The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1243: Tianya for help

Thanks to forty-four students, KELLY classmates who love dogs, wqiy2003 classmates, classmates, espflykite classmates, parasitic world classmates, Long Ying classmates, book friends 110419115317225 classmates, treasure egg moms~ classmates, [mystery classmates, book friends 100120210846645 classmates' pink ticket!


When the barrier was broken and broke through the middle of the fairy, Xu Ziyan's body became illusory until it disappeared. The body of the purple smoke space began to frantically absorb the fairy power between the heavens and the earth.

on the ground.

In the room, Texan Mang is sitting on the bed and practicing on the knees, accumulating Xianyuan. Suddenly opened his eyes, his face was shocked. Once in shape, it appeared in the small courtyard. In an instant, he opened his mouth wide, his eyes wide open, and he looked up at the rockery.

The celestial force in the entire city of the Iron City gathered wildly toward the Star Junfu, and gathered at the rockery in the small courtyard in the Star Junfu.

The monks who were practicing in the whole city of Iron and Blood stopped practicing in unison, and their bodies rushed out of the room and looked out over the stars.

I saw it in the sky above the Star Jun, when it formed a huge vortex, a vortex that was completely condensed by the fairy power. The huge vortex hangs down to the Star Jun. Just in front of Texan Mang, he fell to the rockery and sank into the ground.

"Who is this? Is it breaking through the heavens, or breaking through the Da Luo Jinxian?" This is the common voice of the small and medium-sized family monks outside the Star Junfu.

"This... is in the midst of breaking through the middle of the fairy? It is that I broke through the days of Luo Tianshang, and there is not such a big movement!" This is the voice of the astounding star.

Within the space of purple smoke, the two circles of Xianfan expanded again and new galaxies appeared. Every star is growing. The fairy power on the purple smoke planet is more intense, and the herbs in the medicine garden are growing wild. The whole sky is full of Xiaguang Wandao, Xianyin, and the first class of six monks. The mood of the demon people such as Peach Blossom and Chun San Niang immediately became transparent. The heavens that had not been understood before were instantly comprehended, and the repairs also broke through.

The first class of six monks has become the middle of the immortals, while the peach blossoms and the spring thirty maidens are being robbed. After this robbery, the two of them became true immortals. And all the demons are breaking through at this time.

In the Xianhe River, a burst of blisters picked up, and the water of a palm came out from the water, and happily swam in the fairy river. On the Sun, Huo Linger also woke up.


The whole sun is flaming.

On the thunder mountain covered by the thunder net, the power of the giant sword was even more powerful, but the giant sword became translucent. Vaguely seems to disappear. Only the lightning that fell from the horizon was more dense.

In the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, there is a hint of a call in the purple smoke space. Xu Ziyan's knowledge quickly rushed to the call, and he did not know how long it took. He was suddenly open. In a mysterious space, seven **** appeared before her gods, respectively. Green, blue, red, yellow, purple and a colorless ball. There are big and small, Xu Ziyan seriously explored it again, and finally determined that these seven **** are the attributes of the Jinmu water fire mine and space.

Under the singularity of Xu Ziyan, my heart is overjoyed. Could it be that these seven **** are the origin of the purple smoke space?

After the gods were happy to turn around the seven balls, it took back the gods. Peacefully absorb the power of heaven and earth.

After nine days.

In the secret room. The appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared again, and his face showed a happy color. Today she finally reached the middle of the fairy. Feeling the changes in the body, Xu Ziyan once again entered the purple smoke space, and the figure landed on the purple smoke planet. I first searched for a river. I took a shower and changed my clothes. This is back to the bamboo building on the purple smoke planet.

The first classman and the peach blossom, the spring thirty-naughter flew toward Xu Ziyan, and a transparent little man in the fairy river rushed toward Xu Ziyan, and swept a flame from the sun star in the sky, but it was Huo Linger, drooping toward Xu Ziyan.


On the shoulders of Xu Ziyan, two little people fell on one left and one right, one blue as water and one red as fire. It is just the water of a palm and the fire. The two men stretched out the ears of Xu Ziyan, and they laughed and kept laughing.

Xu Ziyan is also very happy. After these two small things are awake, her strength will rise. When the first purple smoke was fed the chaos of these two little people, she is now very curious about the strength of these two little people. First turned to look at the fire Linger, this view shows that today's Huo Linger is already the cultivation of the early days of the Immortals, and the fire of one is more pure. She knew that Huo Linger could not be measured by normal repairs and whispered:

"Fire Linger, how is your body closed like a seal?"

Huo Linger proudly looked up and sprinkled on the head of Mars: "Five products!"

Xu Ziyan stunned and then became overjoyed. Five Pins of Heaven! Luo Tian Shang Xian is not an opponent. I am afraid that Huo Linger has no opponents in the lower yuan. In a good mood, I couldn’t help but slam the fire, and only played Mars. Excitedly turned to look at the other side of the water, so that Xu Ziyan was surprised that she still could not see the realm of a palm of water. When she first saw a palm of water in Heberfest, she could not see the realm of a palm of water. She did not expect that she could still not see her cultivation.

