The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1241: Youjia ancestors

I am very grateful to you, I love sleeping classmates, Nanxun rain frog classmates, shadow-wind classmates, Lucy Hua classmates, God abandoned children classmates, moon-night lyrical classmates, wuyunxujiant classmates, dbxn classmates, elva3 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates , Dimi's pink ticket!


In the past few months, Xu Ziyan has selected 20,000 monks from various fairy gangs. The lowest of these monks is also the middle of the fairy. And all the qualifications are better. Among them are ten monks in the early days of Luo Tian Shang Xian.

These monks are from various thieves, not one. After being selected by Xu Ziyan, he formed a fairy army belonging to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan equipped them with the best equipment of their own, and also gave them enough medicine. It’s just that these two thousand people have consumed her treasure from Zhu’s family.

Among these people, there are ten monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian. Xu Ziyan divided 20,000 monks into ten brigades, each of which has 2,000 people, and the captain of each brigade is the ten monks of Luo Tianxian.

These people belong to Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan is thinking about leaving these people to Xu in the future. Therefore, she can't make them a slave. If you want everyone to be loyal to Xu Jia, according to the original method, it is absolutely impossible to plant 20,000 people to control the soul. It doesn't matter if you control the soul of the soul. Xu Ziyan can make it out with a little hard work. However, how many days does it take to plant the soul control? Whether it is Xu Ziyan, Tu Xing Mang or the hook is not affordable.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan has one more job per day. That is to concentrate the two thousand monks in a single hall every day. Then Xu Ziyan personally gave them brainwashing.

The content of brainwashing is nothing more than loyalty to Xu Ziyan, loyal to Xu family. Not only do they have to be loyal to her Xu Ziyan and Xu Jia, but their descendants are also loyal. To be born after their offspring, during the enlightenment. It is necessary to instill in their descendants the idea of ​​allegiance.

Who are these monks?

They are all fairy thieves, all of whom are unruly thieves. Therefore, when Xu Ziyan brainwashed them for the first time, their resistance was very large. Even shouted with Xu Ziyan.

but. Xu Ziyan is very calm, still unhurriedly, repeatedly telling the swear words. However, the result was to surprise the extension of the star and the hook. The voices of the monks who were clamoring gradually became smaller, and gradually the mood stabilized. After ten days, the two thousand monks had been sitting in the hall honestly, listening quietly to Xu Ziyan’s words.

This surprised Tuo Xingmang and the hook. It is not only that the unruly people are angry and annoyed by the words that have been turned over and over, but they still seem to be very serious. The two of them also found that when Xu Ziyan said those few words, the tone was a bit strange, but because they were originally the slaves of Xu Ziyan, they simply couldn’t feel the strange tone of Xu Ziyan. There are squinting eyes and thinking about what is going on here?

Where do they both know. Although Xu Ziyan did not use the soul control, but used the sound. The destructive soul in Xu Jiayin's work is the immortality against the power of the soul. After studying for a few days, Xu Ziyan summed up a set of sounds that control the soul.

Destruction of the soul is the highest immortality of the soul, and the technique of controlling the soul is only the basis of the destructive soul. Therefore, Xu Ziyan used this method of controlling the soul to turn over and say the words to be loyal to Xu. This is a subtle process, so there is no immediate control of the soul, but the result is no less than the soul control. And there is also the advantage that once these people are controlled by the soul, then when their next generation is born, they will consciously brainwash the next generation. This kind of loyalty will be passed down from generation to generation.

In this subtle influence. When it was about twenty days, Xu Ziyan opened his mouth again, and the eyes of the two thousand monks began to release the eyes of worship. Xu Ziyan knows that as time goes by. These people will become their most loyal men, and wait until that time. They looked at her purple eyes and no longer worship, but worship. I am God in their hearts. This is the power of the soul control.

The situation in Jagged City has already reached the critical point of the break, because the three families have received news from the front line. The tribes of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu add up to nearly 10 million, and the number of casualties per day shocks them. It is precisely because of this that the three major families are aware that the offense of the Yaozu and the Mozu are extraordinary, and it is an undead battle. Therefore, they tried their best to suppress the mind of the civil war and wait for the development of the situation.

And when this was suppressed to the extreme, Xu Ziyan came back.

Let the Iron City open the defensive shield, the fairy boat of the cloud baby directly flew into the Iron City, did not return to the Star Junfu, but flew directly to the Yu family, stopped in the sky above the Yu family.

The entire family of Uygur has flew in the air, and they have risen in the middle of the road. At this time, the atmosphere in the Iron City is like a gunpowder barrel. A little bit of Mars will cause a violent treasure.

