining batches entered the transmission array. The hearts of these thousands of monks understand that they have been abandoned. The only task is to stop the demon's destruction of the transmission array, and let the remaining human races return to the next planet safely, ready to meet the Yaozu again.

Of course, Ye Chu also left countless fairy boats. The reason why Ye Chu did not choose to use the fairy boat to retreat from the interstellar interstellar. That was because he was afraid of being chased by the Yaozu, so he chose to transmit. However, he left the fairy boat to the 10,000 monks, which is to give them a way to live. As for the ultimate monk who can survive, he will see the fate.

When the batch of people entering the transmission matrix disappeared completely, the remaining 10,000 monks had less than three thousand remaining. They did not hesitate to destroy the transmission array, and then entered the fairy boat and entered the interstellar space. However, nearly half of the flying boats have not been waiting for them to fly away from Jupiter, and they have been destroyed by the Yaozu.

Even those fairy boats that have escaped into the interstellar space may not be able to survive, because there are a large number of demon celestial boats behind them that are following them. From time to time, a cannon gun was fired, causing the fleding human race fairy boat to be ruined intermittently in the interstellar.

Seeing this going on, there is no possibility of escaping at all. These monks have to die in this vast interstellar. In desperation, the remaining flying boats began to spread, each fleeing in a different direction. Escape one is one, just an instant, it disappears into the interstellar space.

This time, the Yaozu did not divide the soldiers to chase down the scattered people's boat, but instead concentrated the fire in one direction, and then approached in this direction. At the end of this direction is the next planet of the Yuanyuan Xianguo - Fei Lianxing.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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