Xu Ziyan was not willing to open the words of Kun Peng, but still could not see her cultivation. I thought about it. When I was in the world, I could use the water of a palm to help me cut off the ladder. I can imagine how high her realm is. It’s normal to see that she’s not doing it. However, she did not give up asking:

"Small water, what is your realm?"

The water of one palm shook his head and said: "I don't know."

"So how are you in Heberfest?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

A palm of water puts a finger in his mouth and tries to think and say: "The previous things can't be remembered. I only remember that there was a good person who chased me. I just ran. Then I panic, I hit. I broke the space barrier and fell into the turbulent flow of time and space. I don't know how long it took. I feel that I am almost out of order. I feel a crack in the space, I just got out. I went to the owner's continent.

Later, I felt that there was a place in the West with a strong aura. I found the past, it turned out to be an abandoned Xianfu, I just got in. In the fairy charm, the aura named He Boju was the strongest, so I was on the stone table there. Later I met the owner. ”

"So, you are not a member of He Boxian?" Xu Ziyan asked in shock.

"Of course!" The water of the palm of the hand licked his mouth.

Xu Ziyan nodded, and the heart was more aware of the extraordinary water of a palm. Ignore the water of a palm and the fire, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan look toward the surrounding demon. This hope. Xu Ziyan was overjoyed in his heart. Unconsciously, there was a group of seductive monks in the purple smoke space, and the demon period, the demon period of the gods was countless. Peach Blossom and Spring Thirty-nine are already in the early days of the immortal, and the first six people are also in the middle of the immortal.

And the peach blossom, spring thirty mother and other demon chat for a while. Waving them away, Xu Ziyan’s delightful eyes looked at the six people, and asked with concern:

"How many products have you achieved today?"

Six people looked at Xu Ziyan and replied in unison: "Three products!"

Xu Ziyan stunned, did not expect these six people to concentrate on comprehending Dan, Fu, instrument, and array, even in the realm to catch up with themselves. For a moment, my heart is smooth. Laughing loudly...

The rockery suddenly flew in the air. Then he fell, caught by a slender jade hand, and then gently placed on the ground, covering the entrance to the ground. Xu Ziyan turned and looked at Tuo Xing Mang, who was still in the wind.

Texan Mang’s body was shocked. Deeply bow down and say: "See the host!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Get up! You will want to call me out when you go out."


Texan Mang retired and Xu Ziyan entered the room and sat down. I just brewed a pot of Enlightenment Tea, and I hoped to come in. The extension star is kept outside the courtyard.

Xu Ziyan looked at the hope: "Hope, you still go into the purple smoke space to practice!"

I hope that I will be overjoyed and I will nod my head. When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he hoped to get into the purple smoke space. Then drink the tea, and quietly think about the next move. At this time, I felt the vibration of the communication jade, opened the communication jade, and there was a voice from the end of the world:

"Sister, what's the situation on your side?"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "Basically, I have completely controlled the flying star, but the Yaozu and the Mozu seem to have joined forces to launch an attack on the Terran. The three parties have become a group at the junction, and there are countless monks every day. Death. This time the fairy war is different. It seems that both the Yao and the Mozu are holding the mind of the Terran."

There was a quiet silence over there, and there was a voice of worrying about the end of the world: "Sister, now the situation in the Yuan Dynasty is very bad. Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king were injured by the brother-in-law in Qianyuan City. They used to be the Xianjun and the demon army. Withdrawal, I don’t know when my brother-in-law will immediately go down to the meta-galaxies, so they waited for a month in a lifetime, and this was a big attack.

As my sister said, they were injured by their brother-in-law, this time with the purpose of wiping the Yuanyuan Xianguo in the fairy world. The demon king was killed by his brother-in-law, and now the demon of the middle of Luotian has become the king of the demon. They even vowed to wipe out the Yuanyuan fairy country from the fairy world, and now the Yuanyuan Xianguo is enemies on three sides.

The Luofu Kingdom and the Yaozu are still fine. There are many treasures and kings of Fuqin, and it is said that the injuries of the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king have not fully recovered, so they can still stand still. However, this is also temporary. When the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king completely recovered their injuries, Duobao Tianwang and Fuqin Tianwang could not stop the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king.

Especially on the side of the Mozu, there are no people like the king of Duobao and Fuqin. The whole situation has already been defeated. I sent the last two monks in the early days of Luo Tianshang, and I took Ye Xia to help his brother Ye Chu. However, it still can't resist the attack of the Mozu. ”

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation, she can imagine the situation of the Yuanyuan Xianguo, and can also feel the anxiety of Duan Tianya. After a long ring, I asked softly:

"End of the World, what plans do you have?"

Duan Tianya took a light breath and said softly: "Sister, I know your strength. Although you are only the beginning of the fairy, but the combat power is not worse than Luo Tianshang. I hope that my sister can help Ye Chu, to resist the attack of the Mozu. ”


Is there a pink ticket? Tears for tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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