The door of the fairy boat opened, and in the eyes of the guardians of the Yujia monks, they came out. The monk of the Youjia saw that the eyes were changed. Nowadays, the monks of the entire Flying Stars know that the three major families have migrated to the front line, which is the dominant.

It is said that it is clear that every city owner who visited the family with the star Xu Xu Ziyan first moved the city owners of the hook family to the front line, and then the city owners of the Yu family and Hu family began to migrate. It is precisely because of this that Yu Jia and Hu Jiacai are hesitant and did not immediately launch a civil war. Because from the point of view of the move, it is not that the family wants to eliminate the Youjia and Hu family, and to dominate the flying star. However, this does not hinder their hostility. It is only because of the clarification of the cultivation, and the strength of the hook, not attacking when it is seen.

I glimpsed a glimpse of the surrounding monk's monk, and I stayed on the body of the special family, Youhe, and said faintly:

"Youhe, the situation today does not need me to say that you understand, please come out to your family, let us go to Hu."

Youhe’s eyes narrowed, but it’s not that he can be the master.

"Please wait for the seniors!"

I just wanted to go to see my ancestors, but I heard a voice coming from the air: "Don't wait!"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the hook, staring at the moment and not blinking. A faint smile:

"You Xiao, You He, come in together, let's go to Hu." Then, I took a look at the Youjia monks around the fairy boat:

"If you don't feel relieved, you can follow the fairy boat."

You Xiao’s eyes must be faint, saying: “Hello brother, should Star Jun be inside?”

“Not bad!” The faint spot nodded: “Xingjun is trying to bring together the three ancestors of our family and discuss the battle of the fairy.”

You Xiao looked at the little fairy boat parked in front of him. In the heart of the dark road, such a small fairy boat, if there is anything wrong in it, hand in it, I am afraid that a trick, this fairy boat will be broken. The people of his own family are all around. He also knows that there is also a monk named Tuo Xingman in the fairy boat. According to You Hezhen, it is also a monk of Luo Tianshang, specifically what is the realm of Luo Tianshang. know. However, he is not afraid, even if he overestimates the extension of the star, it is only the mid-term repair of Luo Tianshang, and there will be no more monks in this flight.

However, in the face of the extension of Xing Xing and the two masters of the Luo Tian Shang Xian, although they will definitely fall in the wind, but it is not a three strokes and five strokes can be defeated. As soon as the fight is up, the ancestors of the Hu family will come. What is most frightening to him is that, nowadays, the situation of the flying star, he does not believe that they dare to kill them and cause civil war? So what else does it take against the demon and the demons? And there are many problems in his heart that he wants to figure out. How do you think that there will be no danger, but he is still cautious and turns his head and talks to the surrounding monks:

"My patriarch and I went in to discuss with Xingjun, and you went to Hujia with the fairy boat!"

"I will follow the orders of my ancestors!"

The surrounding monks and monks are drinking in unison. The sound rumbling spread throughout the city of Iron City, the monks in the entire Iron City have their eyes focused on the air. Hu family, Hu family ancestors also appeared in the air, looking towards the direction of the Hu family.

A faint side of the body: "Please!"

You Xiao nodded and took Yu Hefei into the fairy boat. He also went in with the hook, and the gate of Xianzhou slowly closed. After that, the fairy boat slowly flew in the direction of the Hu family.

Yu Xiao entered the fairy boat and was repaired to the peak and ready to crit. Looking up, I saw myself in a hall, there was only one woman in the hall, sitting in a chair. When I look at it, I know that the other side is the cultivation of the peak of the early days of the fairy.

"This is Feishengxingjun?"

Concerned about his own safety, he did not care about the enthusiasm around him, and he did not care about the star of the early days of the fairy. The mental power spread rapidly and went to explore around.

This hall was originally small, and the knowledge of You Xiao was full of the entire hall. The gods were bounced back from the walls of the hall. In this way, Yu Xiao’s nervous heart was put down. Being able to block the knowledge of God, it is proved that there is only oneself in this hall, especially, and four people are identified and Xu Ziyan. That Texan Mang is not here. If the Texan Mang wants to appear here, as soon as the door opens, he will find out.

He has already observed that in this hall, except for a door leading to the outside, there is only a small door leading to the inside of the fairy boat.

There are only four people in this hall, if not found. Youhe can quickly subdue Xu Ziyan, but he can't quickly subdue him. Therefore, the tension of Yu Xiao suddenly relaxed. Under the mood to relax, it also became courteous, and said to Xu Ziyan:

"When is the face of Star Jun?"


Ok, sad reminder I am satisfied every time I want to enter the top ten of the pink ticket list. Now I still ask for the ticket to advance to the tenth place, my comrades help me...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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